RP log - The bottomless pit returns.

Mar 17, 2009 13:44

Who: Jon and Nate
When: Last week, just after Nate arrived
Where: The cafe
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Jon has a visitor, a hungry visitor.

The afternoon was plesently quiet and the cafe was empty for the moment after the last of the lunch rush died down. Standing in the back, Jon worked on some dishes after he'd refilled the lunch buffett and restocked the prep area, whistleing a tune he'd heard on the radio earlier in the day.

There weren't many people who thought the ceiling was an appropriate entry point, but Nate was one of them. It was good to see this place standing again after Johnny destroyed it. Last time he'd been here it had been no more than charred cinders.

One of his ears twitched as Jon rinsed off a pan. He'd never been accused of having sixth senses of any kind but he knew when things were out of place. Setting the now clean pan asside he picked up a towel and walked out into the front area, looking up in time to see a pair of legs and a body following a pair of boots down out of the ceiling.

He stopped a couple inches of inches off the floor and grinned at Jon. Even the first time he'd seen Jon a blue and fuzzy he hadn't even blinked. Then again, if you'd seen the sort of people he had, you'd understand why.

Jon chuckled seeing Nate and shook his head when the young man grinned. "Welcome back, I hope you saw Hotaru already." He said and put a paw on his shoulder, the closest he'd come to hugging him for the moment.

"Yeah, we talked. I missed her a lot. Didn't mean to be gone as long as I was, but it's hard to navigate the multiverse on foot." Or by telekinesis for that matter.

"I'll have to take your word for it." Jon said with a smile. "You were missed, I think even Uranus might have missed you."

"That's just creepy. I don't think your girlfriend's parents are supposed to miss you." Then again, Uranus had relaxed a lot after she'd gotten over the shock of them dating.

"Yours has parents you can meet. I'm not sure what me meeting Samus' parents would end up turning out as.. some can't get past the fur." He smiled and motioned to the expanded and changed menue. "Is it a crazy question to ask if your hungry?"

"Have you seen how much I eat, Jon? When am I not hungry?" He grinned at his friend. "Besides, I don't think anyone here will let me cook for myself."

"Thats why it was a crazy question." Jon lauighed lightly and nudged him, not that it was hard to move someone who was floating, in the direction of the buffett. "Miss Pluto and I have been talking about one of us starting a cooking class, would you be willing to try?"

"I'm willing to try, but I make no promises."

"You wont be the only one blowing things up, at the least it will be entertaining, right?"

"That's kind of scary you know. Most people don't have superpowers working against them. Or at least not on the same scale as I do. Speaking of, did you see what I did to the beach? I'll put it back I promise."

"You do have a point there, but ther eare others on the island who arn't trusted in a kitchen without proper supervision and fire supression equipment." He'd been outside a few times but not specificly down to the beach so far that day. "What you did to the beach?"

Nate just whistled and looked innocent. "Nothing."

"Uh huh.." Jon cocked an eyebrow at the mutant and tossed a dinner roll at him. "You wouldn't have brought up 'nothing' for no reason."

"I may have turned all the sand on the island green for the holiday. I'll turn it back. Promise."

That pulled a laugh out of the wolfman. "You turned it all green.. I think you might have just one upped Samus with her spikeing one of the pilots shampoo to turn his hair green for the holiday."

"Yeah, but if you have infinite power, there's really kind of an incentive to up the ante on your pranks." He smiled and took a seat at the bar by the kitchen.

"Thats fare ennough." Jon went around the bar. "What can I get for you? I think the island was preping for you to come back.. I had a case of your 'Cheese food' appear a few days ago."

"Oooh, cheese food." Nate just grinned. "I'm not picky. Just get me a decent amount of food."

"A decent ammount.. ok." Jon chuckled and vanished into the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with a tray heeping with fresh and still hot foods. Meat pies, baked chicken, various vegitable dishes.. and so on. A can of Nates cheese spray perched on one end.

"Nice. Thank you, Jon." You wouldn't think that a guy Nate's size could even fit that much in his stomach, but truth be told, the sheer amount that he needed to fuel his powers left little over for him to be able to put actual fat on his frame.

He chuckled as Nate packed it all away in near record time. "If you like I still have those crackers I made for you."

"I should probably take some of those back to my hut. They don't taste that great but sadly they're probably good for me." Then again, he'd eaten worse things in the slave pens back home,

"I did what I could for the taste, but the calorie content in them alone is pretty much a scientific impossibility as is." Smiling he went int the kitchen and came back out with a package of the crackers, seeming much simmilar to gram crackers in size and look.

"Most people don't have my need for a high calorie intake. I'll make sure to keep my hutmates out of them." Taking the crackers, he took them into his hand where they vanished.

"I warned everone back when I first made them, but that could be safe." The vanishing trick didn't bother him, instead he put down a mug of coccoa for Nate.

"None of my hutmates were here when you made them," Nate said with a laugh. "Seems like there's been a lot of turn over."

"Yes there has been. We were down to under ten huts for a time, and now weve had quite a few new arrivals."

"I still think it's strange how this place seems almost alive at times. Guess it's one of those things you get used to."

"Pretty much." Jon agreed. "It beats going back to where we come from and I for one am very happy here."

"Where we came from? Last time I got kicked out of here the island just ditched me somewhere at random. Not sure that that means." It could just be a side effect of what he was.

"You could say it was a challenge by the powers the be to find your way back? I know I would try if I had the ability to track Samus across dimentions."

"Or it may have been because last time I came here I didn't really come from anywhere in particular. I get the feeling that I don't exactly have the most standard set of powers."

"Standard compaired to whom?" Jon chuckled. "None of us are 'normal' by a far stretch."

"Even by local standards I'm a little out there and you know it." He grinned as he sipped his cocoa, the only thing left of the meal John made him.

"Yes I do, and this comes from the werewolf cook who has an intergalictc bounty hunter for a girlfriend.." He shrugged.

Nate had to laugh at that one. "Yeah, you'd be down right normal by the standards of my world, and by the standards of my family you'd be boring. Then again, my family is more than a little fucked up."

jon, nate

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