Embarrassing an Empath

Feb 24, 2009 17:22

Who: Omi and Hisoka
When: Earlier today
Where: The Flower Shop
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Some teasing ensues
Notes: Embarrassed Hisoka
Summary: Hisoka came to get flowers, but got more than he bargained for.

Omi seemed to realize that the island wasn't a very popular place for people to get flowers. He didn't have much to do, and had brought his laptop to work today. Leaning against the counter, a pale blue apron on, Omi was quickly typing away at the keys.

The door to the shop opened quietly and closed just as swiftly as a slender blonde stepped inside, hands buried deep in his pockets. At first, Hisoka lingered near the entrance, as if embarrassed by the prospect of being in such a colorful and festive place, but eventually made his way towards the counter.

The young teen noticed the other boy and smiled, pushing his laptop to the side. "Can I help you?"

Hisoka cleared his throat, one hand shifting out of his pocket to brush through short blonde bangs. "Uh yeah. I need to buy some flowers for my friend..." He trailed off, gaze drifting to look at the multitude of flowers. Where to start. What to pick.

The youngest member of Weiss was used to people lost when it came to flowers, and he smiled encouragingly. "What would you like the flowers to say? Each flower has a different meaning and I'd hate to give you something you don't want to say.

Hisoka bit his lip. Great, another obstacle in his way. "I dunno. It's his birthday tomorrow. Not sure if you have any that mean that," he murmured, feigning indifference.

Omi laughed. "I don't think flowers actually say 'Happy Birthday', but you can get something like 'good fortune' or 'beautiful year ahead'. Now if it's a special friend, there are flowers that can mean 'love, or romance'."

Special friend? The empath's face morphed from pale to beat red in a total span of two seconds. He cleared his throat and shook his head. "Just something simple... maybe a few of the good fortune one." He paused. "What about any that mean a form of trust?..."

Moving from behind the counter, Omi pulled out some apple blossoms and some blue-violet irises. "These mean faith, does that work?"

Hisoka's curiosity got the better of him and he reached out, gingerly touching the mentioned flowers. "...Yeah, they're nice." Fitting, more like it. He paused again, withdrawing the hand, coughing semi-awkwardly. "You said you had some that meant love, right?" he murmured.

The teen couldn't help but smile. "Lots that mean love, a red tulip can be a declaration of love, a white carnation can mean 'pure love, or sweet love'." Omi wasn't sure just what the other boy wanted to say, but he covered the entire range of what the flowers could say.

Hisoka strummed his fingers absently on the counter, finding it hard to make eye contact. Hm. "Nothing too cliché or cheesy that'll give him too many wrong ideas," he murmured, "that's his department." He thought for a moment longer. "White carnation."

Placing them all gently in a vase at the counter, Omi rounded up the flowers Hisoka wanted. "Any thing else I can get for you? Would you like a vase, or have them wrapped?"

Hisoka shook his head. "Those are fine, thanks," the blonde empath assured and added on, "Vase."

Omi nodded, selecting a pale blue-violet vase that matched the iris, which was surrounded by the other flowers. He had once taken a class for arranging flowers, but most of it seemed to slip through his mind at the moment. "Here you go. By the way, I'm Omi."

"Thanks." Hisoka carefully and graciously took the vase. "I'm Hisoka," he answered softly, a faint, small smile on his lips as he spoke.

"It's nice to meet you, Hisoka. This is our first meeting, right?" It was so confusing to try and remember if Omi had seen these people before.

Hisoka nodded. He hadn't really met much of anyone since he arrived. "I'm sorta new," he explained with a shrug.

The blonde Weiss was usually stuck in the flower shop, what with Aya's recent absence, so he'd only met the few people who had come in, and the people in his hut. "I've been here before, my memories are just gone."

Hisoka blinked at the statement. "...Gone? Do you know how?" Or why for that matter. It seemed extremely...saddening.

"I've gotten off the island, I think I was on to a secret, because all I remember is being jumped and drugged. Next thing I knew I was back here." Omi was still pissed that he had let someone get the best of him. What he really wanted was to find out the island's secret, if that's what he had discovered before. Yet the promise to Aya was stronger than his nosy curiosity.

Hisoka frowned. "...That really sucks," he admitted, cringing at the mere thought of being drugged again. Though the whole concept of a home-sending secret intrigued the young shinigami. "But I'm sure if you found the secret once, you’ll find it again."

Omi shook his head. "I don't plan on looking for it. I'd rather not go through all of that again. Even though my curiosity is killing me. I even had to completely get rid of my motherboard and hard drive not to be tempted by the secret." He had the feeling that if he searched for the secret again, whomever was out there probably wouldn't be so nice the next time around.

