RP Log - Teammates

Apr 23, 2009 09:53

Who: Nagi, Schuldig
When: Yesterday
Where: training area
Rating: G
Warnings: none (gasp!)
Notes: none
Summary: Schuldig checks in on Nagi

Nagi looked out over the training area, spending a bit more time than he had been now that he saw the new hut listing. Apparently Crawford had gone home again, and while the young assassin was glad that he couldn't hurt his boss (again), at the same time he felt a little adrift without that guidance. He sighed, refocusing long enough to send a bolt of lightning crashing down on the ground.

Yes, Schuldig was probably the only person crazy enough to go the training grounds when Nagi was obviously training. So that was what he was doing. Especially now that Crawford was gone for a second time, he felt he needed to talk to the younger assassin.

Nagi looked up when he heard footsteps on the sand, noting the orange-haired German heading towards him. "Schuldig."

"Hello, Nagi," Schuldig remarked, going over and sitting down on a rock. He had come to talk not to start something.

Nagi nodded, seeing that Schuldig wasn't going to start anything. If he was, he wouldn't have just sat down.

"I'm guessing you saw that Crawford has left again," Schuldig remarked.

Nagi snorted, "Did you think I would not notice?"

Schuldig chuckled slightly. "No, I was fairly certain you had noticed. You seem to be more on edge since he left."

"...." Nagi couldn't think of any sort of response to that, especially since he was certain Schuldig could just find the answer in his thoughts anyways.

That was where Schuldig had gotten his information in the first place. Being a telepath was rather easy to do something like that. He smirked slightly, that being his default facial appearance.

Nagi sighed, shaking his head at Schuldig's smirk.

Schuldig was silent the smirk slowly fading. He could tell that Nagi was conflicted about Crawford leaving.

Nagi looked out over the training grounds, not really willing to talk about anything. Especially not with Schuldig. He wanted his thoughts to remain his own, thank you very much.

"You realize with Crawford gone, we are going to have to keep Farfarello from going off on his own and doing what he wants."

Nagi nodded, that much was obvious to him.

Well, this was turning into a very exciting conversation... Schuldig continued to sit there, wondering if Nagi would actually say something, even though he doubted it.

"So what are you waiting around for? I think we agree on that."

"Can't a guy check up on his teammate after the boss leaves?"

Nagi snorted, shrugging a bit. "From you, it's suspicious."

"Is it now?" Schuldig shrugged.

Nagi nodded.

"I find that rather odd."

Nagi shrugged, not finding it odd at all. He just resigned himself to Schuldig being a bit on the evil and sadistic side of things.

Yes, he was evil. Yes, he was sadistic. Didn't mean that was all that Schuldig was.

Nagi sighed, shaking his head. He just couldn't figure out what Schuldig wanted.

Schuldig honestly didn't want anything other than to check on Nagi since Crawford had left again, but being Schuldig, he wouldn't say that.

"So why are you here?"

Schuldig shrugged.

Nagi sighed, looking away from his teammate as he flung a few rocks around. He didn't want to risk bringing another lightning bolt down in his mental state.

"You should talk to someone," Schuldig suggested.

"Like who?"

"How about the pilot you work with?" Nagi wouldn't talk to him obviously.

Nagi shrugged, not so sure about talking to Neil about what he was dealing with. Besides, if the hut list now was any indication, he had his own things to deal with.

Schuldig shrugged. "It was a suggestion."

"And like most of yours, they fail."

Schuldig rolled his eyes. "Thanks so much for that."

"It's true." Nagi replied flatly, suffering from a supreme lack of caring about anything at the moment.

Schuldig shrugged. "You should talk to someone at some point," he remarked.


"Because you need to."

Nagi snorted, "Says who?"

"So says the telepath."

Nagi blinked, that was the first time in a while that Schuldig pointed out what he could do in a conversation with him.

Schuldig only shrugged again.

"You're no help."

Schuldig rolled his eyes.

Nagi rolled his eyes as well, silently wishing that there could be something relatively stable for him for once.

