Who: Hotaru, Neil, Pluto
When: a week ago?
Where: Hut 1, and whatever hut is Hotaru's
Rating: G
Warnings: FLUFFY!! (yes, both cuteness and cat)
Summary: There's something lurking in the hut...
Hotaru sighed slightly after telling Pluto about Fluffy going missing. "Hopefully she'll show up soon." She was worried about her cat, especially because of the wolves in the forest.
Pluto smiled a little, putting her hand on Hotaru's shoulder. "I'm sure Fluffy will show up. Milo could always find her on one of his patrols since he's used to her, or she could be hiding in someone else's hut."
Hotaru nodded. "That is true... I can put an announcement on the network to see if anyone finds her." She glanced over as the door opened and Neil walked in. She looked back over at Pluto. "Milo will probably find her."
"If I see her, I will make sure to let you know." Pluto nodded, looking up at Neil when he walked in. "Dear, Hotaru can't find Fluffy. Can you keep an eye out for her when you're around the village, please?"
Neil nodded. "I'll keep an eye out for her. I didn't see her at all today. Chances are she just went to visit some friends... or went to the cafe for a snack," he added with a smile.
Hotaru smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Aunt Kore. Thank you, Neil. I think I'll go and see if she's returned home."
"You're welcome, Hotaru." Pluto smiled, "Try not to worry too much about her. There's enough people here, she wouldn't just run off into the forest."
Neil nodded. He knew the cat was social enough with people that she wouldn't go exploring too far on her own.
Hotaru nodded and hugged her aunt. "Thank you," she said again. She headed towards the door.
Neil watched her go then shut the door after the young girl had headed off.
Pluto sighed, turning slightly to look at Neil. "Thank you for helping. Hotaru doesn't go anywhere without her cat at times, and she seems to like me."
Neil nodded. "It's no problem. I usually see the two of them walking around the village. She'll probably show up soon. The cat is so sociable she's easily distracted at times."
"She is." Pluto chuckled softly, "And she isn't afraid of me at all. She's not like most animals here, and Arthur is the only other one I can think of who will come up to me."
Neil chuckled. "Cats are made of braver stuff in some ways... and Arthur I can't compare to anything else I've seen. Cute though."
"He is cute." Pluto smiled, walking over to Neil. "Adorable and absolutely fearless, which is rare in any animal."
Neil chuckled. "That is true, so always better when you can find both." He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.
Pluto laughed, kissing Neil back in return, and not simply on the cheek. "Silly boy...fearless does describe you at times, but I was thinking handsome fits better."
Neil kissed her back and grinned. "Thank you," he said brightly.
"You're welcome." She smiled brightly, enjoying the time she spent with her boyfriend.
He took her hand and squeezed then said, "I'm going to make a snack. Do you want anything?"
Pluto shook her head, squeezing Neil's hand back anyways. "I'm fine. Go ahead and make a snack for yourself, I may make something to drink when you're done. Unless you could start heating water for tea?"
Neil nodded. "I can start some tea for you." He let go of her hand headed into the kitchen. "What kind of tea would you like so I can get it out?"
"I can get the tea out after you're done. I don't think you'd be able to read the label on the tin." Pluto smiled, knowing the blend she wanted and knowing how she kept them. The one she had in mind, she labeled. "I'll teach you how to read the labels when you have a day away from the arcade."
Neil nodded. "Okay." He headed into the kitchen and put the water onto boil before starting to make his snack.
Pluto sat down on the couch in the living room, waiting for Neil to come out with his snack.
Humming slightly to himself, Neil got out the bread and went looking in the cabinet for the spread he liked. He pulled out the jar and was shutting the door when he heard a meowing sound. He blinked and opened the door again, looking inside. A mostly gray cat with blue eyes was looking back at him. The cat meowed at him again. Neil blinked then chuckled. "Kore," he called still chuckling slightly. "I think the cat is in the wrong cabinet."
"Huh?" Pluto got up, heading into the kitchen to see what Neil had found. She wasn't even sure she had heard him right. A cat? In the cabinet?
Neil chuckled as she came in. He gestured to the cabinet that he was holding open. Fluffy tilted her head, looking at Neil curiously.
Pluto blinked, walking over to the cabinet. She knew that blue-eyed cat anywhere. "Fluffy?"
Fluffy mewed happily at seeing Pluto and hopped out of the cabinet onto the counter. Neil chuckled.
