RP Log - You Might Want To Study

Aug 01, 2009 16:57

Who: Alberich & Quatre
When: earlier this week
Where: School
Rating: G
Warnings: references
Notes: none
Summary: Alberich and Quatre talk for a bit, and Alberich not-so-subtly hints that Quatre should look into something.

Quatre's fingers danced along the fingerboard. While the school was out of session for the summer, the teachers still came and went, preparing lesson plans. He was actually in here to practice his violin. Spade had a tendency to howl when he played the higher notes, which irritated his and Trowa's hutmates. He rocked as he played, eyes closed lightly, but he was still on alert.

Alberich was in his office, preparing lesson plans and trying to think of a way to get his students to stop complaining about the summer heat and actually learn. He was not willing to stop classes, since language was something that had to be continuously used or it would be forgotten. He headed out of his office, wandering the halls while he thought instead of staying in one place for too long.

Quatre continued to play. He figured there where other people in the building, but a little violin practice wouldn't disrupt them.

Alberich ended up hearing the sound of someone playing some instrument, and he followed the sound. He was curious to see who else was around, leaning in the doorway of where he thought the music was coming from.

He stopped. There was no screeching noise that usually accompanied most people when they stopped playing. Lifting the bow from the strings, Quatre opened his eyes.

Alberich looked up, nodding slightly to let Quatre know that he at least could appreciate the skill involved, even though the instrument was something he was not familiar with.

He nodded in return to Alberich and then set the delicate instrument down. "Good afternoon." he said with a polite nod.

"Good afternoon, Herr Winner." Alberich nodded politely, although his military background was obvious to those who could look for it. "Spending time in here, instead of in the heat?"

He closed the case. "Yes, I keep my violin here. It's such a delicate instrument that weather changes affect it's sound." the blonde replied. He respected Alberich for many reasons.

That was something else he could understand, partially due to his acquaintance with Jadus, the Bardic Trainee-turned Herald. "I not familiar with instruments, although Jadus tries to explain, when I listen can."

"There are some that I don't play that I simply enjoy listening to. It takes a great amount of talent to master anything. Your fighting skills for example. Some would compare that to my violin playing. Both take time to perfect."

"That true is." He definitely conceded that point. "One of the Weaponsmasters who taught me said, that raw talent in someone only good makes. Great comes when someone their skills hones."

"Quite wise words."

"Both of them wise are." Alberich nodded, still greatly appreciative of all his instructors had done. They were the men who took the place of his own father, who was never involved in his own life.

"Someone once told me that war brings sorrow, but we might fight to keep our loved ones from sorrow." he said.

"War brings many things."

"That, I do quite agree with."

Alberich nodded, having seen more than enough of battles and warfare, both on the small-scale and the large-scale. "Most people want peace. Very few war enjoy."

"Someone I know, she tried to justify war."

"In my experience, when they actually a battle witness, they change." Alberich crossed his arms, expression falling. "And if they do not, their nature towards violence inclined."

A fine shudder ran through Quatre. He had fought in two wars, but... "I wish I had never fought in the wars that I did."

"I cannot for that wish. I have wars seen, and fought, but if I fought not, someone else would have, who for the people of Karse cared not."

"I have my own reasons for that wish. But, I am glad that I did. I have changed because of that experience.

Alberich nodded, looking over the young man. "You the age of a Herald are, but you more than most have seen."

He looked at Alberich. "I do suppose you can say that."

"It not common for young men your age to fight, even in Karse. From what I of young Naoe's thoughts hear, however...some of them closer in experience are."

"Yes, when people learned our ages during the war, they where in shock. We where mere children."

"Herald-trainees have usually twelve or thirteen years seen, although some younger or older are. There quite a few are, who as adults Chosen are, myself included." Alberich frowned, and although he had been training the youngsters for almost seven years in Valdemar, it was never easy.

He nodded, listening to Alberich.

Alberich nodded, looking over at Quatre. "I have heard, that you others' emotions feel. Empathy Gift?"

"That is correct. Why do you ask?"

"Because I your thoughts hear, on occasion."

He turned red at that.

Alberich couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the younger man's reaction. "I have discretion, your thoughts broadcast will not."

"Thank you... I don't mean for you to hear them..."

"I am strong Mindspeaker, and even when I on purpose listen not, still I it hear can."

"Oh, I see."

Alberich sighed slightly, then smirked at Quatre. "My Mindspeaking stronger than my ForeSight is."

'That look on your face inspires many good feelings." He said with sarcasm.

"My Trainees call me already 'Herald Stone-Heart', what others think, I nothing for care."

"I do not care for what my enemies call me." he said.

Alberich sighed at the thought of enemies. As far as he knew, his entire homeland now considered him to be an 'enemy', even when all he was trying to do was the best he could for the ordinary people, when he could.

Quatre blinked and put his hand to his heart.

Alberich's shields strengthened on their own, doing their best to hide his state of mind--and hopefully, his emotional state. He didn't have to think about his shields much, but it would have been easier with Kantor around.

He looked at Alberich and blushed lightly. "Thank you..."

"I am sorry. Your Empathy, very strong?"

"It's not usually this strong..."

Alberich frowned, crossing his arms as he went over what little he knew of Gifts. "Possible, that your Gift stronger over time grows?"

"That's our running theory."

"That, the only thing that I possible think." Alberich sighed, wishing that one of the other Heralds was around. "There books about Gifts are, in the library."

"I've never actively read up on my empathy.." he said, more to himself than Alberich.

"Perhaps you should." Alberich pointed out in a not-so-subtle hint. He knew that the Valdemarans had more than enough experience with Empathy within the Healers' Collegium, and that if Heraldic books showed up, the Healers' should have as well. "In Valdemar, the Mind-Healers something like that have."

"I think I shall." Quatre replied with a cheerful smile.

Alberich nodded in approval, the only sign of his emotions a slight flicker in his eyes. "If the terms hard to understand are, I explain may."

"I shall seek you out for help then."

"I shall you expect, when you help need."

"Thank you. It means a lot for me."

"You're welcome." Alberich nodded, pleased that the young man was appropriately grateful.

He smiled and then looked at his watch. "I should be heading out soon. It's my turn to cook dinner."

Alberich let out a sarcastic chuckle, smirking a little at the younger man. "I wish you luck, and good day."

He nodded and then headed out, leaving his violin in the music room.

alberich, quatre

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