RP LOG: Christmas Advice

Dec 12, 2009 03:39

Who: Allelujah, Tieria
When: Today, late afternoon, early evening
Where: Outside, then the cafe
Rating: G
Warnings: Gundam 00 references and spoilers
Notes: None
Summary: Tieria has a feeling Neil's going to want to have a Christmas party. Having usually avoided them when he did that, he goes to find some advice from someone who was close friends with Neil on the Ptolomy... Allelujah.

Tieria stood at the foot of Seravee, having just finished the maintenance he'd wanted to work on that day. He looked down at the purple Haro that had been stalking and helping him. "That's it for now. You should go back to the hut."

"Okay! Okay!" The Haro flapped at Tieria and started to roll off.

Tieria sighed. He had to admit, without the support of the Ptolomy's crew, having the Haro following him around had been sort of handy. Granted, it was still rather annoying having it practically stalk him when it was bored. Usually, he sent it off to Neil's hut to sit in with the other Haros. He knew Sumeragi had been sending hers off to do the same. Apparently, they kept each other amused. He headed out of the hangar on his own, then, considering his next move. He'd been thinking about the upcoming holiday. He'd never really been in on celebrating it before, but he knew Neil liked to, and he had a feeling Neil was going to want to do something with all of them here on the island. Still, Tieria was at a loss on how these things worked. He headed off to find Allelujah.

Allelujah had been doing the same with his own Haro, knowing how Pluto felt about the things. It wasn't like he needed the robot when he was at work, so the Haro would get bored anyway and start causing mischief. He caused enough trouble for Pluto, well, Hallelujah did, but he did what he could to avoid stressing her out too much. As he was just getting off work, he didn't have company as he stepped out of the clothing store. It was a bit chilly out, and he had to wonder when the first snowfall would happen. He was glad for the warm jacket he pulled close about him as he walked, hands automatically slipping into the pockets as he headed vaguely towards his hut.

Spotting the exact person he was looking for, Tieria headed towards the taller pilot. "Allelujah," he called, getting his attention.

Grey eye blinked as Allelujah heard his name. He glanced over and gave a slight nod as he changed his path to walk over to his teammate. "Tieria. Where you looking for me?"

He nodded in response. "I was wondering if anyone was planning on something for Christmas," he said. Specifically, he was wondering if Neil was, but that was pretty much implied when it came to their group. "I don't know if I should get something."

Allelujah frowned faintly in thought before he shrugged slightly. "Probably, though I haven't heard about one yet." Then again, he'd been rather apart from events lately, partially because of Hallelujah and Setsuna. That was a rather good kick in the head, though. He'd hardly been thinking of the holiday season, beyond the growing collection of holiday clothes at the store. "If, or when, there is a party, a general present for the group could be good. Something everyone could use, if you can't think of something for everyone."

"You mean get the same thing for everyone?" Tieria was a little confused. "Wouldn't that ruin the surprise?" He'd gotten the impression that being surprised by your gift was important.

Allelujah shook his head. "No, something different for everyone. Or, one gift that everyone can share."

"But we don't all live together."

"So? You could request it be left in one location and whenever someone wanted to use it, they could go there."

Tieria considered that. "It seems rather inconvenient, doesn't it?"

Allelujah rolled his visible eye. Trust Tieria to bring that up. "Then get something different for everyone. Or make something to be used at the party."

"Like food?" he asked. Tieria was by no means a gourmet chef, but he could follow a recipe book easily enough... if a bit too precisely.

Allelujah nodded, not about to discourage that thought. "Or bake something you think everyone might enjoy."

That actually sounded better than trying to find presents for everyone... even a bit easier. He nodded. "That's a good idea."

He smiled faintly. "I am glad you like it."

"What are you going to do if this happens?" Tieria asked, slipping his hands into his pockets now as well, the cold beginning to get to him a little.

That earned a wry twist of his lips as he shrugged slightly before he admitted. "Haven't really thought of it..Though I probably will get something small for everyone I know fairly well."

The shorter Meister nodded. "I just wouldn't know what to get." Ironically, Tieria just didn't feel like he knew the others well enough. That was partially his own fault, he supposed, considering most of his interactions with them had been almost always work related. He was beginning to realize he needed to change that attitude. It was strange what Neil's death had sharply and painfully taught him.

