RP Log: Caught napping by an Empath

Mar 09, 2009 17:59

Who: Byakko, Tsuzuki and Hisoka
When: Right after the other one
Where: Under a tree, the Cafe
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Fluff, teasing and more blushing
Notes: None
Summary: Hisoka catches Tsuzuki napping ditching work.

A good while later, while the sun was still high in the sky, Hisoka passed by the spot Byakko and Tsuzuki had decided to slumber in, on his way into the shopping center. The blonde shinigami paused, arching a brow when he caught sight of the undisputable form of Byakko. "...He's here too?" he mused, tilting his head in subtle astonishment. With a sigh in regards to the carefree nature of the pair, the empath headed over, lazily standing a few feet away from them. "Hmph..."

A giant white ear twitched at Hisoka's approach, but the familiar smell of the boy informed the shiki that the new person was not an enemy. While he was awake, he didn't move, to comfortable and warm under the sun. He was prepared for an assault on Tsuzuki's person however.

Tsuzuki yawned, his eyes opening sleepily. "'Soka-chan?"

Hisoka sighed, arms folding to his chest as he glanced down at Tsuzuki. "I thought you had work today?..."

The tiger didn't feel the urge to say anything, or even move. Instead he was thinking. Maybe he could get Hisoka to join them in their napping.

The shinigami cringed a little, shrinking back against Byakko. "Maybe..."

Hisoka lifted a hand to rub at his temples, shaking his head in dismay. "You skipped work to sleep outside?"

Red eyes finally opened to look at the boy. Smirking to himself, he wondered how angry the young empath would be.

"...Yes." Tsuzuki ducked his head, waiting for the scolding that was bound to come soon. "Byakko just found me and I haven't seen him in so long..."

Hisoka allowed his gaze to wander from his partner to Byakko, offering a weak sigh in response. "I see..." He trailed off, still glancing at Byakko. "When did you get here?" He'd scold Tsuzuki later when Byakko wasn't there to protect him.

"On Tsuzuki's birthday. The two of you sure do make a sweet couple, by the way." Lifting his head to better look at him, there was amusement dancing in his eyes.

Tsuzuki squeeked, turning bright red. "Byakko!"

Hisoka's initial reaction was a choked noise of surprise. Instantly, the empath's cheeks flushed a fetching shade of red. "Were you following us?!"

He chuckled. "I wasn't following you. I just happened to be at the cafe when you two showed up." This certainly was more interesting than watching Tsuzuki work at a clothing store.

Scooting away from the tiger shiki, he resisted the urge to flail. "I told you it wasn't like that!"

Hisoka sighed, attempting to regulate his breathing and get his face back to a normal color. "I was having dinner with the baka to celebrate his birthday, that's all."

A long white tail moved in an amused fashion. "It didn't look like it from where I was sitting. Surely if you were just friends you wouldn't have been holding hands."

Tsuzuki flushed darkly. "I just wanted to hold his hand and he let me because it was my birthday!"

Hisoka ground his teeth together. Why was he letting Tsuzuki do the talking? "He was pouting..." was his only defense.

This was really amusing. "See, you can get what you want by being cute." Their shades of red were quite unseen by the shiki. "I'm just telling you how it looked to an outsider."

The violet-eyed man just hoped that Hisoka wasn't going to get too angry at him for it.

Hisoka sighed yet again, the desire to drop the subject growing. "Hopefully you were the only outsider that paid any mind to it..."

An attempted kitty shrug. "There were other people in the cafe, so who knows what they thought."

He whined, looking between them.

Hisoka turned red once more. "There weren't that many!"

"What about all the people who could see you as you walked?" Byakko hadn't had this much fun in a long time.

"Byakko..." Tsuzuki whimpered. If Hisoka got too embarrassed, he'd get more upset with him.

Hisoka narrowed his eyes at the shiki, pointedly ignoring his partner for the time being. "It was dark, I doubt they saw much of anything!"

Ignoring both of them, he hmmed to himself. "I bet it was romantic. Walking under all those lights, holding hands. So how were the cookies?"

"They were good," he said, firmly ignoring the first part of the statement.

Hisoka chose to ignore said part as well, though the blush on his face said different. "They were okay," he corrected simply.

Byakko gives them both a moment to realize that he must have been sitting pretty close in order for him to overhear their conversation about cookies.

"Just how close were you, Byakko?" he asked suspiciously.

Hisoka said nothing, though tensed, on edge.

