RP Log - More Tomato Plants

Nov 13, 2009 12:25

Who: Anew and Italy Romano
When: a few days after Romano found out Rome was there
Where: the flower shop
Rating: PG
Warnings: some cursing from Romano
Summary: Romano goes to get another tomato plant

Anew sat in the florist shop. She was working on a fall arrangement that she was going to take home to her hut. One of the perks of working there. She got to make what ever she wanted when there was no one there. She was just working on it until someone came in who needed assistance.

The customer arrived, looking to say the least, conspicuously inconspicuous. With a trench coat, fedora, and a black mustache that matched the large black sunglasses rather than his fluffy brown hair... it was almost as though this person were under the impression that the florist shop held something illegal or perverted rather than plants. With a harsh clearing of his throat, the man walked up to the counter. "Um... yes! Ah, plants are sold here?" He asked in a husky voice that seemed to have a painfully thick Italian accent along with it.

Anew smiled at the customer, trying her best not to chuckle at the outfit. Luckily she succeeded. "Of course," she said. "We have different flower arrangements and we can make something to your liking. We also have some live plants as well. What were you thinking of?"

"Tomato!" He exclaimed, his voice temporarily going out of its disguise. The stranger cleared his throat again, a large brown popping out from under the hat without his noticing. That gruff voice appearing again, he added "G-good for partial sunlight. A-and something small."

Anew nodded. "We have some smaller tomato plants," she said walking around the counter to where the plants were kept. "You might want to keep it inside for the moment. From what I've heard the temperature is probably going to be dropping soon so it might be better to keep it inside and then you can plant it when it starts warming again." She picked out one of the younger tomato plants they had.

"B-but then people will see it!" The stranger exclaimed, his now painfully false voice dropping again. "There isn't anything manly about caring for a damn plant!" He pulled back, absent-mindedly twisting the end of his false mustache. "Can it live on just some light? Like an hour or so when the others aren't looking and then under a bed or something?"

"I don't think there is anything wrong with caring for a plant. You could possibly keep it in your room. There are lights that are designed to mimic sunlight so plants can still grown. It needs more than just one hour." Anew smiled.

"Chigi. O'course not, you're a chick." After his mumbling however, that light instantly caught his attention. "I always thought that plants had to live in the direct sunlight... I mean... the jackass had huge fields of plants that he grew and he just used the sun!"

"There are men who like to garden," Anew remarked. "The other person who works here is a man and he did this work at home." She nodded in response to what he said about the light. "The light only works for a few plants, not a whole field but it provides heat and light that will help the plant grow."

The stranger folded his arms and scoffed. Under his breath he mumbled 'Prolly a fag then.' but despite his attempt at being tough he hoped that the young lady hadn't heard. "That... is actually a really good idea." The stranger paused a few seconds and then spoke up again. "How much do one of these plant-lamps cost on average? And... how long would it be on?"

Anew didn't hear his remark so she didn't comment on it. "Well, everything on the island is taken care of provided you work so you don't have to worry about that," she said with a smile. "As for how long, it would have to be turned on and off at interval since plants need a down time to work. You could have it off when you are asleep and on for a couple hours a day. If your room gets a lot of light on its own, you may not need to have it on as much."

He blinked a few times behind his thick sunglasses. That was right... the wolf-guy-thing with the football had mentioned something about that. "So... I could keep the cute little thing under my bed with care and it'll live through the fall even?" He rubbed his chin a few moments more and gave a large smile--causing his mustache to slide off. "Thanks alot la--Ack! Shit!" He scrambled to put his facial hair back on.

Anew chuckled when the mustache slid off. "You may not want to leave it under your bed. As it gets bigger, it will need the space, but if it is your room, no one will really see it... you could possibly put it in the closet if you really want. And yes, it should live through the fall. Would you like some help?" she asked.

There was no use hiding anymore... With a huff, the stranger pulled off his hat and sunglasses, revealing none other than the form of Italy Romano, chewing on his bottom lip in attempt to seem tough despite his red face. "I never really grew anything on my own, so I'd need a little help getting started, but I know how to keep 'em alive." He cleared his throat, stuffing his 'disguise' in his pockets and looking away. "That'd be nice... but... Don't tell anyone that I'm doing this... kay?"

Anew smiled and nodded. "I'd be happy to help and I promise I won't tell anyone." She couldn't see what was wrong with a guy wanting to grow something but if he was really embarrassed by the idea of someone knowing, she wouldn't tell anyone. "I'm Anew," she said introducing herself as she made a mental list of what they would need.

That was a little bit of a relief. You can't really trust someone upon first impression... but at least this lady seemed honest. "Romano." He muttered, giving Anew a nod. "It's nice to meet you miss." He cleared his throat again, his blush finally starting to fade. "So... what's first? I can tell we won't have to till soil in my closet."

