And the Flu spreads

Jan 20, 2010 19:19

Who: Allelujah and Setsuna
Where: Alle's hut
When: Couple days before Tieria got sick
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Notes: Mun fails
Summary: Setsuna gets sick.

Something was off. His head pounded like grenades going off at close range, his entire body ached like he'd been hung upside down for hours. His throat felt slightly swollen, his mouth dry. Basically, he felt like shit and he had not drunk last night, so it was not a hangover, he knew that. He groaned, keeping his eyes shut and just trying to will the pain away.

The groan was what woke Allelujah, though he didn't realize it until he was fully awake and had looked around. Blinking, he looked at Setsuna as he proped himself up a little before reaching out to lightly touch Setsuna's shoulder. Quietly, "Setsuna?"

The touch was cool, not like ice, but cool. How was that? Weren't people usually warm? Especially Alle? "What?" he croaked, his voice like metal grating against rock.

Allelujah frowned, Setsuna's skin felt odd. His hand slipped up to rest on Setsuna's forehead. He sighed quietly at the heat. "You're ill. Stay here." He slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom to get a damp cloth, only gone for a minute. Returning, he settled it on his friend's forehead, hoping to help a little.

Sick? Damn it. And as if he planned to move. He hurt. Why the hell would he move? He groaned again, the groan turning into something of a relieved sound at the cool weight of the towel on his brow. He kept his eyes closed, something telling him that the morning light would hurt - and hurt bad, like getting stabbed in the eye with a rusty dagger.

For that very purpose, Allelujah made sure the drapes were firmly closed, and kept the lights off. He could see well enough without the light, one benefit of being locked up in darkness for as long as he had been. He left the room for a long moment, heading for the kitchen to make some tea. From what little he knew of illnesses, Setsuna would likely have a sore throat, though he doubted cool water would help-it might just give him bad chills. Returning with the mug, he set it down on the table next to the bed to cool a little, he didn't want to boil his friend after all. "You probably have what's going around the island."

"Which is?" Setsuna rasped with some effort, his brow scrunched as he attempted to make the headache go away.

He sighed quietly. "I do not know..I believe Miss Pluto came down with it, if her absence from work yesterday is anything to go by. Hopefully just a bad cold, or a flu." He felt the cloth he'd put on Setsuna's forehead, then got up to get another ready. "I made some tea..It could help."

Tea. Tea meant moving, attempting to reach out and drink and sit up. He just lay there, waiting for the return on the cool cloth. He couldn't even smell the damn tea.

Allelujah frowned slightly when Setsuna didn't respond. He resettled the cool cloth on the other's forehead, as that seemed the most welcome at the moment. He sat down on the edge of the bed, suddenly feeling rather useless, he wasn't used to taking care of people who were ill. What he'd done already was all he really knew, at least at that point. "..Don't want to you?"

"No," he garbled, licking dry lips.

"Hmm..." Allelujah got up and left again, in search of straws. It was obvious that Setsuna was thirsty, and, since he didn't want to move, straws were pretty much the only option. Luckily he found a couple in the kitchen, and was soon back and sticking the straw in the warm liquid. Picking the mug up, he held the straw to Setsuna's lips. "Sip slowly, the tea is still a bit hot."

He managed to tilt his head enough to grasp the straw, sucking slowly. The liquid slid down his throat, hot and soothing. He thought he tasted honey maybe, but wasn't sure. Did it matter? He felt his muscles begin to ache and lay back down that fraction of an inch, feeling better in an insubstantial way.

Allelujah set the mug back down after Setsuna lay his head back down, it was a start. Falling back a bit on training, "Symptoms?"

It was hard to form the right words, but somehow he did, even if they took a long time in coming. "Headache. Light... hurts. Body aches. Hot."

He waited patiently for the answer, a frown forming at the, albeit short, list. He reached down and lightly started rubbing his fingers against Setsuna's temples, hoping that might sooth his friend a little and help with the headache. "I can get a bath started for you in a few minutes, that might help with the aches."

Again, another suggestion that involved moving. And yet the idea of hot water, of his muscles loosening, was very attractive. And moving seemed less of a pain as the headache eased somewhat with the stroking of his fingers. "All right," he managed after a moment, his face smoothing somewhat as the pain lessened.

Allelujah smiled faintly when he saw Setsuna's face smoothing a little. "I will help you get into the bath." He kept up the soothing motion for a few more minutes.

Good, because he wasn't sure he could make it all the way to the bathtub on his own, as pathetic as that admission was. He simply managed a tiny nod as Alle continued to rub his brow, wondering if sleep might be possible though he doubted it.