Schuldig sighed, standing up. "If you want to talk to me, you can come find me."

"And what makes you think that I'd talk to you?" Nagi snorted, floating a rock over to himself just so he could have the satisfaction of throwing it himself. "Or anyone else, for that matter..."

"Nothing makes me think you will, but you should."

"Why do you care?"

"Do I need a reason?"

Nagi nodded.

Schuldig shrugged.


Schuldig grumbled and muttered his response.

Nagi smirked slightly, not quite hearing it. "I can't hear you."

Schuldig grumbled. "Because... you're my teammate and... I can worry about my teammates too." He crossed his arms, a somewhat exasperated expression at having to actually have said it.

Nagi blinked, not expecting to ever hear that out of Schuldig. In fact, it went against everything he had thought that the German telepath was capable of.

"There. Happy?" Worrying about people was not something that Schuldig usually expressed. Maybe he had spent too much time on the island...

"You're really an idiot..." Nagi remarked, looking out over the training grounds. "Everyone here seems to be..."

Schuldig shrugged. "Whatever."

"Crawford would say you're starting to get soft."

"He's said that about you."

Nagi shrugged, "I've always been the softest one."

Schuldig shrugged again.

"Can't believe he's gone...again..."

Schuldig nodded. "It's the way the island works."

Nagi sighed, nodding. The Crawford that had just left wasn't a bad sort, and the closest to what he remembered Crawford being like.

Schuldig heard that in his mind, but he didn't mention it. Yes, he had noticed that too.

"If I talk to anyone, and that's a big if, it'll probably be to Neil. It's not like he can really tell anyone after he leaves."

Schuldig nodded. At least he had recognized the possibility even if it was still an 'if'. "Good."

Nagi shrugged, "Let me know if you want backup with Farfarello. I'll help."

Schuldig nodded. "I might need that... never know what kind of stuff he'll pull."


Schuldig nodded. "Then I will get you if I need your assistance, since I doubt you'll need mine." Secretly this was somewhat sarcastic.

Nagi let out a harsh laugh, more sarcastic than anything else. "We'll see."

Schuldig nodded and headed off.

Nagi remained in the training area, intent on training himself into exhaustion for the first time in a while so he wouldn't have to think about things.

Schuldig returned after some time to check on Nagi, even though he suspected he was still there.

Nagi was indeed still there, but in worse shape than he had been earlier. He was struggling to remain conscious, having used up a lot more of his energies than he should have.

Schuldig sighed. So what if Nagi didn't like to be touched, he was going to have to deal with it. Schuldig walked over and picked Nagi up, intent on taking him to the first aid station.

Nagi flinched as a reaction to being touched, let alone picked up. It took him a few minutes to actually place who had picked him up, and was only able to do it with the sight of orange hair. "Schu...?"

"You are going to rest since you decided to exhaust yourself again," Schuldig remarked, having already carried him out of the training ground area.

Nagi yawned, blinking before being able to form any coherent thoughts. "Rest? Taking me where?"

"First aid station."

Nagi's face showed shock, then dismay at the thought of having to deal with MOMO at some point. He shook his head, muttering softly.

"You are going there," Schuldig told him. Whether he liked it or not.

"No..." Nagi shook his head again, not wanting to go there. Anywhere but there.

"Yes. You won't take care of yourself if you go anywhere else."

"Don't take me there..."

"Where would you rather go?"

Nagi muttered under his breath, "Anywhere but there..."

"You won't take care of yourself."

"Don't take me to my hut. I'm with the Guardians you pissed off...but don't take me there either!"

Schuldig sighed. "Then where?"

Nagi sighed, "Don't care...your hut should be fine if you insist on making sure I'm fine..."

Schuldig nodded, taking Nagi to his hut. If the teen did this again, he was going to first aid station.

Nagi was losing the battle to stay conscious, just lying limp in Schuldig's arm as he struggled his best to stay awake until he got to the hut.

nagi, schuldig

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