"It's nice to meet you too." She chuckled a bit at the comment about tilling soil in his closet. "No, you won't have to do that. But you should pick out which plants you want... probably two at most so you don't over crowd the space. And then a pot for each so you can put them in new soil. Fertilizer and tomato cages can wait for later. The soil has its own fertilizer for the moment and they are too small to need support. And the lamp of course."

It was nice to see a lady laugh. Usually all he ever saw was Anto-- No, no... Romano gave a sheepish grin. He wasn't even going to start going down that train of thought. "The little one that you gave me was a good one to start... if that one lasts I'll see about getting a second one... Although... all this brings up another problem." He reached down and pet the tiny leaves in the sprig. "How am I supposed to sneak all this in my hut without someone noticing? I was just expecting to stuff a plant in my pocket."

Anew blinked. He really didn't want to be seen with these. She thought a moment. "Perhaps we could arrange to come back later tonight or tomorrow night and you can pick it up then." She was rather glad that he hadn't just put a plant in his pocket.

The usually stern young man was almost uncharacteristically happy at that idea. "You'd do that? That's great!" Besides, he didn't really talk to many people anyway, so if he was spending a night on his own no one would really think anything odd. "Tonight then... I really-- ...Planting stuff is a fun hobby for me."

Anew smiled and nodded. "Okay, then we can come back tonight and pick everything up and I can help take it over to your hut. Planting is fun. Probably when spring comes around, I probably will be as well."

Romano couldn't hide a grin from his face. "It's a great way to spend the time. Back home I used have fields and fields of produce!" He folded his arms and grinned proudly. "Everyone would say "South Italy is famous for its produce!" Of course they would add 'and not much else' afterwards, but there was no need to share that little detail.

Anew smiled. "It is a fun thing to do. Wow, that's a lot of plants. Well, it is good that you are famous for them. You probably won't have any problems with these once they get going." South Italy? She would have just thought that was the location he was from if it wasn't that Neil had mentioned a guy named Rome before.

Romano shrugged. "It's a lot of people to feed." With a nod, he grinned again. "I told ya. I just need a little help getting started is all. The last time I tried to plant something it ended up getting stomped on." Anew seemed to be thinking something over, which caught the attention of Lovino. "Something up?" He asked, seeming genuinely nice--a rare sight.

Anew nodded. "I gues it would be. Oh..." She didn't really think she should ask about how it be stomped on. That could have happened a lot of ways. "Oh, umm... Do you know Rome?" she asked. She figured that would be the best way since she knew Rome was the person's name. Asking if he was a country would sound weird if he wasn't.

"Grandpa Rome? What about him?" Romano paused a second and instantly pulled up a sleeve as though he were ready to go fighting. "Did that guy cause trouble again? I'm not letting him disappear again!" At least without saying goodbye...

"No no, he wasn't," Anew said quickly. Well, he had, but she didn't accidentally want to send someone else after Neil depending on Romano's views. "Just Lyle's brother mentioned meeting him and I was just wondering if you knew him... and your name is similar to his."

"Eh? Oh Romano's just my nickname. But we're related." He rubbed his chin, thinking carefully how he could say this without being too wierd. "When Grandpa Rome got too huge, he disappeared and Feliciano and I basically became mini-rome... Well until Spain, France, Austria and Holy Roman Empire started giving us shit. ...That make sense?"

Anew blinked, a bit surprised since she hadn't had a proper explanation about the countries that were there so it was a bit odd to hear, but it also made sense too. She nodded. "Yeah that makes sense. It's a bit odd to think of countries as people. We don't have that in our world."

Romano blinked a few times. "Wow... your world must be really freakin' boring." He shrugged, "Well... perhaps it's better boring anyway..." He looked away, starting to look a tad... miserable. "When you're a country... you have to worry about people trying to become one with you." Just the memory of a certain blonde was enough to make the man shudder. Of course, after mumbling "damn fag." under his breath he stood up straight again, with his usual scowl in place. "So Anew, we're doing this tonight then?"

"Well, I wouldn't say boring, but in a different way than your world probably," Anew remarked. "I would imagine that is rough." She knew enough about history to know how conflicts went and countries disappearing... if it were actual people that would be a lot harder. She nodded. "Yeah, we can do this tonight."

For an instant, that scowl faltered. The image of someone familiar, who was lying on his deathbed... and who knows if he managed to survive this long filled the country's mind. "Chigi!" Romano was man enough to forget stupid things like that. "Alright. Tell me when to be here and I won't be late." Better to change the subject rather than think of sad things.

Anew blinked, not quite sure what the out burst had been. Maybe someone he was worried about... she wouldn't press him. "How about... ten tonight? That should be late enough that you don't have to worry about people seeing."

"Ten? Great!" Quickly setting his disguise back in place--although managing to somehow miss his curl-- Romano backed towards the door. "See you soon Anew! Take care till then!" He called, opening the door.

Anew nodded, smiling and noticing he was putting his disguise back in place. "I'll see you then Romano. You take care as well."

italy lovino, anew

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