3, 2, 1 FIGHT!

Oct 19, 2009 01:06

Who: Hallelujah, Farfarello, whoever ends up breaking the fight up
Where: Hut 10
When: Today
Warnings: Farfy, Halle, Violence galore
Rating: R
Notes: Continued in comments.
Summary: Halle was bored. Farfy came in.

Hallelujah lounged on one of the couches in the living room. He was bored, again, but not enough to relinquish control back to Allelujah. To occupy at least a portion of his attention, he had a knife out and was twirling it a bit between the fingers of one hand, golden eye fixed on the sharp blade. For once, his expression was blank, which might actually terrify certain people who knew him to any degree. The other hand pillowed his head while his legs were crossed, propped up by a couch arm.

Farfarello was just returning to the hut after who knows what the legally insane Irishman had been doing. With Crawford gone, he popped on and off the radar at random. Had Hallelujah not been lying on the couch, he would have simply gone to his room... but that wasn't the case and he paused in the doorway, single gold eye fixed on the hut mate he hadn't met yet.

The Meister didn't glance over when the door opened, but he did turn his attention that way when he felt someone's gaze on him. And there was someone he didn't know standing there. A corner of his mouth twitched upwards in a slight smirk, fingers continuing to play with the knife. He was content to stare at the other without saying a word.

One of his eyebrow quirked. He noted the knife Halle was twirling and resisted the urge to take out his own collection of knives that were carefully hidden on his body. Instead, he stared back, unmoving, body language all but unreadable.

Hallelujah saw that slight quirk of an eyebrow, and his smirk grew ever so slightly. This could be interesting, he might even be glad he'd kept control over Allelujah. The knife started moving faster, though looking at Hallelujah, one might worry he was in danger of slicing something off due to inattention.

He slowly tilted his head to one side. Watching. Examining. Farfarello wasn't always (ever) of a right mind but he had an intelligence and clarity about the world around him that made him rather dangerous. He would end up being the first to speak. "Who are you?"

Hallelujah continued to stare at Farfarello, he noticed a certain posture in the other that reminded him of a master at hiding what they were about to do. This was getting more and more interesting. He was often seen as insane by those around him, though it was more a survival tendency that made him react to situations involving Allelujah. However, even outside of battle, his own teammates watched him warily. It suited him. Entertained him. And then Farfarello broke the verbal ice, so to speak. Introduction time it was. "Hallelujah. You?"

Something changed in Farfarello. It wasn't a subtle shift, but rather, a violent undoing that was reflected in the sharp laugh that escaped him. He took a step toward Hallelujah. "Praise ye the Lord..." A deranged grin twisted his lips. "The Almighty."

Golden eye narrowed at the sudden shift. That was unexpected. To put it mildly. Still..his smirk only widened. "If I am 'the Almighty', do I not get your name in return?"

He took another step. "I am Farfarello. Berserker."

Hallelujah smirked slightly as he languidly sat up and draped an arm over the back of the couch. "Interesting name."

Farfarello was silent. Still. Then, he lunged at Hallelujah. There was no warning; he moved with almost inhuman speed, hand extended, aiming for his throat.

And the arm on the back of the couch came in handy, as Hallelujah used it to increase his speed in jumping upwards, leg coming up to counter the outstretched hand in a hard kick if it connected. Even as he moved, he snickered. "Does my name really bother you?"

Halle's leg connected with his hand, blocking him, but just as quickly as he'd lunged his other hand shot out. "He bothers me! You're just a reflection, which I will shatter!" Not exactly the words of a sane man.

It was a good thing Hallelujah was already moving up, as his momentum brought up over the back of the couch, aided by the kick landing. Landing lightly on his feet on the other side of the couch, he swiftly moved out of immediate arm grasping range and threw the knife he still held straight at Farfarello's chest, then pulled out another knife. "That's too bad, I don't shatter easily. Good luck trying, though."

He ended up halfway on the couch as Hallelujah evaded him. When the knife was thrown, Farfarello leaped up and to the side, landing on the back of the couch in a crouch. The knife only grazed him. That was more than enough, though. He looked over as a line of red appeared on his upper right arm. There was no pain; just blood. When he looked back at Halle, his eye was wide and the grin was completely manic. He reached for one of his own knives and lunged again.

Hallelujah's grin widened, nearly matching Farfarello's. "Shall we dance?" He called, darting forward to meet the lunge, hand forming a fist and headed straight at his opponent's jaw.

As he landed, he swung the knife up, fully intending to bury it in Hallelujah's stomach. He ducked, attempting to avoid the punch.

The knife ended up in Hallelujah's side, more than his stomach due to him twisting a bit. He knew he couldn't completely avoid the knife. He'd deal with it later, though, and dropped his fist downwards to follow Farfarello's duck.

farfarello, sumeragi, allelujah, schuldig, jr, momo

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