RP LOG: A Tale of Disbelief

Oct 21, 2009 00:47

Who: Hallelujah, Tieria
When: Right after this log here
Where: outside
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Gundam 00 references and spoilers
Notes: None
Summary: Tieria and Hallelujah have a 'discussion' about what had just happened.

Hallelujah stepped outside the hut and started checking his gun, making sure Regene hadn't damaged it with the attempt at taking it away from him. His expression remained suspiciously blank, focused on the metal.

Tieria stopped behind him, watching his motions for a moment to figure out if he'd switched personalities, yet. "Are you done?" he asked bitterly.

"You realize they've not learned their lesson, right?" It was still Hallelujah, though Allelujah's speech patterns and mannerisms were seeping through. Done with his weapon, he stuck it away and glanced at the purple-haired Meister with his gold eye.

"Hn." Tieria frowned and came the rest of the way down the front step, walking past him. "We do not escalate," he said. "Had you continued to do further harm, they would have been justified in retaliating against us after this. For now, anything further is their own doing."

"That is a stupid rule, if you ask me. But you don't, ever, do you?" Hallelujah watched Tieria, considering. "Ribbons has attacked twice. I doubt he will discontinue the pattern. I will not let him touch what is mine. Not even if your little look-alike gets in my way a second time."

"I don't because, when you're in this state, you're unreasonable," Tieria said, oddly angry at the other Meister. "We are not here to cause trouble."

Hallelujah's gaze sharpened to a cold stare. "If you're so worried about him, why don't you join his side." He didn't like the idea that Tieria wasn't completely on the side he'd believed him to be.

And that set Tieria's temper going again. He stalked back to Hallelujah, getting right up against him, his eyes flashing with his anger. "Because I'm not like him," he said sharply. "Armed interventions are one thing, but he's gone beyond that back home. However, here, he cannot do that. So we will not cause problems. Understand?"

Hallelujah suddenly grinned, stepping forward to counter the other Meister. It was nice to be a bit taller than Tieria, and he stared down at him. "Words words words, Tieria. You forget that I do not know him outside of that little encounter. How do you know he can't do what you allude to here?" He didn't respond to the order, he would stick by what he'd said, that he would retaliate if something of his was so much as touched by Ribbons or Regene.

"Because there's no Veda here," Tieria said. "He needs Veda to complete his plans."

"Obviously he's able to adapt, to a degree. He will probably go after the gundams again to do so."

Tieria frowned. "The Gundams generate GN particles," he said, having told Setsuna this already, but not the others. "He can use those to access quantum brainwaves." There had been a reason the terminal he used to contact Veda had been in a special room. Hallelujah tended to show up when quantum brainwaves were being used.

"I noticed," was the rather short reply. Hallelujah scowled, not looking forward to the headaches he just knew Allelujah would start getting if Ribbons ever did manage to get his hands on a gundam.

"That's why he's after them," Tieria continued. He sighed, pulling away finally. "He's the one that cut us off from Veda," he said. "He offered to regrant my access rights if I went back to him. If I acknowledged him as... as some sort of... devine creator." He clenched his fist, staring down at his hand. Had Ribbons created him as well? Along with the other Innovators? He might never know...

Hallelujah blinked at the information, then his visible eye narrowed. "Don't tell me you were stupid enough to do so." He fought for control, knowing what Allelujah wanted to know, badly. He wasn't going to ask for him, only the HRL could really answer it.

That question earned Hallelujah another sharp glare. "Do you honestly think I would?" Tieria responded angrily. "He's distorted the Plan! He's gone against our original purpose! I cannot in good conscience support that."

That question earned Hallelujah another sharp glare. "Do you honestly think I would?" Tieria responded angrily. "He's distorted the Plan! He's gone against our original purpose! I cannot in good conscience support that."

Hallelujah smirked at the angry reply. "Honestly? No. You were merely starting to sound like a whimp back there, had to be sure of your loyalties."

"My loyalties are with Celestial Being," Tieria said, clearly annoyed. "Do not forget it."

Hallelujah snickered and mockingly stepped right back up to Tieria. "I do not forget. I disbelieve, but I do not forget."

"Then you'll just have to start believing, won't you?" Tieria said in annoyance. He turned and started walking.

Hallelujah rolled his visible eye and mockingly followed after the other Meister. "I don't think I will."

"Why not?"

"You made me stop," was the simple reply.

"There was no real reason to continue."

"In your view. You didn't do a damn thing, Tieria." Hallelujah was considering smacking Tieria over the head, but Allelujah, as the alter wasn't blocking, was keeping a firm enough hold to prevent him from doing so.

"You interrupted," Tieria said. "Besides, I doubt your plan was much better."

That just begged an action, and Hallelujah wrestled Allelujah away. He grabbed at Tieria's arm to do a pat down with the intention of seeing if the other Meister was even armed-which he doubted. "Mine was fun."

Tieria yanked his arm free, but not before Hallelujah could discover that Tieria was indeed armed. He rarely went anywhere without his gun. He didn't feel that comfortable here. "Stop that!" he snapped.

Tieria wasn't the only one. Hallelujah snickered as he straightened. "So you're not stupid enough to be unarmed without Veda's expression order."

"There's no Veda here," Tieria reminded him. "We've been functioning as Celestial Being without Veda for four years."

Hallelujah was aware of that, if he hadn't been, he knew Ribbons would be more of a threat. He shrugged at Tieria's reply. "You don't always act like you can function without it."

"I'm functioning perfectly fine without it," he shot back, regardless of how true or untrue or even half-true that might be.

"Keep proving it and I might consider believing you," Hallelujah said, tone mocking.

"Tch." That earned Hallelujah another glare before Tieria turned once more to leave.

Hallelujah snickered. "Not going to make sure I don't go back and finish Ribbons and his friend off?"

Tieria paused. "You won't."

Hallelujah grinned. "Are you sure about that?"

Tieria glared back over his shoulder. "Yes." Because he'd make sure of it now that Hallelujah had challenged him.

Hallelujah continued to grin, watching Tieria. "What's going to stop me?"

"I will."

That response was met with a mocking laugh.

Tieria frowned.

Hallelujah started walking, seemingly having picked a random direction. He wanted to see if Tieria would follow through and follow him to make sure he didn't double back and kill Ribbons and Regene.

"If you're testing me, it's not going to work," Tieria said.

"So you plan on being my shadow. I feel like a drink," and Hallelujah's steps shifted towards the bar as if to prove his point. He doubted Tieria would want to step foot in Zelas' domain.

Tieria crossed his arms. He really did have no desire whatsoever to go into that particular building, nor did he want to sit outside on the offchance Hallelujah decided to come out. The other Meister knew he was pushing things, and Tieria's temper was wearing thin once again. "Hn. Fine." He wasn't going to bother with this. He'd find out later. It wasn't like Regene and Ribbons were going to stay put for long.

Hallelujah laughed again, his steps not slowing nor changing course. He might as well visit Zelas and have that drink or two, especially if it got Tieria to leave him alone.

Tieria sighed heavily and headed off. He was going to have to check with a few of Ribbons' hutmates to see if they could keep an eye on things.

Hallelujah was still snickering when he heard Tieria walk away after that sigh. He doubted anything he did near Ribbons would go unnoticed, but that was fine with him. His amusement continued even as he stepped into the bar.

allelujah, tieria

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