RP log - Party!!

Dec 25, 2008 16:27

Who: Jon, Samus, Arthur, Fluffy, Horatu, Neptune, Link, Milo and Midna (Whew!!)
When: Today.
Where: Jon's hut
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Jon and Samus throw a christmas party.

Christmas music played cheerfully on the radio while lights twinkled from the tree and the various other decorations in the hut. Jon had kept things simple but a certain bounty hunter had been more than willing to go all out for the holiday. Hence why Jon was wearing an overlarge santa hat while he tinkered in the kitchen. They had planed a get togeather with some of their friends and everyone should get arrive soon.

"Admit it.. you like the hat." Samus said with a grin as she came in from the den. She was dressed festively in a snowman printed sweater with Arthur on her shoulder in a smaller one that looked like a Santa suit.

"Maybe.." The werewolf stuck his tongue out at her and finnished putting out the last of the christmas cookies and sweets.

Hotaru headed over to Jon's hut with Fluffy in her arms. Neptune followed along behind her. Hotaru was smiling happily, wearing a santa hat herself. She paused at Jon's door and knocked.

Headding back through the den when someone knocked on the door Samus opened it and smiled. "Hello Hotaru, Neptune."

Arthur chirped down at Fluffy from Samus' shoulder. "Oh yes, and Fluffy."

"Hello! Merry Christmas!" Hotaru called happily. Fluffy mewed and waved her paw at Arthur.

Neptune chuckled. "Merry Christmas, Samus."

"Merry Christmas." Samus smiled and held the door open for them. "Your right on time I think Jon'll have dinner finnished in just a bit."

Hotaru bounded inside. "Thank you," she said as she set Fluffy down. The cat looked back at Samus and mewed, knowing Arthur was there.

Neptune stepped inside after her daughter. "Thank you for inviting us."

"It's our pleasure." Samus closed the door, takeing their coats and hanging them up.

Arthur hopped down from her shoulder to the back of the couch and then to the floor, chittering lightly at Fluffy.

Jon came into the room and smiled softly. "Can I get anyone something to drink?"

"Some tea would be nice, thank you," Neptune said with a smile.

Hotaru nodded in agreement. "Hello, Puppy!" she said with a smile.

Fluffy mewed cutely at Arthur and playfully bat at him.

"Hello little one." Chuckleing when Hotaru used his nick-name he crouched down and hugged her. "Enjoying the snow?"

Samus grinned and went into the kitchen for the cups of tea.

Swatting back at Fluffy, Arthur nudged a ball in her direction.

Hotaru nodded, hugging him back. "I am. I like the snow."

Fluffy mewed happily and nudged the ball back to Arthur.

Happy to play, Arthur pushed it back, bounding after it.

Jon smiled. "I hope your up for a big dinner, Samus insisted on it being 'Traditional'."

Neptune smiled. "That's fine." Hotaru giggled.

Fluffy batted at the ball.

Makeing his way through the snow Link headed to Jon's hut. The werewolf had been insistant that he accept the invitation for dinner. He had no idea what a traditional christmas meal was but knowing Jon he could guess it would be very good in any case.

"Hey, I'm gona enjoy the holiday while I can, and don't tell me you didn't have fun makeing everything." Samus said while she came out with the tea on a tray. "Lemon or milk anyone?"

"Just tea is fine for me," Neptune said with a smile. Hotaru nodded in agreement.

Milo followed a little behind Link, trying to see where he was going.

"Ok, milk for the pets then." Samus handed out the cups and set down a bowl for Arthur and Fluffy. The fox-Squirrels ears perking in that direction before he chittered at Fluffy and padded over.

Link glanced over his shoulder and saw Milo following. "Hello, going to dinner at Jon's hut too?" Sure it might be strange to be talking to a wolf like he could understand and talk back, but Link had his own experience as a wolf to call uppon. "Midna should be on her way too if your going to join us."

Fluffy followed Arthur over to the bowl of milk.

Milo tilted his head to the side, but wagged his tail. He trotted over to Link, intent on following him.

Midna was just leaving her hut and heading over to Jon's hut for the dinner.

Smiling Link rubbed Milo's ears and kept going on his way to Jon's hut with the wolf.

Jon chuckled when the pets came over for something to drink. "Is the weather keeping your dad from getting in trouble Hotaru?"

Hotaru shook her head. "There's always snowballs."

Neptune chuckled.

Samus giggled. "Oh yeah, untill it all melts."

Meeting Midna on the way to the hut Link knocked on the door lighly.

Midna pet Milo, who stood wagging his tail.

Neptune, who was standing near the door, turned around to get the door.

"Is that everyone elce?" Jon asked as he headed back towards the kitchen.

Link smiled when Neptune opened the door. "We are not late I hope."

"No you're not late," Neptune said to Link and Midna. "Yes, it is," she called back to Jon. She chuckled as Milo came in. "And they brought Milo."

"Oh good, I'll set an extra plate." Came the wolfmans reply from the kitchen.

Finnished with his drink Arthur trotted over to Milo, nuzzleing to his leg in greeting.

Samus smiled when Link and Midna came in, takeing their cloaks.

Midna smiled. "Thank you."

Milo sniffed at Arthur as Fluffy bounded over. Milo wagged his tail happily.

Hotaru smiled happily. "Hello!"

Samus skritched Milos ears in greeting as she passed him, Arthur sniffing back at Milo and hopping playfully. "We have a full hut tonight, I hope you made enough."

Link looked around at the decorations and took it all in, it was almost a little overwhelming.

"Only if Duo or Jr show up will I be worried." Jon said comming out of the kitchen with a tray of appitizers.

Milo nudged Fluffy playfully then waved his paw plawfully at Arthur. Fluffy mewed.

Midna also looked a little overwhelmed at all the decorations. She wasn't quite used to something like this.

Neptune chuckled. "Then we'll have to keep the windows closed so they can't smell it."

"The winter celebration was never this bright in my village." Link said and took a cup of tea. "It seems like a lot."

"Yeah.. but we could have done more." Samus said. Jon had shot down her suggestion for the giant flashing sign with "Santa! Land Here!!" for the roof of the hut afterall.

Midna chuckled. "Hard to believe that."

Hotaru picked up some of appetizers smiling brightly.

Milo looked up at Jon, tail wagging.

"Hello Milo, how are you?" Jon smiled down at the young wolf and offered one of his biscuts to him.

Takeing a seat on one of the couches Samus sipped at a cup of coccoa. "Its fun having everyone here. Any more and we would have had to take over the cafe or the Gym again."

Milo nommed on his biscuit, tail still wagging.

Neptune nodded. "As it is we have a fair number of people and animals here."

"I don't mind it too much." Jon said, pulling up a seat as well, Link doing the same in a free chair. "There is usually a group in the cafe, I'm hardly ever alone."

"Are you complaining?" Samus asked playfully, leaning against him.

"Heavens no, my dear."

Midna chuckled as she sat down as well. "It is rather nice that it is a smaller group."

Link nodded. "The Halloween party was alright, but too crowded for me."

jon, link, sailor saturn hotaru, samus, sailor neptune michiru, midna

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