RP Log - Before the Dance

Feb 14, 2009 20:39

Who: Lockon, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus
When: before the dance today
Where: Neptune and Uranus's hut
Rating: PG?
Warnings: cuteness, Uranus
Summary: Neptune helps Pluto prepare for the dance and Uranus has some words of "advice" for Lockon

Uranus lounged in the living room, playing solitare. She was dressed in black slacks, black shoes, a dark blue dress shirt. She has suspenders on and there was a pink peony attached to her shirt.

Neptune walked out of the bedroom where she and Pluto were setting to get ready for the dance. She leaned over and kissed Uranus on the cheek. "Lockon should be here soon; be nice to him."

"Do I have to be?"

Neptune poked her. "Yes, you do."

Uranus pouted.

Neptune shook her head. "Behave yourself," she said, then headed back to the bedroom.

Pluto smiled at Neptune when she walked back into the bedroom, having gotten most of her dress on by now. She was struggling a little with the choker clasp on the back of the dress, her curled hair not helping matters any.

Neptune walked around behind Pluto and helped her get the choker clasped.

"Thank you." Pluto sighed in relief, letting her arms hang down for the moment. "I really do not like these clasps, but it is the only way to do this sort of attachment."

Neptune nodded. "They can be annoying," she said, working on putting her hair up. "I reminded Aeola to be nice to your date."

"Do you really think she will be?" Pluto shook her head slightly, gathering her hair up into the style she wanted it in. It certainly took long enough to get it curled properly...the only thing she hated about formal events was the time involved in getting ready.

It was about this point that Lockon arrived at the door, rushing a bit, not wanting to be late. He paused a moment on the step then knocked.

Neptune sighed. "No, but I can hope."

Uranus got up and walked over to the door. She opened it. "So... You're Lockon Stratos then, huh?"

Pluto sighed, expertly pulling her hair up. "I doubt that she will, even with your hope. She is not that type."

"As far as I know, I am," Lockon said, attempting a bit of humor which was mostly based on how nervous he was. "And you're Uranus, I'm guessing."

"Yep, come on in."

Neptune worked getting her hair up then moved to help Pluto with her's. Her hair was longer after all.

"Thank you," Lockon said and stepped inside.

Pluto smiled faintly as she let Neptune work with her hair, trusting the other Guardian to be able to do it. She knew Neptune knew exactly how to do it; something she didn't trust Uranus to.

Uranus shut the door and walked over to the couch. SHe sat back down.

Neptune smiled as she put Pluto's hair up. "You chose a good style for a dress," she said. "People are certainly going to remember you were there."

Lockon shifted a bit nervously then walked over and sat down in a chair.

"So... You're interested in my best friend huh?"

Pluto chuckled softly, "That was my intent, Thalassa. I do not think anyone will ever forget that I was at the dance, and especially not Lockon."

Lockon blinked. "We're just going as friends," he said. Which was the truth.

Neptune chuckled. "Well, you certainly don't want Lockon forgetting that you went," she remarked.

Uranus nodded and then crossed one leg over the over. She glared fiercely at Lockon.

Pluto smiled faintly, not really sure how she thought of the Irish pilot. "That is true...I will also need some help with the ribbons, if you do not mind?"

Lockon blinked. Okay...that wasn't usually a normal reaction....

Neptune shook her head, finishing with Pluto's hair. "I don't mind."

"I swear to all the gods I know, and I swear, that's a lot... If you make Pluto cry. I am going to make you wish you went straight to the afterlife and never came here."

"Thank you." Pluto handed the two silk ribbons to Neptune, then put on her gloves before showing Neptune her wrists. "They tie on over the gloves."

Lockon blinked again. Okay...he hadn't realized Uranus was so violent... "I'll remember that..."

Neptune nodded and took the ribbons from Pluto, tying them on her wrists.

Uranus smiled. "Great that we got that out of the way! So, how are you liking it here?"

Pluto got up once the ribbons were tied on, and smiled at Neptune. "How do you think I look?"

Lockon blinked again. The sudden change in demeanor was probably the most shocking part of it. "I like it here," he said. "A lot more peaceful than home."

Neptune smiled. "You look great, Kore," she said with a smile.

"Thank you." Pluto smiled, then took a deep breath to calm her few nerves. "Should I go rescue my date from yours, then?"

She nodded. "Same with mine."

Neptune nodded. "We probably should."

Lockon nodded. "I have the feeling it might be that way for a lot of people here."

Pluto chuckled, "You first, Thala..."

Uranus nodded and yawned.

Neptune nodded and headed out first. "Uranus, I hope you were behaving yourself," she remarked as she stepped back into the living room.

"Who me?" Uranus asked as she stood up. She smiled at Neptune.

Lockon stood up as well, trying not to look too frightened by the fact that Uranus had essentially threatened him.

"Yes, you," Neptune remarked, poking Uranus's shoulder. "I know you."

The blonde laughed and then offered Neptune her arm.

Pluto chose that moment to come out of her room, several deep breaths and smoothing out her dress later. She could not help but smile at Lockon when she saw him out in the living room, "I hope Uranus did not scare you too much."