He smirked. "Obviously close enough to hear your conversation. Is that enough information?"

Tsuzuki was very tempted to hide. How had he not noticed one o f his own shiki that close?

Hisoka grew angrier by the moment. Then again, anger and embarrassment seemed to be one in the same when it came to the empath. "And you didn't say anything to Tsuzuki?!"

He gave them a fanged grin. "I too was busy . I was under the chair eating." Samus had given him some very good chicken in fact.

"You shouldn't tease people though, especially your master," he said with a whine. "And you shouldn't hide from me either!"

"Stupid shiki..." Hisoka muttered to himself, passing a glance between the two. They were such idiots, sometimes.

"But Tsuzuki. You're just so fun to tease. I wasn't hiding, merely surveying the scene that last several days. If you had attempted to use your powers you would know that I was here." Byakko let his tail brush up against Hisoka's legs. Knowing what the boy was thinking of them, he gave him a wink.

Tsuzuki kepted closer to Hisoka, feeling protective of the younger shinigami. "There's barely any need to use my powers here."

Hisoka did not let the swish of Byakko's tail go unnoticed. The shinigami shifted awkwardly away from the fluffy tail, shivering faintly before glaring again.

Shaking his head slightly, the tiger moved his tail away from the boy, understanding his need for distance, and also noticing Tsuzuki's sudden protectiveness. Sheesh, didn't they trust him? It's not like he was going to attack the boy. Not unless he was forced, and he knew how that felt.

He knew that Byakko wouldn't attack Hisoka, but embarassing him was well within his capabilities.

"If you continue teasing him, he may never take anything you say seriously," Hisoka warned Byakko with a sigh.

"Hmph. If something I say is serious, Tsuzuki will know. After all, I've known him for a long time." He stood now that the shinigami was no longer laying on him, shaking out his fur.

Tsuzuki scuffed his foot against the ground. "I should probably get back to work." Before Byakko could tease them any more.

"Yeah, before you lose that job and come complaining to me," Hisoka agreed, looking to Byakko wearily again. He didn't mean any real harm by the looks, deep down.

The tiger gave the boy a smile, that said he didn't mind Hisoka's reactions. After all, the boy wasn't comfortable enough with him. A whirlwind engulfed him and he became a tiny kitten once more. "You promised that we could have lunch at the cafe." There was no way he was going to let Tsuzuki cook for him, even if he couldn't die.

"I guess we could stop by there on the way back," he said. "Some of Jon's pastries would be nice. Want to join us, Hisoka?"

"As long as you two don't randomly decide to gang up on me," Hisoka mused with an indifferent shrug.

up onto Tsuzuki's shoulder that was all feline grace, he settled there. "Pastries? Shouldn't you eat something a little healthier than that? You did have pastries for breakfast too."

"There are so many different kinds. But maybe I could have something else instead."

"More sweets. How unexpected," the empath sighed and glanced over his shoulder. "Well, are you two going to argue about Tsuzuki's health or are we going to go eat?"

"Lead on, my shinigami's. I'm just along for the ride." He curled his tail around Tsuzuki's neck.

"We're coming," Tsuzuki said, reaching up to scratch his fur automatically. "There isn't much that can hurt my health anymore, 'Soka."

Hisoka rolled his eyes in regards to the statement, regarding Byakko with an arched brow. "Can't you walk?" Perhaps a tinge of jealousy.

"I'd like to see a shinigami die from sweets. It would certainly be an interesting death." Red eyes fixated on the blonde. "I suppose I could, but my legs are short, so it'd take forever for us to get there."

"Your legs are short because you made them short," he said with a bit of a snort. "And if they haven't killed me yet, they won't."

"Slackers," Hisoka decided and began walking on ahead, not about to leave himself open for another slew of teasing.

Byakko chuckled, before going silent. "I've felt something strange Tsuzuki..." He said quietly, as to not alarm the boy.

Following his partner, he glanced sideways at the tiger. "What?"

Hisoka merely kept walking, being none the wiser to the conversation.

"I've felt the presence of another shikigami, although it feels strange to me. I think we should keep a watchful eye out, since I believe it's Touda." Byakko knew just how out of control the shiki could be, and he certainly didn't want something bad to happen.

"You think he's here as well?" Tsuzuki found it odd that so many shiki were suddenly arriving after he'd been on his own for so long. "But you haven't seen him?"

