RP Log - It's Always the Quiet Ones

Oct 05, 2009 15:27

Who: Quatre R. Winner, Captain Pip Bernadotte
Where: Training grounds
When: Today
Warnings: Language
Rating: PG-13
Summary: One of the newer arrivals happens upon Quatre in the training grounds. Things get... Interesting.

Quatre had his feet planted firmly on the ground and his gun pointed at the target. Lining them up, he fired. Once. Twice. Three times. Lowering his gun, Quatre smiled. A little off, but he hadn't been doing regular target practice. He raised the gun once again and fired three more times. Lowering the gun again, he put it into its holster. Quatre walked over to the target and inspected it a bit closer. Yes... He would need to start target practice regularly again...

Pip had, in all honesty, planned to do a full scouting of the island. Really. It wasn't his fault that the training grounds were one of the first things he had come across. Nor was it a fault of his that he kept coming back here instead of exploring further outside the village. Oh well--it meant more target practice he probably didn't need. Some of the others though, could be a bit sharper on their shots. The blond kid wasn't bad though, a bit wide but you'd have to get real close to see that. "Oi, you zhere. Square your shoulders a bit more and you might get it." He called, before firing off a shot of his own. Damn, that one was just off center.

Quatre turned on his heel, gun moving from his holster and up, then being pointed at Pip. Seeing it was no one who was a threat, he lowered the gun. "I haven't been working on my target practice as of late." he replied before straightening and putting the gun away.

"Quick on zhe draw too, not bad." Pip replied, lips quirked in a grin. "It is not easy to tell you are out of practice...or, zhat is to say it is not easy for someone without a sharp eye to see."

"I'm sorry for pointing the gun at you." He said with a polite nod, "There are some people on this island that I don't quite get along with and have threatened me."

"I'm used to it. Being a target comes with zhe job I 'ad." Pip replied, slipping his gun into his holster with a casual shrug. "You were threatened? Guess even zhis village can 'ave its problems..."

"A soldier?" Quatre asked, specifically ignoring the rhetorical question.

"A mercenary." Not a profession many would think to be proud of, but Pip certainly was what one would call proud.

He nodded. "Depending on the time and situation... That is a good thing."

"Apparently we were in 'igh demand back 'ome." Pip replied. "You speak as if you know the territory of a mercenary."

The innocent looking blonde put a finger to his lips, a secret smile crossing. "Perhaps I do."

Pip, of course, knew better. Anything other than a direct no could easily be read as a hint to the fact there was some experience there. "Ah, not so easy to give away a secret zhen?"

"I was a guerrilla soldier." Quatre barely even looked eighteen, even though he was twenty-one.

"Gorilla soldier?" Certainly not the answer Pip was expecting. He'd seen younger than him join the ranks of the Geese, but none had a demeanor like this kid did. Certainly gave that innocent act some credit then. "Call me impressed then."

"That was a while ago though." He said with a polite shrug, "Now I'm a simple businessman surviving here."

"And yet you still shoot as targets." Pip replied, a curiosity written all over his face. "Why?"

Quatre merely smiled.

Pip shrugged. "None of my business zhen."

"Like I stated, I've been threatened."

"Hm, oui you 'ave said zhat. I was merely guessing zhere was more to it."

"My name is Quatre Raberba Winner. Forgive my rudeness."

"Impressive name. Captain Pip Bernadette--of course I'm not much of a captain 'ere."

"And I'm not much of a pilot. But, we are who we are." he said with another shrug, "We cannot change that/"

"Ah, zhen you are one of zhe pilot boys Seras mentioned?" He had been hoping he would run into one of them soon. "She told me to stay away from the toys in zhe 'angar."

Quatre laughed. "I'm not as violent as some of the others."

"Good to know." Pip answered with a relaxed grin.

"Heero and Duo are most protective of their Gundams."

"Zhen zhey are ones I should not mess with, oui?"

Quatre nodded.

"Merci, for zhe tip." Merci = Thank you

"Vous êtes bienvenu." he replied with a smile, "Sorry if my French is rusty, it has been a while since I've used it." Vous êtes bienvenu = You're welcome

"Vous avez bien fait. I 'ave not spoken French for a long time." Pip grinned. He was starting to like this Quatre kid. Vous avez bien fait = You did well

"Merci." Quatre beamed at Pip.

Pip merely grinned and nodded back in response.

"So, what world are you from?"

"Zhe same as Miss Victoria. Different time--or zhat what she said. And you?"

"I am from a world where people have moved to the stars."

"The stars seem a strange place to move to...zhe Earth--she is a good enough 'ome, oui?"

"We've created colonies. Too many people on Earth and not enough space."

"Ah, it is crowded in my world too. Zhere are still people that look to zhe stars back zhere."

Quatre's smile wavered slightly before turning into a frown.

"Somezhing wrong?" Pip frowned, almost mimicking the expression Quatre wore. Something he said then?

"No. Just memories."

"Not good ones, judging by zhat look you 'ave."

"We all have memories. Bad and good."

"Zhat is true, but it is not often we want to remember zhe bad."

"It's not hard to remember the bad. You remind me of a friend."

"Is zhat so?"


