RP Log - Drunken Guardian?

Dec 31, 2008 22:42

Who: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Lockon
When: Tonight
Where: Pluto's hut
Rating: PG
Warnings: The usual (references)
Notes: Uranus is dead.
Summary: Uranus decides to 'help' Pluto relax with some doctored tea, combined with Pluto feeling crappy because it's a holiday and she's alone--not a good combination.

Uranus skipped down to Pluto's hut, carrying what looked like a water bottle and a basket of treats, that Neptune cooked. Without even knocking, the blonde burst into the hut. "Oh Kore~ I'm home!" She called jovially.

Pluto blinked, looking up from where she was relaxing in the living room. "Aeola?! When are you going to learn to at least knock on the door before coming in?"

"Nope! I brought treats!"

"Please tell me that you didn't make those yourself..." Pluto sighed, her hair falling around her shoulders. She was not going to trust anything that the blonde had cooked.

"Nope. Thala did."

"That's good. It means that they're edible."

Uranus pouted. "Hey!"

"Come on, Aeola. You and I both know that you cannot bake anything, especially after the fruitcake incident."

"Bite me."

Pluto actually smiled slightly, "Not interested. You should probably tell Thala that, she might take you up on it."

Uranus just stared at Pluto, slackjawed. Oh for that comment, she was getting her long time friend smashed.

Pluto smirked, pleased that she managed to get one over on her friend.

She tossed the basket at Pluto.

Pluto's jaw dropped, her reflexes working to make sure she caught the basket. "What was that for?"



"I'm gonna go make the tea. Now that you know I can do." She said turning and going into the kitchen.

Pluto sighed, having to admit that Uranus had a point. She was at least capable of making tea, unlike some other Senshi she could name.

The blonde hummed to herself, grinning like a loon. When she knew Pluto wasn't watching, she poured some vodka into the cup for her friend. Turning, she brought both cups out after the tea was prepared.

Pluto leaned back in her seat on the couch, watching Uranus as she brought the tea out. "How is Thala doing?"

"She's doing well."

"That's good. And Hotaru?"

"She's still upset over Nate, but getting over it."

Pluto nodded, carefully picking up the teacup. "That's to be expected, I suppose."

"She's immune to me."


"Prank wise."

Pluto blinked, "Someone's immune to your pranks?"

Uranus nodded.

Pluto smiled, taking a sip of her tea. "That's good...by the way, I have warned one of the newer arrivals about you."

"Your boyfriend?"

"What?" It was Pluto's turn for the jawdrop, shaking her head in denial. "Nothing like that! I just told him about what you did to the fruitcake!"

Uranus nodded and sipped her tea.

"He's not my boyfriend, anyways."


Pluto sighed, shaking her head. "I have the feeling that you don't believe me."


"You should."

"Why not?"

Pluto took a sip of her tea, then looked at Uranus. "You know as well as I do that I'm not like Venus."

Uranus chuckled.

"Or Jupiter, for that matter. I've seen her and her going on about how all guys remind her of that one."

"I'm still trying to grasp that."

Pluto chuckled, "I gave up."


Pluto smiled, then sipped her tea again. "Why bother trying to understand her?"

"No clue."

"So what brings you over here, other than delivering Thala's cookies and trying to tease me?"

"Just thought I'd be a pest." She replied finishing off her tea,

Pluto chuckled, "That you are sometimes."

Uranus beamed.

Pluto finished her tea, smiling over at Uranus. "I wouldn't be so proud of it."

"Want some more tea?"

"Yes, please."

Uranus took Pluto's cup and went back into the kitchen. This time she added more vodka, but still enough tea.

Pluto waited for her tea, half-closing her eyes. She was trying to relax, after all.

The tea would help her relax. Uranus coughed a bit.

Pluto looked up at Uranus, smiling faintly. "You're back."

"I am. Here's more tea."

"Thank you."

Uranus grinned.

Pluto got a bad feeling at seeing Uranus' grin.

"I'm planning a snowball assault on Jr."

"Oh?" Pluto chuckled, that seemed innocent enough. "You might want to conspire with MOMO for that, she might enjoy it as well."

"I shall."

Pluto nodded, sipping her tea again.

Uranus flopped down.

Pluto sighed, shaking her head as she kept on sipping her tea. She leaned back a bit more, the tea working to relax her.

The blonde sipped her tea, only a little nosily.



