RP Log - Meeting Dorothy...Unfortunately

Feb 17, 2009 22:14

Who: Dorothy and Trowa
When: after Dorothy arrived
Where: about in the village
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Trowa meets up with Dorothy.

Dorothy wandered in between buildings, smirking slightly as she explored her new 'home', for lack of a better term. From what she knew of this place, there was no sure way of leaving unless they were sent away by whoever, or whatever, brought them here.

Milo was trotting a bit a head of Trowa as they walked through the village. They were just coming back from a run before Trowa headed to work. Milo spotted the person and wagged his tail a bit, trotting over to see who it was. Trowa spotted her and nearly groaned out loud. Great, she was here.

Dorothy heard footsteps, as well as the quiet gait of a wolf, and turned to see who was coming up to her. Her smirk turned sardonic and she turned fully to face the one who matched the single name she'd given Zelas. She still wore all black, black trousers, black jacket, and black hat pulled low over her pale hair. "Trowa Barton. I had a feeling I'd be running into you here. How have you been?"

Trowa rolled his eyes as he walked up. Milo stopped, sitting down, watching the new person. "I've been better," he remarked. He wasn't going to say that he had been fine until that exact moment, but that kind of was the case.

Dorothy smiled sardonically as she inwardly filled in what he hadn't said. "Word is that you are now married."

Trowa nodded. "I am. What have you been up to?"

She clasped her hands in front of her, unconsciously standing straight. "I have simply been helping Lady Une wherever I've been needed. What of you and the others here?"

"It depends," Trowa remarked. "I've been looking after the pets. Duo's been pranking people... There are a lot of us here from our world."

Dorothy laughed quietly. "So I saw. I read the assignment board conveniently located. How many pets are there here?" She smirked hearing what Maxwell was still up to.

"A lot," Trowa remarked. "Duo has two, Heero has one, Wufei has one, Quatre has three and I have two."

Dorothy quirked a forked brow at him. "You all must be extremely bored."

Trowa shrugged. "They are good companions."

"That is good then."

Trowa nodded. "So when did you get here?"

"Oh, just a few hours ago." Dorothy waved a hand carelessly.

"Ah. How lucky I am to meet up with you within the first hours of you arriving."

Dorothy smiled sardonically. "You are."

Trowa rolled his eyes. Milo looked back at Trowa then back at Dorothy.

She laughed lightly. "So what have you named this one?" She gestured slightly at Milo.

"This one is Milo. He is the older of the two wolves in the village."

Dorothy nodded. "How old is he?"

"Over a year," Trowa remarked. "Year and half probably."

"He seems quite tame. Have you been training him this whole time?"

Trowa nodded. "Except for about a month, yes." Milo yawned, unintentionally showing off pointy wolf teeth, then looked back at her and wagged his tail.

Dorothy nodded. "I'm not as surprised then." She watched the wolf with silent amusement.

"And then there is younger one as well," Trowa remarked.

"How much younger? And where does that one live?"

"That one is Quatre's and she's about a year younger."

Dorothy nodded.

Milo walked over and nudged Dorothy's hand.

Dorothy pulled off her gloves and started to pet Milo.

Milo smiled his happy dog smile at being pet. Trowa chuckled slightly, watching Milo.

She smiled sincerely, continuing to pet the wolf. She had been honest while speaking of wolves with Zelas, she truely did find them beautiful creatures.

"Who have you met here?" Trowa asked.

Dorothy's lips curled into a sardonic smile, having a feeling several people here would be less than happy with the one she'd met. "Zelas. She was kind enough to guide me to the village from where I'd arrived."

Trowa frowned. "Really? That's...interesting."

Dorothy laughed lightly. "It was."

"I guess that's good." At least she had survived the encounter.

Dorothy smiled. She had survived the encounter, and gained information.

"Well, I should probably be going to work," Trowa said.

Dorothy nodded. "I am sure we'll bump into each other later." Intentionally or otherwise, she didn't think this village was all that large.

Trowa nodded, somewhat regretting that. "We probably will."

She smiled neutrally, patting Milo one last time before waving. "Until then, then."

Trowa nodded and headed off, whistling for Milo to follow. The wolf bounded after Trowa as they headed off

Dorothy tucked her gloves away before continuing on her explorations.

trowa, dorothy

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