Log - When two of like mind meet

Jan 14, 2009 21:00

Who: Alberich, Crawford
Where: Library
When: Monday
Warnings: Crawford
Rating: PG
Notes: Lazy!Michi is lazy~
Summary: Two precogs walk into a library... That sounds like the start of a really bad joke...

Alberich found himself with some free time after leaving the training area in Riza's and Uranus' hands, and he headed towards the library. Idly wondering if the library had been finally organized, he walked in, noticing the other man gifted with ForeSight, now wearing a monocle, sitting over at something called the "Information Desk". "I see you, a hard lesson have learned?"

Crawford looked up from the magazine he had been casually flipping through. "May I help you?" he asked ignoring the other's question.

"Has the library organized been?" Alberich asked, narrowing his eyes slightly as his other question was ignored. He would find out soon enough if the other man had learned a lesson or not over the past six months in regards to his highly-Gifted subordinate. "I looking, for books unique to my homeland."

(and here starts the head hurting)

"The library has been organized." Crawford replied as he went back to flipping through his magazine. Honestly, he didn't care what Alberich thought about him or whatever lessons he may have learned. His business was his own. "You'll find them in the Other World section."

Alberich nodded, not sure what he thought about Crawford's particular attitude towards him. He started heading for the section, using his MindSpeech to speak with the man this time. ~You never did answer my other question.~

~Does it matter?~

~To everyone else here, it does. Especially to the one who gave you that. I don't have to have MindSpeech to tell that he's still bothered by it.~ Alberich smirked a little as he searched the Other World section for the two texts he wanted to read. ~He's not shielding his thoughts very well.~

~Prodigy has never been very well at it. Why do you think Mastermind takes such sick pleasure in tormenting him?~

~Not this time. The young one is doing it all to himself, without the other tormenting him.~ Alberich frowned at the mental conversation, but he did find the books from Valdemar. Now he just had to find the ones from Karse.

~Prodigy will come when he's ready.~

~If he doesn't continue causing harm to himself. He needs someone who can properly train destructive Gifts. I train in weaponswork, not Gifts.~ Alberich mentally sighed,his eyes continuing to scan the shelves for where Valdemaran ran into Karsite.

~Is there anyone on this God forsaken island that actually can teach him control?~

~Vkandis hasn't forsaken it. There are some Valdemaran books about control here, but they need to be explained.~

Crawford snorted.

Alberich ignored Crawford for the moment, having found the books he was looking for. He picked up the two heavily-bound books, heading back towards the desk now. ~Those are the best option available to him, unless you want him training with those called Guardians.~

~Are you going to be the one teaching him?~

~Only if he wants to learn the Valdemaran way of controlling Gifts. I cannot teach him since my Gifts are too different from his, but I can explain the Valdemaran terms. I think learning how to ground and center will go a long way towards what he needs.~

~Then do as you wish.~

Alberich shrugged, ~Only if he asks. He may, he may not. I will continue to watch him when he trains so he does not end up unconscious again. Beyond that, it will have to go as Vkandis and any other deities will.~

~I choose to make my own path instead of relying on the direction of so called gods and deities.~ Crawford looked up.

~Vkandis rarely interferes in human lives, unless things are so bad that he has to. It would take his intervention to rid my homeland of the corruption infecting it.~ Alberich looked straight at Crawford, ~And from what I hear, he interferes more often than the Star-Eyed One that the nomads from my world worship.~

Crawford didn't flinch. He was used to staring down far scarier opponents. ~Your point is? Gods and deities only make themselves known when it's benneficial for them.~

Alberich didn't flinch either, since he knew what Crawford was capable of. It was those you didn't know anything about that you had to be concerned around. ~Do not discount those who worship deities. You should also be careful with making your own future.~

~Why? I've forged my own path my entire life.~

~Do you control your visions, or do your visions control you?~

~My visions happen as they will. I choose to ignore them or persue them.~

Alberich smirked knowingly, as if he knew something Crawford didn't. ~That future you see can act just like a deity. If you are not careful, you will end up being controlled by it.~

~I haven't been controlled by it yet Alberich. And I will not be.~

~We shall see, Crawford. It will show in what happens to the boy you took off the streets.~ Alberich nodded to Crawford, "And thank you, for me telling, where these were."

He slowly smirked at Alberich. ~I already know the answer to that question.~ Crawford nodded back, "You're welcome."

~As I said, we shall see. Auf Wiedersehen.~ Alberich headed over to the self-checkout so he could go back to his hut. He would watch and see what happened.

The precog reached up and removed his monocale. He carefully cleaned it, his dark eyes glinting.

alberich, crawford

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