RP Log - Hutmates Talking

Oct 10, 2009 14:05

Who: Alberich & Patrick
When: before Feldt was attacked
Where: Hut 14
Rating: PG
Warnings: References for Valdemar and 00
Notes: n/a
Summary: Alberich meets the other hutmate of his over trying to get a stove burner to work.

Alberich was in his hut, having had some success in keeping to himself in there. It was easier with Seras staying with Momiji, and only two people to avoid for the most part. Currently he was fighting with one of the stove burners, trying to get it to heat up the kettle of water that was on it.

Stomping could be heard in the hut as Patrick came in. He was bored out of his mind and really beginning to wonder why of all places he had to work in a video store.  No one ever came in there and he was stuck there for hours left to entertain himself. He sighed walking into the kitchen tossing his uniform shirt over the back of a chair and slumped into it not noticing Alberich.

Meanwhile, at the stove, Alberich was cursing under his breath in Karsite, and not only at Patrick's arrival. He had noticed the uniform shirt being tossed, but didn't pay much attention in favor of just getting the now thrice-damned burner to heat up.

Patrick flopped a bit onto the table his eyes finally landing on Alberich watching him hover over the stove. He began to wonder what the other man was saying as well as what he was doing, but he figured watching for now would be amusing at least a little bit

This burner was really driving Alberich up the wall, and he gave up with an exasperated "Schweinhund!" before sulking into a chair.

Patrick eyes followed Alberich and he just stares at him. "Stove trouble?"

"Ja." The word came out in Karsite before Alberich even considered that the other had spoken to him in the universal translation. No matter, it seemed like enough Karsite was let through if the meaning was still understood.

"Here lemme try, what were you trying to make?" He stood moving over to the stove examining it. He was lucky he was a house-husband so he actually knew how to work the thing.

"I think, you here it 'coffee' call." Alberich admitted, his speech still with its mangled syntax. He was more than willing to admit that he needed help with the stove now, since his efforts had gotten him nowhere. He was stubborn, but nowhere  near stubborn enough to refuse help when he needed it.

"Alrighty then! I could go for some coffee too~" the red head began to work his stove/oven magic and soon the room was being filled with the amazing smell of Coffee. "I am Patrick by the way! I don't think I have met you before?"

"No, we have not met." Alberich nodded, his just-greying hair falling a little since it was longer than he usually kept it. "I Alberich am."

"You do live in this hut too right? Because I think you are the first room mate I have met then!" Patrick is all smiles as he pulled out two mugs and starts to poor the hot liquid. "Milk? Sugar?"

"Black." Alberich didn't put anything in his coffee unless he ended up with the bottom-of-the-pot thick bitter liquid. "And yes, I here live."

"Oooh~ You like it the same way my Taisa likes it!" he puts the cup down in front of the German man then sits down himself. "Though sometimes she likes it with a little milk and sugar, depends on her mood."

Alberich took a sip of his coffee, remarkably it did not turn out like his usual attempts at it. It wasn't extremely bitter, so he didn't need to add any cream. "Useful it is, for waking up. Especially with a day of riding."

Patrick blinked stopping mid sip. "Riding? Like...horse riding?" He had no idea people still did that! Heck he didn't know there were horses on the island.

Alberich nodded. "My world, without technology is." It had taken some getting used to, but he was wrapping his head around that multiple world concept well enough now.

"Mannnn that must be sooo crazy." He went to gulp his coffee and low and behold, he has now burned himself.

Alberich couldn't help but smirk at Patrick gulping down the coffee. He wasn't quite stupid enough to do that. "It what I used to am."

"Have you been to the hanger on this island? It must of blown your mind." he asked sticking his tongue out a bit hoping it would feel better. He was almost positive his taste buds were no longer there.

"No, I avoid that place. It not for me is." Alberich chuckled, having a perverse pleasure in watching Patrick in pain due to his own actions. Perhaps this would teach him a lesson. "I teach Karsite, and the training ground monitor."

"Karsite? Ground Monitor?" Patrick blinked getting confused. He put his mug down planing on just living it there since it was cruel and burned him.

"I from Karse, and Karsite teach. I believe, some here it 'German' call."

"Ooooh! German! I know it by that name. Is there a school around here or something?"

Alberich nodded, sipping his coffee carefully. "There is, for the children. Not many of them, but enough that they some sort of classes need."

