RP Log - Another Sparring Session

Apr 20, 2009 13:37

Who: Alberich, Zechs, Skilgannon
Where: training area
When: BACKDATED -- before Treize left
Warnings: none
Rating: PG
Notes: unfinished, but isn't going to be finished?
Summary: Just a friendly upping-the-ante during a sparring session.

Alberich headed to the training area as soon as he could after German class let out, needing to work out some of his frustrations with his students. He had yet another Japanese kid in his class, with the exact same problems with the language that Omi had when he was in there...he took his staff with him this time to be able to solidly beat things with.

Skilgannon headed for the training area, wanting to stretch after being inside most of the day. His swords were on his back as usual.

Zechs stepped into the training area, adjusting the way his sword sat on his hip. It had been so long since he wore it.

Alberich nodded to the two other warrior-types who stepped into the training area, working through some simple routines with his staff. "Good morning."

"Good morning Alberich." He said in German.

Skilgannon nodded to both of them, stretching.

"You two looking for a match?"

"Just came to get out some frustrations."

Skilgannon shrugged. "I need to work out some stiffness."

"Frustrations in my case." Alberich replied, taking a good swipe at a loose rock with his staff and sending it flying away from everyone. "Why must Japanese students on my class taking insist?"

"Because they wish to learn."

Olek smiled slightly, unsheathing the Sword of Day and swinging it with care. "They are young and wish to learn." It was nearly an echo.

Alberich groaned against the onslaught of identical responses, expertly swinging his staff up and out of the way. "They cannot the words properly say. At least one student, no problems causes."

"That is good." Zechs replied as he drew his own sword.

Olek nodded, keeping the golden blade in his left hand as he practiced, keeping away from the other two fighters. "They might get better the longer they learn."

"We shall see..." Alberich sighed, his scars no longer appearing as deep as they had been with his change of expression. "Young Mariemeia is impressive student."

Zechs smirked. "I would expect nothing but from my niece."

Olek chuckled. "I can see that."

"Who wishes, first to be for sparring?" Alberich smirked, "Or shall we a miniature battle fight?"

"A miniature battle fight would be most interesting."

Olek nodded. "That is fine with me."

Alberich grinned widely, not having too many worries about a miniature battle fight with the two other men. They were all trained soldiers, and this could be interesting with the different styles represented.

Zechs smiled faintly.

Olek chuckled at the wide grin on Alberich's face. For once he would be using the cursed sword in a spar, knowing the other two fighters were up to the challenge. "One weapon or two?"

"That I up to Zechs shall leave."

"I think what suits us best."

Olek nodded and drew the silver sword. He hefted both swords, feeling the familiar weight and he stood at ready.

Alberich hefted his staff, ready with it. He knew that the simple weapon would give him a better reach than either of the other two men would have, but it was going to be interesting fighting someone who used two swords at the same time.

Zechs looked between them.

Olek started at Zechs, keeping an eye on Alberich. Sword of Night slashed first, with the Sword of Day waiting for defense or follow up.

Zechs brought his rapier up, fending of the attack. He pushed against Olek, trying to throw him off.

Alberich waited for the moment to see how the fight was going to go, and how the two styles would vary. He was going to get his chance to fight soon enough.

Olek went with the pressure, spinning around for a second attack.

Zechs ducked and then rolled out of the way.

Alberich decided to enter the fray now, bringing his staff up to block Olek's swords and push them away from him.

Olek let his swords be pushed away this time, but then used his body to twist and aim a shoulder at Alberich, dancing over Zechs.

Zechs watched the fight, assessing both men.

Alberich twisted his upper body to avoid the shoulder from Olek, continuing the spin to put some distance between him and the other man.

Olek let his momentum carry him away from both men, moving a sword diagonally on his back to protect from attacks, before he spun once more and darted at Alberich again.

It was then that Zechs cut in, blocking Olek's attack.

Alberich used the opportunity that Zechs gave, gaining the distance he wanted to keep Olek at arm's length so he could attack with some relative impunity.

Olek darted his swords around, blocking and countering Zechs' block, though his forward momentum did not cease.

He pulled away, watching Olek as he regained his footing.

Alberich kept his eyes more on Olek than Zechs at this point, coming in for another attack on the other warrior.

Now it was getting interesting. Olek found the other men a delightful challenge as he switched between them, defending and attacking.

He moved between the two men, watching carefully as he attacked and defended.

Alberich smirked, his battle-lust manifesting itself as he went between attacking, defending, and gaining distance before attacking again.

Olek was trying to avoid triggering too much of his own battle-lust, though he felt with these two, he could let go to a degree. He kept a little distance between himself and Alberich as he could manage, knowing the other fighter would have a good chance at using that staff with distance.

Zechs danced away from Alberich, staying away from the staff, since he didn't feel like getting whacked. He attacked Olek again.

Alberich stayed away from things for now, at a distance to make sure that he did not unintentionally injure Zechs when he was going for Olek. His battle-lust made his senses sharper and him feeling detached from things, a small part of him knowing he was going to regret it later.

Olek knew that if he let himself go completely, he was far more likely to purposefully hurt either of them if they weren't up to it. Sensing Alberich was staying out of it for the moment, he focused more on Zechs.

The taller man wasn't afraid of Olek, having faced worse opponents in the past.

Alberich waited to see what Olek and Zechs would do, looking for an opening when it came.

Olek kept attacking and defending, part of his attention remaining on Alberich.

As he fought with Olek, he never forgot that Alberich was there, ready to cut in at a moment's notice.

Alberich saw a moment, then got in there to block one of the swords heading towards Zechs.

Olek darted back before moving around Zechs.

Zechs looked at Alberich before turning to watch Olek.

Alberich turned around, staff going with him to defend himself in case Olek tried anything.

skilgannon, alberich, zechs

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