Neptune took Uranus's arm.

Lockon looked over at Pluto and anything he had wanted to say died right there. God, she looked beautiful in that dress.

Neptune chuckled. "I think you achieved your goal."

Uranus let out a low whistle at Pluto's dress. "Hot damn Kore, where the hell have you been hidding that number all these years? Looking to get lucky tonight?"

Pluto was pleased that she got the reaction she was hoping for, but blushed bright red at knowing what Uranus was really asking her. "I have not been hiding this dress for years. I made it after Lockon asked me to go to the dance with him."

Lockon blinked, blushing slightly at that comment.

Neptune lightly smacked Uranus's arm.

The blonde winced. "Ow."

Neptune sighed. "I didn't hit you that hard."

She pouted.

Lockon couldn't help, but chuckle a bit at them. He offered Pluto his arm.

Pluto took Lockon's arm, smiling up at him. "They usually are like this, so don't mind them. Did Uranus threaten you while you were waiting for me?"

"Uh... a bit," Lockon said.

Neptune sighed.

"Not baddly."

Pluto sighed, and smacked Uranus' arm as well. "No threatening him!"

"Hey! I'm allowed."

"I told you to be nice," Neptune remarked.

"I was!"

Lockon chuckled, obviously not so intimidated now that Neptune and Pluto had joined them. Honestly, if that was being nice, he would hate to see her not being nice.

Pluto sighed, shaking her head at Uranus. "I know you better than that. You two should go on to the dance."

"Have fun you two!" Uranus called as she led Neptune out of the hut.

Neptune followed after Uranus.

Lockon looked over at Pluto.

Pluto smiled at Lockon, "Did you want to go as well, or wait for a few more minutes?"

"We can wait a few more minutes," Lockon said with a smile.

"That sounds good." Pluto's blush had faded a bit, but her cheeks were still pink.

Lockon smiled. "You'll be able to make more of an entrance that way."

"That is true...I do not think anyone will miss seeing me arrive in this outfit."

Lockon chuckled. "If they do, they are probably blind."

Pluto smiled, "I do not think anyone here is. I could tell that you liked it, too. Was it worth the surprise?"

Lockon nodded. "It was definitely worth the wait to see it."

"Did Tsuzuki help you with the suit?"

Lockon nodded. "He was a big help. I had a basic idea of what I wanted since I had a suit back home."

Pluto smiled, making a note to thank Tsuzuki later.

"So you made the dress yourself?"

"I did, but I got the idea from something I saw once." Pluto blushed, "I sometimes make dresses when I cannot find something that I like and I need one."

"That's always helpful," Lockon remarked. "Well, it looks beautiful."

"Thank you."

"I do have to say, Uranus is quite an interesting character," Lockon remarked, randomly changing the subject even though there had been nothing wrong with the previous one.

Pluto sighed, nodding slightly. "She has a good heart, but her methods are something else at times. She's like a sister, or rather, a brother since she prefers to act more like a man?"

Lockon nodded. "I noticed that...both in personality and in what she was wearing. Not that there's anything wrong with that."

"Of course not, but she can be a bit...overprotective. I am guessing that she gave you the 'Hurt Kore and you will wish you had gone straight to the afterlife' speech?"

Lockon nodded. "Essentially that's what it was."

"She needs a new speech." Pluto smiled faintly, "Not that it really changes anything."

Lockon chuckled. "I take it she had practice with that speech before she used it on me."

Pluto nodded. "She was responsible for some matchmaking when an old friend of mine was here, and she did beat him when he made me cry."

"Ah." Well, good to know that wasn't an idle threat....

"I do not want to see her trying to do that, since she is conspiring to play matchmaker."

Lockon smiled. "Unfortunately, I think there might be a fair number trying to do that."

Pluto sighed in dismay, not liking the sound of that. She knew everyone meant well, but...she wasn't sure she really wanted to risk opening her heart to that kind of pain after she left the island.

Lockon put his hand on her arm. He understood how she felt. When he left, he would be alone as well.

Pluto looked down at Lockon's hand on her arm, then looked up at him. "They mean well, but..." She took a moment to compose her thoughts so she wouldn't sound like she was rambling. "It would be one thing if you ended up somewhere that my father had some influence over, or one of my father's few colleagues ruled..."

Lockon nodded. "I guess it would. I think Allelujah and Sumeragi are plotting as well. They mean well as well, but I don't think they're really listening."

"That seems to be the problem with matchmakers. No one really wants to listen to something that goes contrary to what they believe." Pluto smiled faintly, not going to admit that there might be some truth in what the matchmakers were trying to do.

Lockon nodded, not going to admit it as well. "That does seem to be a problem with that."

"But I do want to have fun tonight, even with them being there."

Lockon nodded. "I do as well. I think it will be fun."

Pluto smiled, "We should probably go, then. Otherwise, that may give them time to coordinate their efforts."

Lockon laughed. "Yes, we should probably do that." He offered her his arm again.

Pluto chuckled softly, taking Lockon's arm again.

And with that, Lockon lead Pluto towards the dance.

lockon neil, sailor pluto, sailor uranus haruka, sailor neptune michiru

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