Wizard Meet Politician

Sep 13, 2009 10:31

Who: Severus and Relena
Where: Beach, around the village
When: Back-dated to right after she arrived and before that open log
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Notes: Muns fail once again..But this might not be completely done yet, if it's not, it'll be finished in comments.
Summary: Severus runs into Relena and shows her around.

Severus had put off going to lunch for a while, too busy enjoying the book he'd brought outside with him. He finally stood up, though he refrained from closing the book just yet, and started the walk back into the village and towards the cafe.

Relena was confused, annoyed and a little grouchy. She had no clue how she suddenly ended up on this island, nor how she ended up here. It should have been impossible. She was in a shuttlecraft last she remembered, taking a much needed nap after a stressful meeting on L4. She was supposed to be heading back to Earth, hopefully to return home to have a few days to herself before attending more meetings. But now... Where was she? She sighed as she headed toward what she hoped was a village. Why did she have to wear a suit? She slipped off the suit jacket as the heat started to make her uncomfortable. She hoped someone would have answers for her.

The fourteen year old wizard had not given up his black clothing, only going so far as to get clothes that fit him properly. Book propped open, nose nearly buried in its pages, he only looked up when he heard footsteps nearby. Despite what his classmates might say, his personal hygiene had improved, if only because he didn't have the opportunity to brew potions on the island, much to his annoyance. His black eyes studied the older woman for a moment, briefly wondering who she was before he dismissed her until necessary.

A relieved smile graced her lips as she spotted him. He looked younger than her, about 14 or 15 by her estimation. Perhaps he could help her? She hurried up her steps and approached him. "Hello? I need some help, perhaps you could answer a few questions for me?" She watched him curiously, hoping that he could. Her eyes studied him a bit more as she waited for a response. What was he reading? Didn't he boil in all that black?

Severus hesitated at the obvious hope in the woman. It was a bit unsettling in its unexpectedness. The smile on her face was even more surprising, only Lily had ever even considered smiling at him before he'd arrived on the island. He finally let the book fall closed, and held it gently with both arms, almost protectively to his chest. When he finally spoke, it was in his typical quiet, lightly British accented voice. "..Perhaps..What would you like to know?"

Relena kept the smile on her face as she watched him. The way he reacted and how he held the book spoke volumes to the politician. Though the British accent surprised her a little, not what she was expecting. "If it's not too much to ask, could you tell me exactly where I am? I seem to be lost, in fact, I'm not quite sure how I got here to begin with." Her voice was gentle and friendly, she really hoped he could answer her questions or at least point her to the direction of someone who could.

His own expression was a carefully schooled mask of indifference, a defense mechanism that he'd been working on for years. "I have only been here a few weeks. Though, as far as I have discovered, this is a tropical island that is at least semi sentient. People from multiple realities have been brought here, somehow. Beyond that, I am not who you should speak with, though I do not know who would be better."

She frowned a little at the new information. A sentient Island? What did he mean multiple realities? How was that possible? She shook her head slightly. It didn't make sense to her. "Thank you for at least that much information." She paused for a moment, she didn't even know his name! "Forgive me, I believe introductions are in order, my name is Relena Peacecraft-Darlian, I'm sorry if I've been rude in some way.”

Severus suspected the woman was most likely more confused than before, but that wasn't his fault, now, was it? Not that it mattered much, few things made a lot of sense on the island, and he was used to strange occurrences. But for anyone to apologize to him for being rude? He doubted he would ever get used to that. "..You needn't concern yourself over it. I am Severus Snape."

Relena gave him another friendly smile as he told her his name. "Then it's a pleasure to meet you Severus, perhaps you could do me the honor of showing me around the village? Maybe you could show me where I can find the person you mentioned that may know more? I would greatly appreciate it." She knew she would need a guide, at least for now, so why not this nice young man? He seemed knowledgeable.

The smiles were starting to make the young wizard wonder if this 'Relena' was very good at faking smiles, or was somehow a perpetually happy person. He also wondered what culture she was from, to automatically call someone by their first name without being invited to do so. Still, he said nothing about it, and merely started walking again towards the village center. "I have yet to meet the person myself, though I do know she works at the clothing store, Miss Peacecraft-Darlian."

snape, relena

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