RP Log - Let the Flu Season Start!

Jan 08, 2010 19:40

Who: Neil, Pluto
When: Yesterday
Where: Hut 1
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Summary: Pluto's home from work early, and it's not a good sign.

Pluto came home from work early, she had tried to ignore how tired she was that morning. However, when she could not stop sneezing at work and had problems focusing, she decided to call it an early day and head back to her own hut.

Neil had the day off from work. Honestly, I hadn't been expecting to see Pluto home so early. So when she walked in, he was a little surprised. The fact that she looked tired and like she wasn't feeling well also made Neil worry. "Pluto," he said getting up off the couch. "Are you alright, love?"

Pluto managed to shake her head slightly before she got dizzy, leaning against the wall for support. It felt strange, since she hadn't gotten sick in a very long time. She just wasn't sure what caused this. "Maybe...I don't know..."

Neil had nearly reached her when she had to lean against the wall. He hurried the rest of the way over and put his arm around her to help support her. "It's alright. I'm here," he said to reassure her. He reached up with his free hand and placed it on her forehead.

She was glad to have Neil supporting her now instead of the wall, leaning heavily on her boyfriend to stay upright. Her forehead was actually warm for once, feeling more like a normal human's temperature than her own cooler one. "Neil..."

Neil sighed. She felt warm... well, warm for her. He helped her walk over to the couch. "I think you're sick, love. Here, sit down and rest. Would you like something to drink?"

Pluto lay down on the couch once Neil had helped her over there, feeling a bit more clear-headed once she lay down. "You think I'm sick?"

Neil nodded. "Yeah... you're warmer than you are normally. Want me to get a thermometer and check?" Not that he knew what temperature to look for since she was colder than most people.

"No...it won't help you know what to do to help me." Maybe that was part of the problem, if her skin was feeling warm to her boyfriend. "I'll just stay here for a while."

Neil nodded. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Just some water for now." It was something that if she spilled it, at least it would be easy to clean up and not have to worry about it damaging anything. Besides, it would help her feel a little better to just be drinking something.

Neil nodded and headed to the kitchen. He got her a glass of cool water and came back with it. "Here you are," he said handing it to her, then sat down on the floor directly by the couch.

Pluto carefully took the water, sitting up enough so she could sip it properly. "Thank you, dear." The cool liquid did help her feel a little better, but not much.

Neil smiled. "No problem. Just sit back and rest. I'll look after you. Hopefully you'll be feeling better in a day or so." He didn't know what she had so that might have been a bit optimistic.

"I hope so..." She was feeling tired now, as if her body was demanding that she sleep for some reason. The Senshi carefully set her glass down on the coffee table, rolling onto her side as she lay back down on the couch. "I don't like this..."

Neil reached over and stroked the side of her face. "I know. It's miserable being sick. Get some sleep. It'll help you feel better."

She closed her eyes at Neil's touch, almost wishing that he wouldn't stop doing that until she fell asleep. It was soothing, giving her something to focus on besides how miserable she felt.

Neil continued to stroke the side of her face. She definitely didn't look like she felt good. "Just let me know if you need anything. I'll stay here with you."

"Thank you, dear." She sighed, pleased that Neil was going to stay with her for a while. It took a few minutes, but she became relaxed enough to the point where she couldn't open her eyes even if she wanted to, and fell asleep.

Neil waited until she had fallen asleep then got up to make some soup since if she was feeling ill, mostly liquids might be all that she would be able to hold down. He was curious as to how she had gotten sick, but the important thing was to take care of her since she was.

It took about two hours for Pluto to wake up, although to her she felt like she had only slept for about twenty minutes. She slowly got up, not feeling much better than she had when she came home from work.

Neil heard movement out from the living room and peeked out of the kitchen. He could see her sitting up. "Feeling any better, love?"

Pluto weakly shook her head, leaning against the back and arm of the couch so she could sit up. "How long was I sleeping?"

Neil came back over feeling very sympathetic since she wasn't feeling better. "Two hours," he remarked. "You were out cold when you feel asleep."

"Two...hours...?" She blinked her eyes, surprised that she had slept for that long at a stretch during the day. She really wasn't feeling well if she had done that.

Neil nodded. "Do you want me to get you something to drink?" He figured if she really wasn't feeling well, she needed to be drinking plenty of fluids.

"Yes, please." If he wanted to get her something, that was fine. It meant that she could have more time to get herself together enough to maybe see about getting something to eat before going right back to sleep.

Neil nodded and headed into the kitchen. "I made some soup," he called back. "Do you want some of that as well?"

Pluto managed to get up and walk into the kitchen, nearly collapsing into one of the chairs there so she could eat. She didn't want to spend the rest of her day on that couch. "I think so."