Allelujah frowned faintly, studying his teammate for a long moment. He looked almost..regretful. "Tieria...I am sure it wouldn't matter to anyone what you got. The spirit of this season, in general, is to show you think enough of someone to get them something."

"But... what if they don't like it?" he asked.

"No one is the same, really, you can't let that bother you. If they really don't like it, they can just exchange it for something else and you'll learn something about them."

Tieria nodded. "That makes sense, I suppose."

Allelujah smiled faintly.

He sighed a little, shrugging against the cold that was settling in on him. "This is rather chilly for a tropical island, isn't it?" he asked.

As Allelujah couldn't exactly deny it was cold, he nodded slightly. "Well, it is winter. Would you like to get something hot to drink?"

"I don't remember the base getting this cold," Tieria muttered, but he nodded to the idea of a hot drink.

That actually got a quiet chuckle. "This place is strange." Allelujah started walking again, heading for the cafe. "Cafe, or would you rather go to one of our huts instead?"

"Either is fine," Tieria said, automatically following the other man. He made a quick mental note to himself to get a heavier jacket if the temperature was going to continue to drop further into the season.

Allelujah nodded, not changing his destination. He figured there were more options at the cafe. "If you would like to go get a warm coat, without running into Miss Pluto, just let me know, alright?"

Tieria looked at him curiously. "Why would I avoid Miss Pluto?"

Allelujah blinked, pausing as he glanced over at Tieria. "I thought..that you are not comfortable around her." Now he really felt he was out of touch with everything around the island, especially those he was supposed to know better than others.

Tieria shook his head. "Setsuna has stated he doesn't like her," he reminded Allelujah. He looked down then. "I do feel a little... awkward at times... but not always. And not when she's away from Neil," he admitted quietly.

That much he was aware of, at least. Setsuna was still staying with him after all. Allelujah nodded, acknowledging that. Perhaps that was it? He briefly settled a hand on Tieria's shoulder, hoping to offer some comfort before starting to walk again.

Tieria pulled into himself slightly. It wasn't something he wanted to dwell on. It was more important that Neil was happy. He continued with Allelujah to the cafe.

Once they reached the cafe, Allelujah opened the door and held it open for the other Meister, he was at least dressed right.

Tieria stepped inside, rubbing his arms a little against the temperature change. He went to find a table once Allelujah was inside with him.

Now it was Allelujah's turn to follow Tieria, letting him pick a table.

Tieria ended up settling on sitting at the counter this time. He really just wanted a hot tea, nothing else. "What are you getting?" he asked Allelujah.

Settling on a stool beside Tieria, he shrugged at the question. "I was thinking of chai tea, actually. How about you?"

"I was thinking of having tea as well," Tieria said. "I think I'll have the same."

Allelujah gave a slight smile, a bit amused by how similar thier tastes might be, at least for hot drinks. He told the waiter their orders before asking, a bit hesitant, "How have you been?"

"I'm..." Tieria hesitated, debating on how exactly to describe what he was feeling. He wasn't really all that sure, to be honest. He sighed. "It's been difficult," he finally said.

Allelujah frowned faintly, concerned at that answer. He looked down, feeling rather guilty that he hadn't looked outside of himself really. "..I'm sorry.."

He gave Allelujah a curious look. "Why should you be?"

"I..I've not really been paying much attention to those around me, lately.."

Tieria looked down. "Everyone seems to be having some issues," he said. "It's not your fault." Plus, he knew he'd been somewhat of a loner anyway. He didn't expect anyone to really know what was going on with him because he'd been keeping it to himself.

Allelujah sighed quietly. He could understand that, though he still felt bad for not even being aware of those issues. "It has been almost a year now.."

"Mn." Tieria closed his eyes for a moment, giving his own small sigh. "Part of me is glad to be here, though," he said softly, opening his eyes again.

Allelujah nodded. "I..Part of me is not looking forward to going back.." He admitted, voice quiet. His gaze shifted to focus on the mug of tea that was placed in front of him, gratefull for the slight distraction.

Tieria nodded. "We will come for you," he reminded him.

"After another year," he murmered. Then he shook his head and took a small sip of tea.