"Have you done anything to the tea?"

"No... I'm not stupid."

Pluto chuckled a little, "Just making sure."

Uranus shook her head.

Pluto looked at Uranus, glaring slightly. "I know how you like to try to sneak things in."

"Not with your tea."


"I know better."

Pluto chuckled, "I should hope so."

Uranus nodded.

"It's New Year's, isn't it?"

"It is."

"You should be with Thala."

"I wanted to see how you're doing."

Pluto sighed, "I'm all right. Just going to be spending this New Year's alone, that's all." She smiled faintly, "It's nothing too unusual."

"And that's why I'm here."


"To make sure you don't spend it alone."

Pluto shook her head, "It's all right."

Uranus pouted.

Pluto sighed, looking straight at Uranus. "I've been alone for most holidays. Why should it be any different?"

"Because I'm your friend Kore..."

"Aeola...you really should be spending it with Thala."

"Thala urged me to come."

Pluto shook her head, "Tell her I said that you had to spend New Year's with her."




"Just go be with her."


Pluto nearly glared at Aeola. "Now you're making me think something really is up with you."

"I'm not leaving you and that's final."

It was at this point that Neptune arrived at Pluto's hut. She had known Uranus had gone there, but she did want to spend the evening with Uranus so when she reached the door, she knocked.

"Come in~"

Pluto looked up at the knock, "It's all right. You can come in."

Neptune opened the door. "Good evening, Pluto," she said as she stepped inside.

"Good evening, Neptune." Pluto smiled slightly, "I hope you're here to take your girlfriend home."

"I am."

Pluto nodded, "Go ahead. I've been trying to tell her that I'll be fine on my own this evening."

“I dun wanna."

Neptune shook her head. "Aeola..."


"I think you're outnumbered."

"Let's go, Aeola," Neptune said with a smile, going over and taking Uranus's hand.

"Do I have to?"

Neptune nodded. "You do."


Pluto sighed, "Go on. Your girlfriend. You don't want to sleep on the couch."

Uranus sighed and stood up.

Neptune nodded and kissed Uranus on the cheek. "Let's go."

"Take care Kore..." Uranus said as she was dragged out of the hut.

"Have fun, Aeola, Thala." Pluto smiled faintly, "Enjoy yourselves."

"Have a good evening," Neptune said to Pluto as they left.

Uranus had forgotten the water bottle that had been full of vodka and was now one fourth of the way gone....

Pluto watched as the two of them left, preparing herself for another New Year's alone...Several hours later, Pluto was sitting in her room by herself. She had made something for dinner, and promptly headed to her room since she had a need for privacy, especially with today being a holiday. She always hated the new year coming around since she always spent it alone, and for whatever reason (likely to do with the spiked tea earlier) she intended on having a few drinks alone before turning in. The Guardian was in the chair in her room, open bottle of ouzo and a half-sipped glass in her hand.

Lockon wasn't being much fun this evening, dozing on the couch despite the fact that it was New Year's Eve. So Haro headed out of the hut again. He bounced over Pluto's hut. Again, he sized up the door then bounced against the door to knock.

Pluto heard a slight sound at the door, setting the ouzo down to slowly get up and answer the door. It took her a little longer since she was a little tipsy by now -- unusual for her -- and looked down at Haro once she opened the door.

Haro flapped. "Haro! Haro!"

"Hello, Haro..." Pluto sighed, "What is it?"

"Came to see you! Came to see you!"

Pluto managed a faint smile, "Haro...thank you."

Haro flapped happily.

Pluto let the robot in, nearly flopping down on the couch since she needed to get off her feet.

Haro came in, stopping nearby the couch. He flapped again.

Pluto sighed, messing with her hair to try to take the bun out and managing to fail miserably. She dropped one of her hair pins on the floor, muttering something in Greek before closing her eyes.

"You alright? You alright?"

"I don't know, Haro."

"Want Haro to get Lockon? Want Haro to get Lockon?"

"Um..." Pluto had to think about that one. She wasn't sure if she really wanted to see the Irishman, especially since she did have a few drinks before this..."It's up to you."

Haro could tell she wasn't quite herself and since he couldn't be sure why, he came to the conclusion that getting Lockon might be better. "Will get Lockon! Will get Lockon!"

"All right...I'll be here." The green-haired woman didn't want to try getting up yet, and she wisely chose to stay lying down on the couch.