Hearing no complaints, though he likely would as soon as his fingers stopped, Allelujah nodded-more to himself than to Setsuna as he knew the other couldn't see him at the moment. He pulled away and stood up, walking to the bathroom to start that bath. He was glad he could do something to help Setsuna, not just because he was a teammate, but because he, Tieria and Neil were as close to being family to the Russian as he would ever really get. He waited for the water and temperature to get to an appropriate level before shutting it off and going to get Setsuna.

Setsuna was very, very intent on not moving despite the fact he knew the bath would do him good. Still, he sat up, letting out a groan as every muscle within him screamed protest.

Allelujah picked his friend up as gently as he could, it was obvious each movement was painful, so he wasn't about to make him walk the whole way. He headed back to the bathroom and sat Setsuna down on the edge of the tub before gently pulling at the other's clothes.

He hated being handled so, but what choice did he have? He could barely moved, much less undress himself. At least, he thought, Allelujah was being gentle about it and just taking care of him. Ali would have let him rot. "Thank you," he managed.

Allelujah blinked, a bit surprised despite himself that Setsuna had actually thanked him. He smiled faintly as he helped the other into the warm water. "You are welcome." The option of just letting Setsuna suffer through the illness hadn't even occured to him, he knew he wouldn't have wanted to be treated like that.

A bath had been a good idea. He let out a moan, but not of pain. The warm water eased his muscles, the steam clearing up whatever was pounding on the insides of his skull. He lay his head back and sighed, wondering if he could just go back to sleep.

Allelujah let out a quiet, fond chuckle at the sound Setsuna made. "Don't fall asleep. I'd rather not have you drown on me." He stood up and headed for the door, intending to get a change of pajamas for when Setsuna was done.

Drowning would be a welcome relief to the thrumming pain that still suffused him. He cracked his eyes opened to watch the other go and come back in, a part of him suddenly asking if he would have the strength to towel himself dry.

He set the clothes down nearby, stepping close enough to gently feel Setsuna's forehead, though he doubted there'd be much change. "Head feeling any better?"

"It is no longer in danger of splitting," Setsuna conceded.

Allelujah gave a quiet sigh of relief and nodded. "Good. How about the pain in general?"

"It's dull, but there." He'd never been good at descriptions, and being in pain did not make that any better.

He nodded again, accepting the vague description for being the best Setsuna could give. "That's a good start."

Setsuna's snort said how he felt about that.

Allelujah couldn't keep the amused smirk from showing itself, just giving credence to the fact that he was Hallelujah just as much as Hallelujah was him. "Keep this up and you'll be better in no time."

"Comforting," he murmured, feeling himself starting to yearn for sleep. He closed his eyes again, taking in deep breaths of the moist air, slowly twitching his fingers beneath the water to keep his muscles awake.

The smirk turned into a faint smile again. "Ready to head back to bed?"

"Am I wrinkling?" he inquired.

Allelujah shook his head after lifting one of Setsuna's hands up to check. "Doesn't look like it. Want to wait until you are?"

He nodded and settled down to soak in as much of the heat as he could before Allelujah ordered him out.

Allelujah let out another quiet chuckle and stood up again. "Alright. I'm just going to change the sheets, won't be long."

Setsuna just nodded and huddled in the water.

True to his word, Allelujah was only gone a few minutes. Sure, changing the sheets every day would make a lot of laundry, but it would also help get Setsuna better faster. When he came back into the bathroom, he tested the warmth of the water, as well as to see if his friend was starting to prune.

The water was lukewarm, but Setsuna hardly noticed, having drifted off to sleep as he had.

Allelujah didn't immediately notice that Setsuna had fallen asleep while he was gone, only when he went to tell him that he was starting to prune, did he notice. He bit back another chuckle as he stood to get a couple towels to dry the younger man off. Sure, it would be a bit awkward, but Setsuna obviously needed his sleep. He once again reached into the water to pick the smaller man up.

He felt himself being moved, but he couldn't quite make himself wake fully up. He had enough presence to turn into the heat holding him, which made his face nestle against Allelujah's neck.

Allelujah blushed slightly at the unexpected touch, then huffed out a quiet and amused breath-Setsuna could be utterly adorable sometimes. Carefully, he went to work gently drying his friend.

It was the drying that woke him. He looked up groggily at Allelujah, and it was only the fact he was sick that kept him from sucker punching the other in that moment. "Prune," he mumbled sleepily.

"Yes, you've become a prune, just like you wanted," Allelujah couldn't quite keep from gently teasing his friend. Once Setsuna was dry, he helped him into the clean pajamas.

Setsuna followed the directions as they were given with the slowness of those in a stupor and the sick. Clothed once more, he angled for bed, wanting to go back to sleep even though his stomach gave a protesting growl.

allelujah, [flu season], setsuna, *event

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