"I wish I had known sooner," he said. Even if they hadn't been able to mount a rescue right away, since it took all their resources when they finally did make their attempt and they couldn't have pulled a mission like that off until after they had rebuilt, at least Tieria would have known he wasn't alone. It had been the not knowing if Allelujah and Setsuna were even still alive that had hurt more than the fact that they weren't there. He just... didn't know.

Allelujah shook his head again. "You couldn't have known..I just have to get past the fact that I have to go back, just so I can return to the fight and help out once again." Even if it meant returning without Hallelujah. Alone.

He nodded. "Still... it would have been a bit more comforting to know that I wasn't the only one left," he said quietly, taking a sip of his tea.

"I know the feeling.." Was the quiet reply. Allelujah kept his gaze on the warm tea, as if it was the most fascinating thing around. It was hard enough to talk about it, but thinking about it wasn't helping him at all.

"I'm sorry," Tieria said. He hadn't considered that Allelujah might have felt the same as he did about being alone. It was one thing to isolate himself in his room while still having the others on the ship. It was quite another to think there was no one else around at all. Though, that wasn't completely fair. After all, Feldt, Ian and Lasse had been there... and then Ian's family. Even with being the only Meister during that time, Tieria had to remind himself that Allelujah had been completely isolated from them altogether. He hesitantly reached over and put his hand on the other man's arm in a somewhat awkward gesture.

Allelujah froze at the unexpected touch. Blinking, he sent a rather uncertain glance at Tieria, more a darting of a grey eye than anything else. He uncertainly settled a hand on the hand on his arm, the gesture was appreciated. Tieria had changed, that much he could tell. It was a..welcoming change, even if Neil's death was likely the reason behind it.

It was the reason, as unfortunate as that was. Before that, Tieria had sort of taken them for granted. The risks of their jobs were understood, but never realized until that battle. After that, he had learned very quickly and very painfully just how much those other people had meant to him after all. It wasn't part of the plan, part of his purpose, but he'd started to care about them anyway. He pulled away again after a moment, focusing again on his own tea... the silence between them comfortable in that they were together and not alone.

Allelujah hadn't expected to live through the war, not really. What he hadn't expected to the degree he had lived, was to be captured and treated as he had been. That was worse than death, as far as he was concerned. It had been the silence that was the most damaging to him. Not even his own mind could save him from the silence. Yet the silence between him and Tieria as they sipped their tea was comfortable. He felt himself relax.

"This was a good idea," Tieria remarked suddenly, referring to the tea. It had definitely taken off the chill from outside.

Allelujah gave a faint smile, nodding slightly. "It was. Perhaps..we could make this a habbit?" It would start to get him more connected with other people again, plus..Well, he'd admit, if only to himself, that he wanted to get to know Tieria better.

Tieria nodded a little. He knew he needed to make better connections with his teammates. There was more in his life than just the Plan now, and this was part of it. He didn't want to lose out... not anymore. Sure, he was still a little standoffish at times, and he was definitely terrible at small talk, but that didn't mean he couldn't try to make those needed connections with the others in his life. It was a hard lesson to learn, but he knew he needed them. "I'd like that," he said.

Allelujah knew he wasn't the best at small talk either, that was Neil's area. Still, he had no problem with at least trying to talk to those he considered part of his family, odd and dysfunctional as it seemed much of the time. "Great," he honestly answered. Something to look forward to, to distract himself from things he should not be thinking about.

At that, Tieria actually offered Allelujah something of a small smile.

That only made Allelujah's smile brighten a little in return.

He looked back at his tea, feeling a bit better now, and carefully finished off the last of it. "Thank you for the advice," he then said, referring to the questions he'd asked earlier about Christmas.

Allelujah finished his tea soon after, and nodded. "I am glad I could help."

He nodded. "Perhaps we should come back here again next week at this time?"

"Works for me," Allelujah confirmed.

"I will see you then," Tieria said, looking a bit more relaxed than earlier.

Allelujah nodded. "If not before." He also was feeling better, and resolved to try talking more about what bothered him. Not that it would probably last long, but he could at least try.

Tieria picked up his jacket, pulling it on. "Good-bye," he said, then headed for the door.

"Farewell, Tieria." He turned, watching the other walk away before heading out himself.

allelujah, tieria

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