Neil blinked. "I would have brought it to you," he remarked. "You should really be laying down." Even so he got her the soup and went to make some tea for her.

"I can't just lie down all day." Pluto didn't want someone to wait on her hand and foot, she just wanted to feel like herself again.

Neil sighed. "I know you may not want to, but that's what your body needs at the moment."

"Neil! I'll be fine." At least she hoped so...maybe soup would get her to feel better.

He nodded, setting the soup down in front of her. "Just take care of yourself." The water was boiling now so he went to make the tea for her.

Pluto sighed, of course she was going to take care of herself. Well, maybe as best as she knew how. She looked down at the soup, stirring it around before eating it.

It was just a basic chicken broth based soup with some rice, chicken, and vegetables. Neil brought over the tea for Pluto, getting himself a cup of tea as well. He sat down at the table as well.

Pluto sighed, slowly eating her soup. At least that was one thing Neil could make that was good, and she nodded a little when he set the tea in front of her.

Neil smiled a bit. He sat quietly while she ate her soup. She normally wasn't into talking at meals anyone and being sick probably made it less likely that she wanted.

Pluto wasn't interested in talking much, preferring to just eat as much of the bowl of soup as she could before picking up her teacup. "Thank you, dear."

Neil nodded. "No problem. If you are sick, it is only right that I take care of you."

She felt a little better now that she had eaten, enough that she could probably go back to her room and sleep there instead of on the couch in the living room. The Senshi took a sip of her tea, giving her boyfriend a weak smile.

"Do you want me to get anything for you?" Neil asked. He wasn't thinking food. Something she'd want that would make her more comfortable while she was resting.

Pluto thought for a few minutes as she sipped her tea, then shook her head slightly. "I can't think of anything. I was thinking of just going to our room and lying down there instead of on the couch."

Neil nodded. "Okay. Sounds good. Well, if you need anything, just let me know and I'll get it for you."

"Unless you wanted to stay with me for a while? I don't want you to get sick, if I'm sick...but we do live together..."

"I can stay with you for a bit," Neil remarked. "Keep you company for a bit." Though unless she asked or unless she was too sick to get his attention if she needed something, he might ended up sleeping in his own room for the night.

Pluto nodded, liking the sound of that. She really didn't want to get Neil sick, but she felt better with the thought of him looking after her. She took her time with the tea, making sure to drink it all before carefully standing up again.

Neil stood up when she started getting up. He walked over to help support her so she could walk back to the bedroom. "I'm here," he said to remind her that she could lean on him.

She ended up having to lean on Neil when she started heading back to the bedroom, wrapping her arm around his waist for a little more support. "Thank you..."

Neil put his arm around her to help hold her up. "It's no problem," Neil said softly as he helped her back to the bedroom. He helped her over to the bed.

Pluto smiled weakly when she saw the bed, lying down when Neil helped her over there. "Can you stay? Just for a few minutes?"

Neil nodded. "Of course." He helped tuck the blanket around her. He sat down on the bed near her.

She let Neil tuck her in bed, watching him as he sat down near her. She felt cold now, burrowing further into the blanket in an attempt to feel warm again.

Neil stroked her forehead, noticing as she burrowed deeper into the blankets. "Feeling cold now?" he asked.

Neil's hand on her forehead felt good as she stopped shifting around, finally feeling a little comfortable, if a bit cold. "A little..."

"Hang on one moment," he said. He got up and headed to his room. His Haro looked up at him and said "Haro?" as he walked in. After a moment, he returned with a pair of his pajamas. "These might help you feel better," he said.

Pluto blinked, looking at Neil when he came back in. She recognized the fabric in his hand, blinking again. "Your pajamas...?"

Neil nodded. "They will help keep you warm. And since you are smaller than I am, they'll be loose on you."

Well, he had a point there. And the pajamas would be warmer than what she usually wore to bed...just as loose, but warmer. "All right...I'll change into them when I get up again."

Neil nodded. "Okay." He set them down nearby and sat down next to her again.

Pluto smiled faintly when Neil sat back next to her, getting comfortable by him again. He was still nice and warm. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Get some sleep." He stroked her hair to comfort her.

It was comforting, but Pluto didn't really want to go back to sleep so soon after having slept. She would rather just stay by Neil for a while, falling asleep only if she really had to.

And Neil would stay with her as long as she was wake or wanted him there.

It took a while for Pluto to go to sleep again, but she really couldn't keep her eyes open after a while. She fell asleep next to Neil, her face surprisingly peaceful considering how bad she had been feeling when she had been awake.

Neil smiled, watching as she fell asleep.

lockon neil, sailor pluto, [flu season], *event

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