RP Log - Mariemeia's Turn for Being Sick

Jan 16, 2010 14:52

Who: Mariemeia and Duo
When: Sometime this week
Where: Hut 8
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Notes: none
Summary: Duo goes to check on Mariemeia since she didn't show up for lunch.

Duo was concerned. It wasn't like Marie to miss a lunch date... or any meet up, for that matter.  Usually, she was there before him.  But it was now fifteen minutes after their time, and she still wasn't at the cafe.  Worried, he stood and grabbed his coat, stomping off into the snow for her hut.  He knocked when he got there, hoping she was in.

Mariemeia was there, and had forgotten all about the fact that she was supposed to meet Duo at the cafe. The girl had woken up feeling ill, and it felt like a struggle for her to get off where she had fallen asleep on the couch to open the door. She was sure she didn't look all that well, but she did try to give Duo a faint smile. "Hello, Duo."

"Hey," he said, about to launch into a greeting, but he stopped when he noticed how unusually pale she was.  Granted, she was fairskinned to begin with, but she was nearly grey.  He frowned.  "Are you feeling okay?" he asked, recognizing signs of being sick.

Marie shook her head slightly, but the motion made her feel a little dizzy. She felt like she had to sit down, walking over to the nearest chair so she could. "No...I'm not feeling well."

He stepped inside, closing the door behind him quickly to keep out the cold.  "What's wrong?" he asked her, pulling off his gloves as he came over.  He put his hand on her face, checking for a fever.

"I'm tired." Marie started, Duo's hand feeling nice on her face for some reason. She was warm, but shook a little thanks to the cold being let in. "Little cold...and I get dizzy."

"Have you eaten, yet, today?"  Duo grabbed the blanket and put it back around her shoulders, going immediately into caretaker mode.  It was something he'd done for the other kids in his gang that had gotten sick.

Marie nodded a little, surprised that it didn't make her feel as bad as shaking her head had. "I had some oatmeal, then I lay down on the couch. I think I fell asleep, I don't remember most of the day."

"You probably did," Duo said.  "Are you hungry now?"

She didn't feel that hungry, but the gurgle from her stomach said otherwise. "I think so."

He smiled a little.  "How about some soup?" he offered.

"That sounds good." Marie managed another faint smile, just glad to see Duo and that he was still looking after her.

Duo nodded.  "Stay put."  He headed into the kitchen.  Digging around, he took a quick mental inventory of what was available before coming up with something he could make easily and quickly for her.  Some basic vegetables, chicken, rice... cutting everything into bite size pieces and tossing into a pot of broth he found in the cabinet.  Letting that cook for a bit, he came back out to her with a glass of juice.  "Here... get something into you while we wait."  He sat down next to her.

Marie nodded again, taking the juice so she could sip it. Her throat felt a little drier than it usually did now that she could notice it, and her first sip confirmed it. "Thank you."

"Sure thing," he said.  "Being sick sucks."  He rubbed her shoulders a little.

"It does." Marie leaned over by Duo a little, wanting to just curl up and go right back to sleep. "Is anyone else sick?"

"Heero is," Duo said.  "I've heard a few people are.  I think something's going around."  He just hoped it wasn't anything serious.

That made more sense to her. If something started, it would spread easily since there really weren't that many people in the village. "Do you think you'll get sick?"

Duo shrugged.  "Dunno. I've never been sick, so my chances are slim," he said.  "I didn't get sick from the plague on L2."

"You might not get it." Marie smiled a little, hoping that Duo wasn't going to get sick. "You can take care of us?"

"Of course," he said, giving her a smile in return.  "I'm not gonna make you guys suffer through."

"Thank you." The girl sounded a little more cheerful right now, even though she was obviously sick. Seeing Duo was helping her feel a little better.

He petted her hair a little.  "I should check the soup.  I'll be right back."  He got up once she was settled on her own again and headed back into the kitchen.  Stirring it quickly to make sure the small pieces of chicken were cooked through and the soup was a good temperature to serve, he dished out two bowls and came back into the living area, leaving the rest of it on low heat for now.  They could keep the leftovers.

Marie had moved over to the couch in the meantime, so she could sit up for her soup and then lie down when she needed to sleep again. She was sipping her juice as she waited, smiling a little when she saw Duo come out of the kitchen with the soup. "Thank you again."

"Hey... no problem," he said, putting the bowls on the small table and handing her a spoon.  "What are big brothers for?"

"I don't know. But if this is what big brothers are for, I like it." Marie smiled, taking the spoon and letting a spoonful of the soup cool off before trying it.

He'd left it easy on the seasonings so it wouldn't bother her throat.  Smiling a little, he settled in with his own bowl.  "Hey... at least we're still having lunch together, right?" he said with a small chuckle.

"That's true. Even if I couldn't make it to the cafe." She wasn't going to admit that she had forgotten until she saw Duo, but now that she remembered, she at least knew where they were going to meet.

He nodded.  "Yup."  He tried some of the soup.  "Hey... came out pretty good," he said.  Not that he was a bad cook, but he still surprised himself sometimes.

Marie smiled, having more of the soup now. She wasn't sure how good it really was with being sick, but it did taste fine to her. "How much more did you make?"

"There's probably another couple bowls left," he said.  "I didn't make a ton of it.  There's only so much anyone can of anything in a short time."  He chuckled.

"It sounds good, though!" Marie nodded, agreeing that there was only so much she would be able to eat. "That way I can just heat it up when I get hungry."

"Exactly," Duo said.  "I've learned the benefit of leftovers."  He grinned as he ate.

Marie giggled, then went back to eating her soup. She ate slower than Duo, but it was good soup. She didn't set her bowl down on the table until she was finished with it for now.

He smiled as she finished, then took the now empty bowls back into the kitchen.  He came back out, sitting on the couch with her.  "You want me to hang around for a bit?" he asked.

"Of course." Marie wanted to lay down on the couch, but leaning by Duo was just as good. Just as long as she didn't have to sit up straight, she was fine. "At least, until I have to rest again."

"Sure," he said, putting his arm around her.  "I'll stay as long as you want."


Duo smiled, letting her cuddle down next to him.  He'd stay until she fell asleep if she wanted.

Marie smiled, snuggling by Duo until she was comfortable. "You'll be busy. If Heero's sick, Miss Relena's probably going to get sick."

"Maybe," Duo said.  "We can hope she gets through it long enough for him to get better, and that they don't pass it back and forth to each other."

"That's true." Marie yawned, she couldn't help it now that she had a full stomach.

He smiled.  "It might happen to a few people who are taking care of each other."

"It might happen more with the couples." She wasn't going to deny that fact, it was true. "Most of the younger people have left..."

"Yeah... or with friends," he said.  "Not everyone is attached."


Duo smiled.  He went quiet for now, letting her fall asleep if she wanted to.

Marie struggled to stay awake, but did have to give in to closing her eyes. She felt comfortable with Duo, a fleeting thought coming out before she fell asleep. "...someone my age around..."

"I know," he said softly.  There was really only one person now that Hotaru had grown up from her powers.  MOMO didn't really count because she was older than she looked.  Of course, that one person, Negi, was a bit of a loner at times.  Marie was still pretty much on her own.  He petted her arm as she drifted off, feeling bad he couldn't help with that one thing.

mariemeia, duo, [flu season], *event

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