Zechs Gets His Head Turned Straight Again

Mar 29, 2009 22:29

Who: Dorothy and Zechs
Where: Hangar, then Cafe
When: This afternoon
Warnings: Mild language and angst, speculation and mild mild fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: Dorothy goes looking for Zechs with the intention of making sure he was taking care of himself.

Zechs wasn't a very emotional man to begin with, and even then, most of the time he normally kept everything locked inside, hidden away. He closed his eyes tightly as he sat on Epyon's foot. It wasn't fair and he didn't know how to cope.

Dorothy was still sad she'd not been able to spend much time with her cousin before he'd left, but it was past time for her to move on with things. Including making sure her other cousins were coping with the loss. She headed for the hangar, deciding to see if Zechs was there first of all.

The older man sighed and dropped his head against his knees.

She saw the taller man seated on the foot of his Gundam, obviously moping. She sighed and walked over to sit next to him, not saying a word yet.

"It's not fair." He started softly, "It's just not fair!"

Dorothy nodded in complete agreement. "It isn't."

"I'm tired..."

Pale eyes narrowed when they turned to stare at him. Was it simply emotional exhaustion or was he not sleeping enough?

Maybe it was a bit of both really... He sighed a bit.

She nudged him a bit. "Zechs..I'm sure he's fine wherever he is."

He looked at her, eyes downcast. "Dorothy... I'm tired of mourning those I've lost. I know he was your cousin, but he... He was a lot more to me."

Dorothy sighed quietly. "I know. I can't completely imagine how you feel. But you shouldn't shut other people out."

"I just can't bring myself to care."

Her eyes narrowed at him. "You're being childish."

"What does it matter?"

"What about Mariemeia? Shouldn't you be acting as a role model for her in her father's place?"

"She has Duo."

"He's not the right model for her," she returned.

"Neither am I."

Dorothy sighed with frustration, "he's teaching her things that I know Lady Une would disapprove of."

"Like what?" Zechs thought back to his conversation with Marie earlier. "She's mad at me..."

She frowned. "What did you do to make her mad at you?" She would only tell him something of what she'd learned if he answered her question.

"I snapped at her."


"The same thing we're talking about... Treize."

She stared at him for a moment. "I was wrong. You're not being childish. You're being a complete idiot."

"Just leave me be Dorothy." He snapped, looking at her. When was the last time he'd eaten or slept? It had been like this for him after the first war, that was why he spent so long away from those he cared for.

Dorothy sniffed with mockery, not budging. "I don't feel like it. Or should I go get your sister?" That question turned her frown into a smirk.

He shrugged.

She looked at him closely, "when did you last eat?"

"Day Treize left...."

Dorothy stared at him, ice freezing her gaze. "You're trying to follow him, aren't you?"

"No. I just don't care right now."

"I don't see why I should believe you."

He snorted and looked away.

"How long are you going to continue with this pathetic moping?"

"Why do you think I didn't appear for a year after the end of the first war?"

"I'm talking about not eating." She continued to stare at him coldly.

He stood up and looked at her.

Dorothy quirked a brow and stood up as well, waiting silently.

"It doesn't matter."

"It does. You will die if you don't start eating soon. If you do die, you'll prove yourself a coward by not bothering to continue living."

"I don't care."

She snorted. "That is obvious. However, are you sure you want to leave your sister alone?"

"Yuy can take care of her."

"You obviously don't care about her then." Dorothy stared at him before turning to leave.

He grabbed Dorothy's arm, eyes flashing angrily. "Don't you dare ever say that. I'd do anything for Relena!"

There was the response she wanted. She managed to keep the smug smirk off her face as she turned back to look at him coldly. "Prove it by sticking around and take good care of yourself."

"Bitch." He snarled, "You fucking bitch."

Now she smirked. "I've been called worse."

"Now, how about we go get something to eat?"

Dorothy nodded. "Yes."

He smiled faintly.

She smiled back, and started walking again after grasping his arm.