Hisoka shivered a bit at the foreboding story. "...Now you've gotten me curious as well," he admitted with a sigh, shaking his head. "Though I think it’d be better for me to figure out the basics of this place first before I go looking for something complex."

Omi nodded. "I'm sure lots of people would be glad to help you gather information if you're really curious. I wouldn't suggest going into the jungle alone, though." Maybe Omi could try investigate something else around the island, to help take his mind off of the big mystery.

"Thanks," Hisoka responded softly and glanced down at the flowers once more. "...They're really nice, by the way."

"I'm sure your 'friend' will like them." Omi smiled, he could tell a lot about a person by what types of flowers they bought. He could tell that Hisoka's 'friend' was more than that. Or at least they were traveling in that direction.

"He's really into flowers," Hisoka agreed, poking at one of the blossoms with subtle interest. "Baka will probably suffocate me for this..."

The other teen laughed. "Well, just don't let him do it for too long. If he suffocates you, then he can't return the favor on your birthday."

Hisoka turned a faint red. "I doubt he even knows my birthday," he responded absently, waving off the idea.

Pretending like he didn't notice the blush, Omi moved back behind the counter. "I'm sure he knows when your birthday is. If not, don't be afraid to tell him. If you don't tell him, how can you expect him to know?"

"If I tell him, it'd be like I'm expecting or asking for something," Hisoka answered with a shake of his head. "I don't need, nor want anything. I don't even celebrate my own birthday."

The other boy was shocked. "Why don't you celebrate your own birthday?"

Hisoka shrugged. "It's kinda pointless when you're dead and all," he admitted quietly, though loud enough for Omi to hear.

An eyebrow rose at Hisoka's response. "So just because you're dead means you shouldn't celebrate? I only really get a birthday every four years, so I celebrate every chance I get on the actual day." In fact, Omi's birthday was coming up again, or it would be if it wasn't on the elusive day of the month.

It took Hisoka a moment to realize what Omi meant. Feeling a bit defeated, the shinigami sighed. "I just don't want him going out of his way for me--he does that enough for no reason," he muttered.

Omi smiled. "It's supposed to be a day where you let people do things for you. Maybe if you let him throw you a party, he won't feel the urge to do things for no reason." He didn't think that Hisoka's 'friend' would stop, that's what people in love did. Things for no reason.

Hisoka sighed. "Oh god, not a party. That’s far too... much," he decided, blushing again.

"Have you ever had a party before?" Omi was curious at why this boy would be so against a fun get-together.

Hisoka cringed. "No, not exactly..." He trailed off.

Quickly hiding his face from the other teen, a smile crossed Omi's face. Maybe this was a mystery he could solve, finding out Hisoka's birthday and telling his 'friend', so the other teen could have a birthday party. Wiping the smile from his face, Omi lifted his head again. "Parties are fun."

"I've heard they are," Hisoka answered with a shrug. "Birthday parties, at least. I've been to a few that were just normal parties celebrating other events."

"Like the Valentine's dance?" Omi smirked, almost hoping he'd get to see the other teen blush again.

And he got that wish, Hisoka turning a scorching red. "...Yeah, that."

Laughing, Omi waved his hand through the air. "No need to be so embarrassed by it. I didn't go. I was working all day."

Oh, that was a good thing. "I’m not embarrassed," he murmured and fiddled with the flowers again. "Nothing happened."

Giving the other boy a smirk, Omi resisted the urge to pat Hisoka on the shoulder. "Do you wish something had happened?"

What was with all the embarrassing questions?! "What?!...No, of course not!...If I wished anything about that night, it'd be that Tsuzuki didn't stalk the desserts all night."

Omi blinked. Surely someone couldn't stalk the dessert table all night. "Didn't the two of you dance?"

Hisoka's face seemed to be on a timer, having changed, once more, red. "...Baka forced me to." Or at least, that was his story.

As he was somewhat good at reading facial expressions, Omi smiled. "I doubt he's the kind of person who could really force you to if you didn't want to at least a little."

The direction that this conversation was headed was indisputably south. "He tends to do this thing with his eyes when he doesn't get what he wants right away. Saying no to that is like saying no to a child. A whiny child," Hisoka mumbled, though didn't deny what Omi had picked up on.

"You know, sometimes whiny children need to be punished, or they get spoiled. Maybe you should try denying him, and see what that gets you." Omi offered, now curious about this Tsuzuki person.

Hisoka blinked, pondering the thought. He denied Tsuzuki often times when he truly did not want to do something. "I suppose." He touched a flower out of awkwardness, the meaning once again brushing up against his mind.

hisoka, omi

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