Wizard and Assassin Meet

Jun 18, 2009 13:38

Who: Nagi and Snape
Where: Around
When: This morning
Warnings: Slight spoilers for both, but no surprises if you've been paying attention
Rating: G
Notes: none
Summary: The two teens bump into eachother and have a very very short conversation.

Severus left his hut, carrying a couple books and other supplies for the day's classes, and started for the school.

Nagi was just putting one foot in front of the other as he headed for his job at the arcade, needing some time to himself right now. If anyone even came into the arcade, they usually didn't stop and talk to him...and he was just starting to get back on his feet now that he had enough control to not electrocute anything on accident.

Severus glanced up by chance and noticed a boy, probably not much older than himself. Yet another unfamiliar person on this strange island. As he seemed to be unnoticed, he wasn't about to disturb the quiet by speaking or drawing attention to himself, so kept walking.

The air around Nagi felt a bit charged as he walked, but that was more to him continually shunting his power into the ground and a bit of it leaking out. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed a slightly-younger boy heading in his direction, to stop the power leakage.

When Severus was a bit closer, he could nearly feel the energy, a bit different than what he was used to. Noting the power shifted to seem to hide itself as the older boy stopped, it seemed to prove to the wizard it was caused by the other. He hunched his shoulders unconsciously as he forced himself to keep walking and not avoid the other.

Nagi nodded as the boy walked by him, more than willing to let him go on his way. He didn't particularly feel like being social, and he was just too tired to do much other than go to the arcade and back to his hut. At least Schuldig thought he could be on his own again.

Severus managed to return the nod as he passed the other, dark eyes still wary, especially around those near his own age. And for good reason, in his mind.

Nagi was going to wait until the other had passed before moving again, just to ensure that his power wasn't going to cause problems by leaking out.

Severus still felt the strange energy, if dimmer than it had been, and almost despite himself, he paused. Shoulders still a bit hunched in a defensive gesture, he risked asking a question. What was the worse that could happen? Another hex? He was used to those. "What does your power allow you to do?" The quiet query was lightly accented.

Nagi blinked when he heard the boy talking to him, sighing a little. He replied quietly, glad that he at least didn't have too much of an accent when he talked. "Move things with my mind, teleport, and create lightning."

The wizard nodded slightly, shoulders relaxing a bit when the hex or other retaliation did not come. "Have you had them long?"

"Born with the first." Nagi looked a bit down, keeping his eyes averted so the boy couldn't see the haunted look in them. "Developed the other two after I left my world."

There was a gesture the wizard understood for what it was, and shifted his own gaze away. "..They must be useful," was his only comment. If it came out slightly bitter, he wasn't aware of it.

Useful? Yes, if your job was killing people. Nagi snorted, his own voice somewhat bitter. "Not all the time."

Severus glanced back at the older boy, hearing the tone. He fell silent, contemplating what had been meant.

In Nagi's mind, it was easy to see what was meant. The lightning was not a good ability to have when working on some hacking project, or even just the mundane work at the arcade.

Severus would have loved to be able to teach a few lessons to certain classmates of his back home, so he believed he'd find the lightning to be very useful, or even just the ability to teleport away from the mockery.

In the meantime, Nagi knew a lot of his problems stemmed from the fact that he had abilities. He snorted slightly, intent on making his way back to the arcade as soon as he could.

Severus studied the older boy for a moment before nodding slightly before he started walking again. It seemed he wasn't the only one on the island that was quiet, it was a pleasant change to what he was used to.

Nagi let out a sigh of relief, heading back on his way towards the arcade now that the meeting had gone fairly well. At least the other boy knew the value of silence.

nagi, snape

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