Why Must Relationships Be So Awkward?

Feb 05, 2009 18:51

Who: Relena and Heero
Where: Relena's Hut
When: After work today
Warnings: Mild angst? Naivety
Rating: G
Summary: Heero wants to talk to Relena about their relationship. Awkwardness ensues

Heero had gone looking for Relena after he had finally mentally rehearsed everything he wanted to say. Wufei's advice still ringing in his ears, he eventually located her and knocked on the door of her hut, as she was no longer at work.

Relena had been back at her hut for a little while, just long enough to have poured a second cup of tea. Hearing the knock, she put her tea cup on the table in the living room, and went to open the door. She smiled warmly when she saw who it was. "Heero. Please, come in," and stepped aside to let him come inside.

He nodded and stepped inside. "Thank you," he said quietly. "Do you have some time to talk?" he asked, looking over at her.

Closing the door after him, she nodded. "Yes." She watched him, curious as to what he wanted to talk about. "Would you like anything to drink?" The question came more out of habbit, and she did have tea already made.

The question caught him a little off guard, but he nodded. "Okay," he said.

"Go ahead and make yourself comfortable in the living room, I'll be right there." Relena smiled, blushing a little as she was a bit embarrassed at how abrupt that question must have been. She hid it as well as she could by heading to the kitchen to get an extra cup, before going back into the living room.

He nodded as she left and then sat down, waiting for her to return. He looked around for a moment, then back at her when she returned with the other cup. "Thank you," he said, taking the cup from her as she joined him.

She smiled, sitting down next to him and picking up her own cup again. "You are welcome."

He had to recompose himself, as he'd been ready to just barge right into his comments, but she'd introduced a variable he hadn't thought of. That made him doubt if he was ready to move forward, yet. At the same time, he was starting to get impatient with himself. He could only imagine how she felt about it. Heero took a deep breath. "Are you happy with how things are between us?" he finally asked her.

She waited patiently for him to speak, having a feeling this wasn't easy for him. When he did, she blinked in surprise. "..Am I happy? Well, yes.." She wasn't sure what exactly he was asking, so her reply was quiet and hesitant. She really did not want to rush him into anything he was not ready for.

He looked at her, a somewhat worried expression on his features. "Is this what you want from a relationship?"

Relena shook her head a little. "No.."

Heero looked down. "I'm sorry..." he said quietly.

Relena blinked before shaking her head. She lightly touched his hand. "That came out wrong..I just do not want to do something that you are not comfortable with. I would like more, but.."

"I'm holding you back," he said. He sighed slightly, his head ticking off so many things. "I just don't know what to do next," he admitted. He was terribly afraid of failure, oddly enough. There wasn't much he feared, but failure and being useless were two of them.

"Heero, I do not mind us taking our time. I do not mind waiting, as you are important to me." She did not see him as useless or a failure, far from it.

"Are you sure?" He looked at her curiously. "I just feel like we should be doing something more... but I'm not sure what."

She smiled softly at him. "Yes, I am sure." Sure that she didn't mind taking their time, at least. What she didn't know was how to move further in their relationship, without influencing Heero into doing more than he was comfortable with.

Heero wasn't really worried about his own comfort at this point. He'd been comparing again, watching some of the other couples around the island, and he was starting to feel a bit self-conscious that they had essentially stalled because of what he felt was his own failings. He rubbed his thumb along the handle of the cup she'd given him his tea in, the drink still mostly untouched save for a few sips, and stared down at it in thought. "Is there something you'd like to do?" he asked her then.

Relena hesitated before admitting quietly. "Well, I really do not know..I've never done anything more before.."

Well, that sort of relieved Heero in an odd way. At least he wasn't alone in that department. "I haven't, either," he admitted. "But, it seems like there's more, doesn't it?"

She nodded a little. "I agree." Even if she'd had the time to explore before, she probably wouldn't have known what to do.

"I..." Might as well fess up to it. "I asked around a bit for advice." Heero frowned a bit. "It seems like they're all just 'winging it'. Though, Wufei suggested I ask Duo." He shook his head. He was not going to ask Duo Maxwell for relationship advice.

Relena couldn't hide her surprise completely, now what did that tell her about how Heero was feeling? "Oh..I..I could ask Hilde, and ask her not to tell Duo..If you want me to.."

"If you want to," he said quietly. "Do you think she'd keep it from him?" They did seem pretty close after all.

She nodded. "I think she would, she is able to keep secrets if she thinks there's a good reason to keep them." And she was hoping that a personal discussion would merit Hilde's silence..

He nodded, letting them sit in silence again for a few moments. Gradually, he took her hand. "I don't want to force you forward if you don't want to," he said, feeling like he needed to give her an escape route for some reason.

Relena shook her head slightly. "You're not forcing me to do anything," she hesitated before continuing. "The same goes for you, you know.."

He nodded. "I know," he said softly. "I don't feel forced." Well, not really. He felt forced by himself. He was too worried.

She smiled softly. "I'm glad." She leaned against him, that much they were both comfortable with, and knew it.

Heero looked over at her and smiled slightly, his expression softening. He released her hand, slipping his arm around her shoulders to hold her against him. "If there is anything you want to do," he said, letting it hang.

Relena smiled back. "I will let you know."

Heero nodded. "Okay," he said softly. He set down the tea and gently put his other arm around her as well. "Do you mind if I stay for a while?" he asked.

She rested her head on his shoulder, relaxing in his arms. "Of course I don't mind."

Heero relaxed with her, leaning his head slightly on hers while his fingers played a bit with the end of her hair. He closed his eyes. "I'm glad," he said.

Relena smiled and wrapped her arms around him as well. She had never thought having her hair played with could be soothing, but it was.

He continued, find the action as relaxing for himself as it was, albeit unknowingly, for her. The warmth of someone pressed against him was naturally helping that along as well, he realized. It wasn't until they had decided to persue this that he had really known just how comforting physical contact could be. Heero sighed slightly in contentment.

She let her eyes fall close, enjoying the closeness.

heero, relena

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