Pip grinned. "A good friend I 'ope. You remind me of several friends I 'ave 'ad over zhe years."

He blushed at that. "Yes, a very good friend. He's like a brother to me."

"Brozhers..." Pip grinned. "Anozher soldier per'aps?"

"He is."

"Ah. A lot of our type are 'ere then, non?"

Quatre nodded.

"Perfect." Pip replied with a dry laugh.

"That's how it is."

"No use saying it isn't."

Quatre smiled softly.

Pip gave a small half grin in return. "Planning on shooting more today? Or is zhere something better you 'ave to do?"

Pulling his gun out, he checked his magazine. "I only brought one extra magazine. So, I can do some more shooting."

"Excellent." Pip's grin grew wide. He drew out his own gun and checked the magazine. "I 'ave a few shots left--always better to shoot with someone. Presents a challenge."

"Always does." He said with a smile as he snapped the magazine back into the gun.

"Think you can get zhe shot dead center?" Pip asked, a challenge clear in his voice.

"I can certainly try."

"Remember, square zhe shoulders."

"I may have been a boy soldier, but I know that." Quatre said as he took his stance.

Pip snickered and shrugged. "Just a reminder."

Quatre shook his head and then fired at the target.

A good shot--a damn good shot if Pip was going to be completely honest. "Very nice."

"Do we want to make this interesting?"

"Interesting--like a bet?" If that was the game--Pip was in trouble. Gambling would be just another vice to add to the list of many.

"If you want."

"Zhat, my friend, would depend on the bet." He replied, turning toward the target and adjusting his stance.

"I'll teach you to pilot."

"Now zhat is an interesting offer--one I am not sure I can return in full if I were to lose."

"Think on it."

"Trust me, 'alf the skills I know are ones you 'ave, or ones I would be killed for teaching you." Pip joked, laughing just before he took a shot at the target.

"No one needs to know what we bet on." And he then brought out the wide teal eyes that made him look oh so innocent.

Pip frowned, shot was just off center again. Damn was he getting rusty or something? "Zhe only things I know outside of tactical warfare are 'ow to get women, damn good drinks, and 'ow to get meals for free kid. Now do you really need to learn any of that?"

"I'm sure you know something I can learn. Besides, I'll still teach you how to pilot."

"All right zhen. We'll come up with something."

He smiled at Pip.

Pip grinned back. "Is zhere something you want to learn? I might be able to 'elp zhere."

"I want to be able to annoy my brother with something." Quatre smirked a bit. It seemed the innocent looking blonde had a bit of mischevious streak.

"You 'aven't got something that annoys 'im already?" Wasn't that a requirement of brotherhood? Heck in any relationship of any sort? "I do not know 'im...but I could come up with something if I did..."

"I'm sure you could."

"What is he like?"

"Perverted. Quirky. Duo's very unique."

"An interesting sounding guy." Pip mused. The question is, what could annoy him. "I know some old songs zhat might do the trick. My favorite zhough...it might be something he would like instead."

The blonde raised an eyebrow. "Elaborate."

"Zhis one I know best, my favorite--ah it is one Seras told me not to so much as whistle. It is apparently, a dirty perverted thing...Zhough me and my men 'ad many we sang...zhat was a favorite"

"Miss Seras is just overprotective..." He brought one hand up to his neck, rubbing the spot where Alucard had bit him.

"Oui, a bit too much." Pip agreed with a small grin. "I see no 'arm in someone of age learning it..."

"I am certainly of age." He lowered his hand before Pip could ask.

"Perfect. We can start on zhat now if you like. It is a simple song."

"That's perfect."

"Zhen repeat after me." Pip replied with a grin. " Well, I don't know but I've been told..."

"Well I don't know but I've been told."

Pip nodded and continued on. "Eskimo pussy is mighty cold!"

Quatre choked and turned red at that. But repeated it none the less.

"Bit of a shocker?" Pip asked with a laugh. "Next line! Tastes good! Mighty good!"

"Yes." He squeaked, "Tastes good. Mighty good."

Poor boy didn't know what he was getting into when he asked--oh well the song was almost over. "Good for you! Good for me! --And zhat is zhe best song you will ever learn. Short, sweet, and sure to shock the pants off of most people."

"While. I'll certainly say so. If Trowa ever hears me sing that. He might wonder what's wrong."

Pip laughed. "It got me thrown across the island for just 'umming it. Will it work for you? Or do I need to think of another one?"

"It will work just fine. Duo's going to get a huge kick out of it."


Quatre looked at his watch. "I told Trowa I would be home half an hour ago. I should go." He laughed.

"On a schedule." Pip joked, but nodded in understanding. "Go on 'ome zhen. Don't let me keep you."

"It was a pleasure meeting you Captain Bernadotte. Merci." he bowed to the mercenary.

"Call me Pip or Captain--anything longer is too formal, Oui?" Pip replied with a grin. "Nice meeting you too--per'aps we can 'ave target practice again...and zhose pilot lessons you mentioned."

He straighted. "Of course. I teach music at the school, so feel free to find me there or in the hangar." Quatre smiled and then turned to go.

"I will do that." Pip called after him before turning back to the targets. He'd get a few more shots in before taking his own leave of he grounds.

pip, quatre

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