"I should apologize to Mariemeia later."

"You should," she agreed. "After you've eaten and attempted to sleep a full night."

"Yes..." Zechs nodded.

Dorothy nodded, leading them to the cafe.

He walked with her.

She walked to a table in a corner and sat down.

He sat down across from her.\

Dorothy smiled slightly and pushed a menu at him.

Taking it, Zechs sighed faintly. He then browsed through, deciding on a simple dish of tuna.

She watched him before deciding on a soup dish for herself.

Placing the order, Zechs sighed a bit.

Dorothy ordered after him, pleased that he had ordered something, even if it was just tuna.

"Thank you Dorothy."

She smiled, though it was nearly a smirk. "You're welcome Zechs."

He shook his head.

Dorothy chuckled quietly.

"So, what is Duo teaching Mariemeia?"

She smirked. "A few tricks he learned before he became a pilot."

Zechs frowned. "Spill now."

"Lock picking, for one."

"Son of a bitch! I'm going to kill him!"

Dorothy arched a brow at him. "Think about it, cousin dear. What would happen if she were kidnapped again and she remained ignorant in how to free herself? All she needs is a hairpin to escape."

"He could have asked."

She shrugged. "He could have, but he didn't."

Zechs sighed.

"I don't believe she wants the life the Lady wishes for her." She commented.

"Neither do I."

Dorothy smiled slightly. "Then let him teach her what he believes will help her have a life of her choosing. Support her."

He nodded.

She smiled once more before the food came out.

He nodded and then smiled at Dorothy.

Dorothy waited for him to start eating, just to make sure he wasn't going to try to just up and leave.

He then began to eat.

She smiled and began her own meal.

Zechs finished the food and sighed.

Dorothy finished her soup around the same time. Sitting back, she regarded her surrogate cousin. "Better?"

"I am."

She smiled. "Good."

"I'm sorry for the way I was acting."

She accepted it, recognizing he probably needed to say that before he could even try to move on to his next apology. "It's alright. You didn't hurt me."

He nodded.

"Are you going to go back to your hut and sleep now?"

"I should."

She nodded. "I'll let you talk to Mariemeia before I continue looking for her. And I expect that talk to happen tomorrow."

"It will Dorothy. Oh and do keep Duo's teachings in line."

Dorothy smiled sardonically. "I have no control over that one, sadly."

"I'll tell Duo that little nickname Treize and I had for you when we where kids."

She tilted her head at that, before smirking. "Go right ahead, Zechsy."

He didn't seem phased.

She chuckled. "He tends to find or make nicknames for everyone he meets. What's another one for him?"

"For Maxwell?"

"Who else?"

"I'm not sure if Maxwell has any nicknames."

"For him to use on me." She then clarified.

"Goldy." He reminded Dorothy.

Dorothy shrugged again, managing to keep from showing the twitch. "Tell him, if you think it'll keep him from teaching Mariemeia something you don't want her knowing."

"I think he should use it to annoy you. I think what he's teaching Mariemeia is fine. Or there's Goldilocks... Remember when your mother did your hair in tight curls?"

That resulted in a glare as she couldn't help her reaction. "How is telling him that going to keep him 'in line', as you requested?"

Zechs merely smirked.

She continued to glare at him. "Do I need to inform our dear prankster of your youth?"

He rose to his feet. "How about a truce dear cousin."

Dorothy considered that as she stood. "That is fine by me."

He held out his hand. "Truce then?"

She reached out and shook his hand. "Truce," she said in agreement.

Zechs nodded and pulled his hand back.

Dorothy smiled, letting her hand drop as well.

"Shall I walk you back to your hut?"

She shook her head. "That's alright, there are a few other things I'd like to do. You just head on back to your hut and sleep."

He nodded. "Alright then."

She smiled. "I'll drop by tomorrow before starting classes then."

With a polite nod to her, Zechs headed back to his hut.

She nodded back, watching him head off in the correct direction. Then she went off herself.

dorothy, zechs

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