Log - Comfortable Evening

Apr 29, 2009 23:44

Who: Quatre R. Winner, Trowa Barton
Where: Their hut
When: This evening
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Notes: Fluff
Summary: Just a simple evening between Trowa and Quatre...

Trowa headed in the hut after work. Maki mewed up at him as he walked in. Trowa smiled and went to check and see if the cat needed food.

Kahwa padded into the kiched and rubbed up against Trowa's leg. Spade was lying on the couch. She raised her head and barked at her other master.

Trowa chuckled, leaning down and picking up Kahwa. "Hello there, little one." He smiled when Spade decided to speak up as well. Seemed like all of them wanted attention today.

Quatre walked into the hut a few minutes later. He smiled at Trowa, surrounded by the cats. "You're rather popular love."

Trowa chuckled. "I am indeed. It seems like everyone wants attention."

He laughed and shut the door. The blonde walked over to the couch and scratched Spade's ears who looked up at Quatre, yipping happily.

"I rest my case," Trowa remarked, sitting down in a chair, setting Kahwa down on the arm of the chair.

The cat kneaded Trowa's leg before settling down in his arms. Quatre shook his head. "How was your day?" He asked Trowa as he bent to kiss him.

Trowa sighed at the cat, petting her. "It was good. How was your day, love?" He kissed Quatre back.

"It was fine." He said sitting back next to Spade who crawled into his lap.

Trowa smiled. "That's good." He was wondering if he was going to have to free Quatre from the wolf when he wanted to get up.

He stroked down Spade's back, watching the young wolf with a smile.

Trowa smiled. "She's starting to get big as well."

"She is. But, she's still smaller than Milo was at this age."

Trowa nodded. "She is." He was still wondering why the wolf's mother had given her up.

Quatre smiled softly.

"I'm glad Milo's pretty much sleeping outside now," he remarked. "Since she's getting bigger, it's a bit more chaotic with them both in a small space."

"It would be insane." Quatre said with a sigh.

Trowa chuckled. "It would. Especially with two cats and a rabbit here as well."


Trowa smiled, still petting Kahwa.

Quatre relaxed back against the couch, eyes closing.


"No, just content."

"That's good."

He opened his eyes and looked at Trowa.

Trowa smiled.

He smiled back.

Trowa stretched a bit and then went back to petting Kahwa. "You'd think they never got attention."

Quatre nodded. "With the way they act, yes, you would think so."

Trowa chuckled. "Oh well."

Spade raised her head and looked at Trowa. She yipped happily at him.

Trowa smiled at her. "Hello, pup."

He laughed and scritched her ears. Spade's tail wagged faster.

Trowa chuckled. "She's adorable."

"She is." Quatre hugged the wolf pup, smiling brightly, "Very adorable.

Trowa smiled.

He smiled back.

"So what do you want to do for dinner?"

He shrugged. "I'm not sure."

Trowa nodded.


"I'm not sure either," Trowa admitted.

"Maybe we can go to the cafe...

Trowa nodded. "That might be good."

He tried to push Spade off of him, but she climbed further into his lap.

Trowa picked up Kahwa and set the cat down then stood up. "Come here, Spade," he called to the wolf.

She looked up at him and then went further into Quatre's lap.

Trowa shook his head and headed into the kitchen to get a biscuit. "Come on Spade."

The blonde gasped as the little wolf put all her weight on his legs. "Spade, off!"

Trowa sighed. He walked over and physically tried to move the wolf. "Spade, off!" he said firmly.

Spade whined, but got off, sulking over to the other side of the couch.

"Good girl," Trowa said when she moved.

Quatre sighed in relief.

Trowa smiled.

He stood up, chuckling.

"Alright, let's go to the cafe."

"Sounds good."

trowa, quatre

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