Haro headed back out of the hut. He was gone for a few minutes while he woke Lockon and the Irishman got up and prepared to go out. Lockon headed over with Haro following after him. When Lockon reached Pluto's hut, he knocked.

Pluto looked up from where she had taken a very quick nap on the couch, "It's open. You can come in."

Lockon opened the door and stepped inside, waiting until Haro had entered the hut before shutting the door. "Kore, are you alright?"

Pluto smiled faintly at Lockon, not hiding her becoming-glassy eyes or the pain in them. "Hello, Neil. I think Haro got worried about me."

Lockon nodded. "I think so too." The look in her eyes didn't make him feel much better. He smiled slightly. "He does have the habit of looking after people."

"I can see that...I hope you weren't doing anything when Haro brought you here."

"Nah. I was just taking a nap. So nothing important."

"That's good, at least." Pluto breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that he really hadn't been doing anything important. She wasn't in bad enough shape that she wanted to disturb anyone.

"Is it alright if I stay?" Lockon asked. "Since Haro has brought me over." He wanted to make sure Pluto was alright.

Pluto nodded, pushing herself up so she was sitting on the couch instead of lying down on it. The hair that was up in a bun fell down around her shoulders in a mess, and she didn't care. "It's all right."

Lockon nodded and sat down in a chair. Haro rolled over near the couch.

"So you're alone on New Year's as well?"

Lockon nodded. "Well, alone beside Haro and he was going to go out on his own." He chuckled slightly.

Haro flapped.

Pluto smiled a little, managing to get up and stay steady. "I was in my room until Haro bounced off my door."

Lockon chuckled. "Ah." He watched her, ready to get to help her if she looked like she needed it.

Pluto was doing all right, until she almost lost her balance and swayed a little on her feet.

Lockon stood up quickly and was by her side in a moment. "Do you need any help?"

"I think...maybe..." Pluto admitted, finding herself leaning on the Irishman for support.

Lockon nodded, supporting her easily. "Did you need something from your room?"

"I wouldn't mind heading back there." Pluto smiled faintly, "My hutmates are out, and I'd rather not let them see me like this..."

Lockon nodded. He understood the sentiment. He helped her walk towards her room, Haro bouncing slowly along behind them.

Pluto smiled faintly, "My room's the first one on the left."

Lockon nodded and helped her into the room. He immediately spotted the open bottle and the half-empty glass of alcohol. So she was drunk now?

Pluto sighed, walking over to her bed rather than the chair where she had been sitting. "I'm not drunk."

Lockon nodded even though he suspected she was. "Okay."

"I don't get drunk as easily as a normal person, and I've only had enough to make me unbalanced."

"Oh...okay. But you're not drinking anymore."

Pluto sighed, sitting down on her bed. She felt bad since this was the exact same thing that she had gotten on the Irishman's case about not that long ago. "Not with you here."

Lockon picked up the bottle. "What is this?" he asked.


"Ah ha." He set the bottle down again.

Pluto sighed, smiling faintly to try to hide her feelings. "Uranus and Neptune came over earlier...well, Uranus did. Neptune came to get her."

Lockon nodded. "Well, it was nice that she came over."

"It was..."

Lockon got the feeling that she was a little upset about the fact that they were gone now. He chuckled as Haro sized up the bed then bounced up onto it to sit near Pluto.

Pluto blinked as she heard the bouncing, turning to see Haro next to her. "Haro...why are you up here?"

Haro just flapped.

"I think he's just trying to keep you company."

"Thank you." Pluto smiled faintly, putting a hand on the robot. "I suppose this is one New Year's that I'm not going to be entirely alone..."

Lockon nodded. "We keep ending up together on holidays," he said with a smile.

"We should stop doing it this way." Pluto tried to chuckle, but only succeeded in a small sound. "I don't drink very often, sorry you had to see me like this."

Lockon nodded. "It's alright." It wasn't like she was the first drunk woman he'd ever been around. "I feel the same way about you seeing me drunk."

"I should know better..."

"No one is perfect," Lockon remarked. "As much as it doesn't actually fix the problem...sometimes we feel like we need it."

Pluto nodded, that was her reason for it. She lay down on her bed, trying to be careful to not accidentally hit Haro. Once she was comfortable, she smoothed out her skirt, then looked at Lockon. "I hate having to be alone...especially on holidays."

