Who: Neil, Nagi, whoever joins
When: earlier this week, before Nate and Nagi's log
Where: Arcade
Rating: G
Warnings: None right now
Notes: Continued in tags for whoever wants to wander in?
Summary: Nagi and Neil talk a bit as their work day starts.
Neil was heading to work, carrying Haro. The little robot was looking around as usual. Neil opened the door to the arcade and set Haro down inside the door, before stepping inside.
Nagi was already at the arcade when Neil and Haro came in, sitting at the counter. He had looked up when the door opened, looking back down when he saw it was just those two and not someone actually coming into the arcade to play games.
Neil was expecting to be the only person in so he blinked when he saw Nagi. "Hello, Nagi," he said. "Feeling better?"
Haro flapped as it rolled around to check the games. "Hello! Hello!" he called back.
Nagi sighed, nodding slightly. "Not 100% yet. But feeling well enough to at least come here and do some of what Schuldig's having me learn."
Neil nodded. "That's good. At least he's finally let you out of his hut."
"Yeah. I was getting sick of your twin's smoking."
Neil nodded. "I don't particularly like people smoking either. That would probably be the one issue if we lived in the same hut."
Nagi shrugged, it wasn't like there was much he could do about it. Schuldig also smoked, so it was two against one in a sense. "Glad to be back in my own room."
"That's good. It's just the two of us again. Usagi's not here anymore."
Nagi let out a sigh of relief, his whole body relaxing at that. He was even able to ignore whatever Haro was doing.
Neil smiled, glad that relieved Nagi. "Yeah... I'm kind of glad too."
"Yeah...fewer people here. It doesn't need more than the two of us to run this place." And I'm sure you could run it on your own if not for your girlfriend. was what he wanted to say, but he wisely chose not to.
Neil nodded. "We have our people who come in, but we really don't have the entire island coming in."
"Not a bad job for me, I guess."
"It's a good one for people who like quiet jobs."
Nagi nodded, idly wondering what to do with his time here now that he wasn't going to have any homework.
Neil stretched before moving behind the counter. He opened the bag he had brought with him and pulled out a book, not necessarily to start reading yet. He glanced over at Nagi. "I have another if you want to read."
Nagi nodded, his eyes out around the empty arcade. Granted, it wasn't silent, but it felt hollow without at least someone around.
Neil pulled out the other. "You can take your pick of which you want. I haven't started either yet." He went back around the counter to check on Haro.
Nagi blinked, looking over at the two books Neil had left out on the counter while he was checking on Haro.
One of the books was a history book on colonial America and at the other end of the extreme the second was on programming.
Nagi picked up the programming book, since history made him bored. Not to mention that the only way he'd learn about history of a country not his own is if he had to stay there for any length of time.
"Well, Haro seems to know what he is doing," Neil said coming back over.
"He's learned."
Neil chuckled, sitting down. "He's coming a long way from seeing if the machines would talk to him."
Nagi nodded, his eyes still in the programming book. "He's learned that they don't talk back."
Neil smiled. For some reason, things seemed a little more right with Nagi working there again. He had missed him.
If Nagi had known what Neil was thinking, he'd have snorted and started thinking of reasons why Neil was being an idiot. As it was, he simply read, the air around him becoming a bit charged at times. At least it was better than actually sparking.
Since Nagi was reading now, Neil picked up the other book to start reading.