"...I had no idea there were kids here too."

"The youngest is Fraeulein Khushrenada, she my class attends. She knows many of those who pilot the large machines in the hangar." He had learned the terminology by now, still didn't go near the hangar. It didn't make that much sense to him, and he knew that his own abilities didn't make sense to some others. "My skills more useful elsewhere."

"Wow I had no idea. I haven't seen any kids." he sighs a bit. "I have some skills myself, but they are not being put to use were I work." and now Patrick grumps a bit. "I mean really what good do I do working in a video store? Barely anyone comes in! Plus it is boring as all hell."

Alberich shrugged, he wasn't bored with this jobs, even with the training area. There was still someone working in there at any given time, and if there was no one, he still did something.

"So!" Patrick suddenly leaned in closer to Alberich. "How long have you been here and what do you like to do! We are roomies now, so we might as well get to know one another right?"

"I have here for over a year been." Alberich sighed, not counting the time out of not wanting to remember how long he had been away. "I from Karse, but now in exile."

"Ack exile huh? That has to suck." He props his arm on the table and leans on his hand. "What did you do to have that happen?"

Alberich looked down, that was still a sore point even seven years or so after the fact. He didn't want to remember what had happened, it was just too painful.

"Uhhhh did I say something wrong?" the red head blinked not really catching his words could cause trouble.

"A Voice tried me to burn, for witch-powers having."

All Patrick could do was stare. Burning people? He blinked a big jaw dropping a little. "Geez where the the world did you some from that they do that still?"

"Karse." Was the terse reply, as if that one word said it all. The large man still looked down, idly fingering some of his scars that came from the fire he had mentioned.

"Wow that is pretty rough." What else could he say? Patrick sat there staring at Alberich feeling a bit bad for bring it up. "So! Uhhh...."

Alberich ignored Patrick's attempts to dig himself out of the hole he put himself in, letting him just sit there for now.

Patrick groaned in frustration rubbing his hands through his hair. "Uhhhh are you hungry or something? I am a decent cook...."

"If you cook can, then I in your debt." Alberich smiled ruefully, "As you tell can, I here cook cannot."

"Okay then! Uh..what do you like to eat?"

"Know you German food?"

"...." all Patrick could so was stare. He had no idea what type of food would be considered German food or even how to make it

Alberich sighed, trying to think of how to describe his preferred food without being too specific. "Meat, potatoes, cabbage, root vegetables..."

"Ooooooh! I can do that! What kinda meat do you like?" the red head starts digging through the fridge looking for things he may need

"Rabbit is best, but I not picky am. Just as long as it properly cooked." He had enough camp cooking skills that he could roast any meat on a stick over a fire, but that was a survival mechanism. If you were in the cavalry, you couldn't be eating raw meat.

The red head froze for a moment,"Uhhh any other meat?" Patrick doesn't the idea of cooking a rabbit. He thinks they are too cute to eat and will feel horrible cooking one.

Alberich sighed and shook his head, mentally making a few comments about how rabbits weren't cute when they were eating all the coarse brush that grew in a country and reproducing like, well, rabbits. "Any other, then, except pigeon. I eat too much of that in Valdemar."

"No pigeon...alright then." Patrick's face scrunches up a bit at the thought of eating a pigeon but begins to cook. "Mashed or baked potatoes?"

Alberich actually did let out a harsh chuckle at Patrick's face, first with the rabbits and now with the pigeons. Had this man not known what people from his sort of time eaten? "Baked."

He nodded then continued on his merry way baking the potatoes, boiling some cabbage and marinating some type of meat. He hadn't had the chance to cook in awhile, and the more he did it, the more he missed home.

Alberich never missed having to cook for himself, since it reminded him of his cavalry days. Well, that and the fact that he just couldn't quite learn to use the stove. He sipped what remained of his coffee, mentally taking notes on what Patrick did while cooking.

"Man I haven't made a full dinner like this since I was back home," and then a thought hit him. " I should practice cooking new things here! So when I actually get back home and I impress my dear Taisa!" he has somewhat forgotten that Alberich was right there and couldn't help but talk to himself.

Alberich blinked, hearing that unfamiliar word again. "Who is this...Tie-sa?" He hoped he pronounced it correctly, not knowing how it was spelled or what it meant, other than that it was a title of some sort.

alberich, patrick

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