Lockon nodded. "I know what you mean." Granted his reasoning was that he wasn't used to being truly alone, save for a few times.

Pluto sighed, tempted to go ahead and finish the half-glass of ouzo that was still by Lockon. The only reason she didn't get up to get it was because he was there, and she did tell him that she wouldn't have any more to drink as long as he was around.

Lockon also wasn't one to allow people to harm themselves and he told her she wasn't drinking anymore.

"You can have the ouzo if you want, Neil. I won't be drinking what's already been poured."

"Are you sure?" He only asked this to make certain.

Pluto nodded, not wanting perfectly good alcohol to go to waste since she wouldn't be drinking it. "It's usually sipped since it's fairly strong."

Lockon picked up the glass, chuckling. "Glad you warned me about that." He sipped at the drink. It had a vaguely liquorice taste.

Pluto smiled faintly, knowing that she was not going to be getting up again until after she slept. "I ate before I started drinking, and I won't be having more. You don't need to worry about me."

Lockon nodded. "Okay. It's good you ate before."

"I don't want a bad hangover in the morning. Just because I'm a Senshi doesn't mean that I don't get them."

Lockon nodded. "It makes sense." He took a sip of the ouzo again.

Pluto sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. "I haven't done this since before Small Lady was born..."

"Small Lady? A friend of yours?"

"You could say that." Pluto smiled faintly, "She is Serenity and Endymion's daughter, and is the princess of Crystal Tokyo. Small Lady would come to see me every once in a while..."

"Ah. I see."

"The last time I was like this, it was after their wedding." Pluto sighed sadly, feeling her heart ache a little at remembering that whole situation.

"Oh. That must have been hard." He understood where she was coming from with that.

Pluto nodded slowly, then regretted it. "It was..."

"It's hard not to wonder why others get to have everything while other people have to do without it."

Pluto sighed, not about to dispute that. "I really don't want much. Just to be able to be with someone that I care about for once in my life."

Lockon nodded. "I don't think that's asking for too much. I never got that while I was alive."

"Neither have I...and while I may have more lifetimes than you to go through, I still will never have it in any of them." Pluto sounded depressed at this, but was going to be good and follow through what she told Lockon. "Even when one of my old friends came to this island, there still wasn't anything that could be done."


"It doesn't matter...everyone I care about ends up already having someone else that he likes."

"Ah." He nodded.

Pluto sighed, looking at Lockon. Her eyes still had that glassy look to them, a sign that she was still very much under the alcohol's influence, even if she wasn't going to admit it. "And even if I do like someone, there's no way I can be with them. I can't leave the Gate unattended."

Lockon nodded. "That does complicate things."

"It does..."

Lockon sighed slightly.

"I'm sorry." Pluto turned over, not really caring how she looked right now.

"It's fine," Lockon remarked smiling. Truth be told, he kind of liked Pluto, definitely as a friend, and he would rather that she be able to be happy.

Pluto sighed, looking over at the wall as her cheeks flushed. She felt slightly embarrassed at how much she told the Irishman, and she knew that even though she was slightly drunk, she wouldn't be allowed to simply forget it.

"Would you rather I leave?" he asked. He meant no offense by that, just wanted to see if she really didn't want him there.

"No..." Pluto shook her head, not really wanting to be alone right now. "Just feeling a little stupid for doing this."

Lockon nodded.

"I doubt you want me to have any more of the ouzo, and if you leave now, I will probably end up having a little more before going to sleep."

"Yeah...you probably shouldn't."

"I know I shouldn't." Pluto sighed, "But I know I would end up doing it anyways."

Lockon nodded. "I'll stay with you then...And Haro will stay here too." Haro flapped.

Pluto couldn't help but smile a little, "Can't forget Haro."

Lockon chuckled. "No we can't forget Haro."

Haro flapped again. "Haro! Haro cute! Cute!"

"Yes, Haro..." Pluto reached over to touch the little robot. "You're cute."

Lockon chuckled. "Yep. You are."

"Have you ever wondered if Haro is trying to set things up on his own at times?"

Lockon blinked. "Hmm...." He looked at Haro. "I suspect he is. He went and got you when I was drunk, he came over to visit you, and he named the rabbit we found after one of my teammates..."

"A rabbit?" Pluto turned over, refocusing her eyes on Lockon. "Why?"