Whatever they were talking about back there was making Tsuzuki walk slower than usual. Hisoka pushed back the urge to scold his partner and continued onward. They'd be at the cafe soon enough.

He shook his head. "I don't think it's the Touda we know. Perhaps one from another world. But without a contractor things could get out of hand."

He bit his lip. It was hard to imagine another version of his shiki, but with other versions of the same worlds, he supposed it could be possible. "Maybe he does have a contractor. Hard to know unless we talk to him."

It was a good thing the blond was a good distance ahead of the pair. Speak of Touda probably would have sent the empath over the edge.

: For that reason, Byakko had kept their conversation quiet, but now that they had reached the cafe, he jumped down from Tsuzuki's shoulder, running to catch up with Hisoka. "I'll let you know if I see him." He called back over his shoulder.

"Thank you, Byakko," Tsuzuki said, putting up a big smile to hide his worry.

Hisoka lingered by the door to the cafe, glancing back at Tsuzuki with an arched brow. "You coming?"

Once again, Byakko was frustrated that he could not reach the door, having to depend on humans to open it for him. But for the sake of Hisoka, he kept his emotions in check, after all, he wasn't sure if the boy could pick them up. "Come on, I'm starving, Tsuzuki."

"You're perfectly capable of opening it on your own," Tsuzuki said to his shiki, catching up and opening the door for them.

Hisoka eyed the opened door and offered the faintest of smiles before heading inside, hands shuffling into his pockets.

"Of course I'm capable of opening doors, but it's so much nicer for others to do it for me. That way I don't have to waste energy changing forms." Byakko commented as he entered the cafe, jumping up into the seat of a nearby booth.

"And you say I'm lazy."

"I think you're both just lazy," Hisoka interjected with another shrug as he took a seat as well.

Byakko shifted so that he took up the entire seat, forcing Tsuzuki to sit with Hisoka on the other side. "This isn't the GensouKai. I don't just shift automatically. It takes a lot more energy for someone like me who gets summoned to the human world so often."

"Didn't stop you from shifting earlier," Tsuzuki said, sliding into the seat next to Hisoka.

"He has a point," Hisoka mused, still a bit lost, eying Byakko with a look torn between thanks and annoyance.

Byakko sighed. "Well, I suppose if you insist, I would shift. But you haven't yet." He was perfectly content sitting at a booth, talking with two shinigami's in his tiger form.

He shook his head with a smile. "Just pointing out that you don't have to keep waiting for me to open doors for you."

"He's too lazy to open them for himself, that's all," Hisoka reminded and tossed Byakko a faint smirk.

An eye twitched. "I'm not going to shift just to open a door."

"Could just use that form. You can't say you don't like it, because you use it all the time in GensouKai. And if you aren't shifting all the time, you won't use as much energy." It was rather simple to the shinigami.

Hisoka's head began to hurt a bit, having no clue what was going no apart from the fact that Byakko tended to favor this giant tiger form a bit too much.

Once again he sighed. "Well if you're going to harass me about it..." The thought trailed off as once more a whirlwind encircled him, this time leaving a human, with long white hair, a black and white striped tail, dressed in Feudal Japanese clothes behind. "Better?"

Tsuzuki smiled broadly. "Much. It'll be easier to eat lunch too."

Hisoka merely stared, a look of far more profound confusion spreading over him.

The man gave him a fanged grin much like the one he had in his tiger form. "This is your first time seeing this, isn't it, Hisoka?"

He busied himself scanning through the menu for what he wanted to get for lunch.

"Why didn't you tell me he could do that, baka?" Hisoka demanded, still startled, wrenching the menu from his partner with an un-amused look on his face.

Byakko laughed. "I usually can't in the human world. It takes too much energy, and considering what Tsuzuki calls me for, it's a waste."

"Most of the shiki wear their human forms in their world," Tsuzuki said, cringing back.

Hisoka calmed down after a moment, glance traveling back to Byakko. "So...all of you can do that?..."

"Yes, all of us can do it. It's when we're in the human world, our animals forms are stronger." The tail was currently moving in delight. "I find this funny that you aren't fazed by speaking animals, yet by our human forms."

Seeing as it looked like he was off the hook, he stole his menu back.

Hisoka shot Tsuzuki a stare before once again looking to Byakko. "...I guess I should have been expecting something like this," he murmured and took his own menu, deciding it would be for the best. After all, he didn't need to embarrass himself anymore.

byakko, tsuzuki, hisoka

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