Pluto sighed, picking Fluffy up so she wouldn't be on the counter. "I think I need to go find Hotaru."
Neil smiled. "Probably a good idea." He turned off the stove. "We can both go find her."
"All right." The green-haired Guardian smiled, keeping Fluffy in her arms. "I'll need you to get the doors."
Neil nodded. "Of course." He smiled. "At least we can give Hotaru some good news."
"We can." Pluto nodded, petting the grey cat to help keep her feeling relaxed. "Now, I wonder how long she was in the cabinet..."
"Probably not long," Neil remarked. "She didn't seem too eager to want out." The cat was purring happily.
"You can pet her if you want. Fluffy is a people cat."
Neil smiled and reached over, petting Fluffy. She mewed happily at Neil then purred again.
Pluto smiled, staying close to Neil anyways, but more so now that he was petting Fluffy. "She likes you."
Neil nodded, still smiling. "I see that. She's cute."
"She is." Pluto nodded, heading out towards the door slowly. "Let's go tell Hotaru that we found her."
Neil nodded, following after Pluto. When they reached the door, he opened it for her.
"Thank you, Neil." Pluto smiled, heading through the door. She was glad he opened it, it would have been hard with a cat in her arms as well.
"No problem," he said with a smile. Fluffy mewed happily, looking around now that they were outside.
Pluto chuckled softly at Fluffy, giving the cat some more attention as she walked over towards Hotaru's hut.
Fluffy purred happily as she was carried over to Hotaru's hut. Neil walked behind them.
Pluto smiled, looking over at Neil when they reached the hut. "Dear, you'll have to get the door. I can't."
Neil nodded. "Of course." He knocked on the door for her.
After a moment, the door opened and Hotaru stood in the doorway. She gasped seeing the cat. "You found Fluffy!" she said happily.
Fluffy mewed happily.
Pluto smiled, "Actually, Neil found Fluffy. She was hiding in a cabinet."
Hotaru chuckled. "What were you doing in the cabinet, silly cat? Thank you, Neil," she said with a smile.
Fluffy mewed as though she were answering.
Neil smiled. "It was no problem."
"Fluffy had no problems jumping out of the cabinet once I got there." Pluto chuckled, handing the limp cat over to Hotaru. "You might want to warn your mama about that as well. I have a feeling she might try that trick over there, too."
Hotaru chuckled, taking back her cat. "Okay. I'll warn her."
Fluffy mewed happily and snuggled.
"That's good." Pluto smiled, watching the cat and her owner. "Maybe Nate needs to learn how to track her, too. He seems to be able to track you well enough."
Hotaru giggled. "That is true. Would you two like to come in?" she offered.
"Neil?" Pluto looked over at him, she couldn't make up her mind about it. Whether they stayed or went back home, it would be up to him.
Neil thought for a moment. "How about we come over sometime later in the week?" he suggested. "That way we can all be more prepared and you can have sometime to spend with Fluffy now that she is back."
Hotaru smiled, petting her cat. "Sounds good."
"That sounds all right to me as well." Pluto smiled, glad that Hotaru had Fluffy back. "Maybe you should put a bell on her collar for the next time she tries to run off. That way, you can hear her."
Hotaru nodded. "I'll try that. That might help." Fluffy mewed up at her.
"It cannot hurt to try." Pluto took Neil's hand in hers. "And at least she is a people cat, so she will try to find someone."
Neil squeezed Pluto's hand, smiling.
Hotaru nodded. "That is a good thing." She smiled at them holding hands and said "Thank you for bringing her home."
"You're welcome." Pluto smiled, "Just make sure to keep a better eye on her, that's all."
Hotaru nodded. "I will."
"That's good," Neil said.
"So, dear, did you want to go back home now that Hotaru has Fluffy back?" Pluto asked Neil, looking up at him. She had no problems being shorter than him.
Neil smiled. "Yeah, let's go back home." He squeezed her hand again.
"Goodbye for now, Hotaru." Pluto smiled over at her niece, "Have a much better day now."
Hotaru smiled, setting Fluffy down. "Thank you. I know I will now." Fluffy meowed her goodbyes and then walked into the hut as though nothing had happened.
Neil smiled.
Pluto chuckled at Fluffy, "Just like a cat..." She smiled at Neil, then turned to head back to her own hut;.
Neil nodded, walking back to the hut with her. "Of course. That is a cat for you."
Hotaru chuckled and shut the door as they left.