"I was talking to Jon and Samus and the rabbit randomly showed up. As soon as we noticed it, Haro declared its name was Tieria."

"Tieria...after your teammate?" Pluto looked at Haro, then back at Lockon. "I wonder what would happen if he actually showed up."

"He's probably glare at the rabbit then at me then at Haro...then if he is mad, he might declare me unfit to be a Gundam Meister."

Pluto just nodded, "He might declare you unfit to be a Gundam Meister anyways."

Lockon nodded. "He might."

Pluto smiled faintly, "Please don't tell Uranus and Neptune about this..."

"I won't. I promise."

"Thank you." Pluto kept her faint smile, watching Lockon for now. She was liking the Irishman a bit more, hoping that friendship would be all that there was. She didn't want to risk having her heart broken by distance again.

"Trust me, if Tieria found out I had gotten drunk, he would declare me unfit to be a Gundam Meister. For Tieria, that's an insult."

"So what is his idea of a proper Gundam Meister?"

"Himself most of the time," Lockon remarked. "Someone who follows Veda's orders to the letter."

Pluto shook her head, she didn't think that was the way to be doing things at all. People had free will, and they were meant to use it.

"He declared Allelujah unfit to be a Gundam pilot after Allelujah broke off from the planned mission to save people who were trapped in a section of the low orbit gravity block that had broken off of the station."

"People were born with free will..." Pluto mused, not able to really listen to much of what Lockon was telling her right now. "That free will is there for a reason..."

Lockon nodded. "Indeed. Tieria has had a big problem thinking for himself."

"Neil...?" Pluto managed to focus on the pilot, she was starting to get tired now instead of just overly-emotional. "Thank you."

Lockon smiled. "No problem, Kore."

"Not just for tonight." She smiled, an actual genuine smile in spite of her condition. "Thank you for treating me like I'm just another person."

Lockon smiled. "No problem."

"I'm tired of being on a pedestal...tired of having to be different..."

Lockon nodded. "I would imagine that would be difficult...and somewhat annoying. Even though you are a Senshi, you are still a person."

"Try telling that to whoever made the laws I have to live by." Pluto closed her eyes, knowing them by heart. "I can't leave the Gate unattended, I can't allow anyone to go through the Gate...even if they have to."

Lockon nodded. "But I still see you as a person."

"Thank you."

Lockon nodded with a smile.

Pluto smiled faintly, "It's a shame what happened to you...I can only hope that when you leave here, your afterlife isn't bad."

Lockon smiled. "I hope so as well."

"I wish I knew...and that I could tell you..." Pluto sighed, shifting so one of her arms was hanging off the bed. "But I don't know either...I can see where some will go, but I can't with you..."

"It's fine," Lockon said. "I'll probably be happier not knowing. If it turns out to be bad, then I won't spend all my time here worrying about something that can't be changed."

"And if it's good?" Pluto countered, amazingly not asleep yet.

"Then I wouldn't have needed to worry about it either way," Lockon remarked.

"I guess not..." Pluto reluctantly agreed, still looking over at the pilot with her glassy garnet eyes. She was starting to think that sleep might be a good idea.

"Maybe you should get some sleep."

"At least I had enough sense to head back here and to bed." She smiled faintly, trying to see the good side of all this.

Lockon chuckled. "As opposed to me, who was ready to just fall asleep on the couch."

Pluto chuckled as well, "At least the bed is more comfortable."

Lockon nodded. "I would hope so." He was considering taking the ouzo, not to drink, but to make sure she didn't until she was sober.

Pluto could tell that he was thinking about something, but no idea about what. She might have if she had been a bit more sober..."I'll be fine."

Lockon nodded. "Okay."

Pluto smiled faintly, struggling to stay awake.

"You should go to sleep," Lockon said getting up and picking up Haro off the bed. The little robot flapped.

"All right..." Pluto yawned, then got comfortable on the bed. "Please don't worry about me."

"Okay," Lockon said setting Haro down. He draped a blanket over Pluto then picked up Haro again. "Happy New Year, Kore."

"Happy New Year, Neil, Haro." Pluto pulled the blanket around her, "Have a good night."

"You too," Lockon said with a smile, then quietly headed out of the room so she could sleep.

Pluto fell asleep shortly after Lockon and Haro left, out like the proverbial light.

lockon neil, sailor pluto, sailor uranus haruka, sailor neptune michiru

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