RP Log - No More Tuxedo?

Apr 01, 2009 18:46

Who: Pluto and Mamoru
When: Earlier this week
Where: Clothing store
Rating: PG
Warnings: SM references
Notes: None
Summary: Mamoru finally gets off his ass and gets new clothes.

Mamoru wandered around the island, when he happened upon a shop that sells clothing. He glanced down at his tuxedo outfit that he's been wearing for far too long, and grimaced. He really should find a new outfit. He entered the shop and looked around in surprise."Wow, the selection's not half bad."

Pluto looked up when she heard the door chime, only a hint of a smile on her face as she saw Mamoru walk in. "Considering that I am the one in charge here, there should be a decent selection."

Mamoru looked up at the woman's voice, caught off guard. "Oh, well, you see, I was just looking for something less...formal."

"That is certainly too formal for everyday wear, Your Highness." Pluto smiled, walking out from behind the counter to reveal the ancient Greek-style dress that she was wearing. "There is a good selection of slacks and shirts if you want to find something on your own."

Mamoru frowned at the formality, but shrugged it off. He was slowly getting used to it, though it still caught him off guard. However, he was more interested in getting to know her. "Anything you would recommend?" He asked instead.

Pluto was formal with him, simply because he was the Prince and deserved the formality. She walked over to the men's clothing, looking through the racks before responding to Mamoru. "I think you will look fine in some khakis and lightweight shirts. The weather is becoming warmer, so shorts may also be suitable."

Mamoru nodded, looking at some of the clothes. "So it seems you've been busy..." He paused awkwardly, unsure of what he was trying to say. "I mean, tending a shop and all." He hastily picked up a pair of pants and some shirts that looked as though they would fit.

"I find ways to pass the time here." Pluto chuckled softly at the awkwardness in his voice, not bothered at all by things. "It is a nice chance for a more normal life before having to be reincarnated and go back to being a Senshi."

"I guess it would be."  Mamoru sighed and looked around. "It is a nice reprieve from the constant fighting evil." He glanced down at the bundle of clothes in his hands. "You wouldn't happen to have someplace I could try these on, would you?"

Pluto smiled, pointing Mamoru towards the fitting room. "There is place for you to try those on there. And yes, it is a nice reprieve from guarding the Gate."

Mamoru went to try on the clothes, finding a few that fit. He emerged again, wearing the khaki pants and a dark t-shirt. He still could not get out of the habit of wearing dark colors, even though it made him hotter as the days grew steadily warmer. "So this Gate...is there any reason it needs guarding? Do you not get time off?"

Pluto sighed, shaking her head. Obviously this version of Mamoru was from earlier than when he had arrived at the Gate of Time. "The Outer Senshi protect the solar system from outside invaders. In my role as Sailor Pluto, I guard the Gate of Time so no one can enter through time-space."

Mamoru felt his jaw drop. He swallowed with some difficulty, realizing there was a lot he had missed since he had come to the island. Or at least, between him and the rest of people who knew him but whom he was only just now getting to know. "Wow. Have you ever used the Gate yourself? And how do you know if you're in the right place?" He was wondering if Pluto knew a lot more about him than she let on.

Pluto had to blink at the questions, since they sounded very...stupid to her. She took a deep breath, then answered as best as she was able to one at a time. "First, I have never used the Gate of Time. Second, I know I'm in the right place because it is located in a dimension that lies outside of normal time and space. Much like this island, actually."

"That...makes sense." Mamoru recalled Usagi having helped him when he had first arrived. One hand clenched into a fist, as he recalled the inopportune arrival. At least he had healed quickly--that was something. He glanced down at the clothes he was wearing. "Well, you have a nice selection. I'll take these...although I'd have to find some way of paying you back, since I don't have any money on me."

"This place does not require money." Pluto chuckled, heading back to the counter to enter the clothing in the computer system. "Everything is tracked on the computers, and we receive enough credits on the system so we can get what we need. It's very convenient."

"Every place should be like this," Mamoru commented under his breath. He could save on repairs for his cape and tux--not that he was ever in a battle for very long when the Sailor Senshi were around. He tended to make his token appearance for Usagi's sake and then vanish again. He smiled slightly at the memory.

Pluto had to disagree with that on principle. Things were never meant to be this easy, although a vacation was nice. "I do not think the same way as you do, Your Highness."

Mamoru smiled ruefully. "Few people think the same way I do. But that might be for the best." He cast another look around. "I should probably be heading out..."

"You don't have to if you don't want to, and I'm sure you have more questions about this place." Pluto smiled, sitting down behind the counter. "I have the time to answer them."

Mamoru paused at the counter, leaning against it. He did have a few questions, now that Pluto brought it up. He said what was most on his mind: "How did you get here if you were guarding the Gate?"

"I used my forbidden power, sacrificing myself in order to save our dimension from the threat of the Black Moon clan." Pluto sighed, "It involves time travel and paradoxes, but I do not think that I should explain it to you."

Mamoru nodded vaguely, wondering slightly about the paradoxes. It sounded complicated enough that he was not brave enough to ask the whole story. Instead, he asked, "So how long have you been here?"

Pluto smiled faintly, "I believe it has been at least three years since my father allowed me to leave his realm, but this is the second place I have been. The first was a desert, but set up in a similar fashion."

Mamoru blanched. "Th-three years? Who's watching the gate and...?" He shook his head. "What have you been doing during that time?"

"Either my father is watching the Gate, or Hypnos, or possibly Cerberus." Pluto smiled, "Or any of the other servants, to be honest. There is no shortage of people that my father can place there in my absence."

At the mention of the three-headed dog, Mamoru flinched. "I probably shouldn't be so surprised." He had not been the same since his arrival on the island--but it was too real not to be a dream. Surely there had to be a way off...or at least onto the island. "How do you get the items to the island?"

"The items just show up, for whatever reason." Pluto shrugged, ignoring Mamoru's flinch at the mention of the legendary three-headed dog. She was used to that. "Is there anything else I can answer for you?"

Mamoru thought for a moment. "No...I think that's about it. I should at least make myself presentable to the others..."

Pluto smiled, "All right. You should be presentable after you get into decent clothing, since a tuxedo is not necessary for everyday wear."

Mamoru chuckled. "Yeah, it's not 'suited' for warm climates. Thanks for the clothes." He started to head for the door.

"You're welcome." Pluto waved as he headed out, waiting to see if he was going to ask anything on his way out.

Mamoru paused halfway to the door. "Oh, one last thing. You haven't happened to have seen Usagi around, have you?" He had a feeling there was going to be some very interesting conversations taking place.

"She works in the arcade, you should try looking for her there." Pluto replied, knowing that the girl was responsible for some of Nagi's irritation if he was to start showing it. "Probably annoying her co-workers."

Mamoru laughed, letting his guard down. "That sounds like the Usagi I know. And, uh, thanks again for your help." Mamoru flashed a grin before vanishing out the door.

mamoru, sailor pluto

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