RP Log - Playing in the Snow!!!

Dec 08, 2008 20:48

Who: Hotaru and Tsuzuki
When: two days ago
Where: out in the village
Rating: G
Warnings: fluffiness
Summary: Hotaru meets Tsuzuki and they play in the snow.

Hotaru was walking through the snow, enjoying the sight of the newly fallen snow. Fluffy was curled up in her bag with her head sticking out. "Just think," she said to the cat. "Soon it will be a year since we've been together." Fluffy mewed.

The snow was making Tsuzuki feel particularly childish as he spun in a circle, letting his trench coat flare out.

Hotaru spotted Tsuzuki spinning around as she walked. She giggled a bit. "Hello!" she called.

Tsuzuki stopped his spinning, a grin still fixed to his face. "Hello!"

Fluffy mewed at the person from Hotaru's bag. "It is beautiful out, isn't it?" Hotaru said with a smile, walking towards Tsuzuki.

"It really is," he said, dropping down to be at level with Fluffy. He held up a hand for her to sniff. "I love the snow."

Fluffy sniffed his hand then mewed cutely. Hotaru smiled brightly. "Me too. My name is Hotaru."

"Tsuzuki Asato," he said, looking up. He blinked, eyes widening.

Hotaru smiled. "It's nice to meet you," she said, her purple eyes bright. "And my cat's name is Fluffy."

"You have purple eyes," Tsuzuki said, startled.

Hotaru nodded with a smile. "I do. And you do too."

He nodded, shaking himself out of his shock. "Sorry, I just never met anyone else with purple eyes before being brought to the island. It still comes as a shock."

"Oh. I never did either. I was the only one with purple eyes too." Fluffy mewed happily, waving a paw at Tsuzuki.

Tsuzuki smiled, scratching the cat on the head. "It's nice to see others."

Hotaru smiled as Fluffy purred. "Thank you," she said. "Fluffy likes attention."

He straightened up. "She's very cute. She is a girl, right?"

She nodded. "Yep. Fluffy is a girl. I got her almost a year ago."

"Did she come from home with you?" Tsuzuki asked.

Hotaru shook her head. "My uncles gave her to me. Trowa and Quatre."

"You've been here for some time then," he said.

Hotaru nodded. "I've been here for over a year now. Fluffy will have been here a year soon."

"I hope I don't stay that long," Tsuzuki said. "It's nice here, but..."

"But what?"

"I can't help but feel that my contract could be canceled at any time," he said softly.

"Oh...that's not good."

The shinigami put on a smile for her. "Don't worry about it."

Hotaru smiled back. "Okay."

"I'm really surprised that it snows in a place like this."

Hotaru nodded. "Me too. Last year chaos made it snow, but it didn't snow by itself."

He looked up. "Then how did it snow this time?"

"Nature?" Hotaru said with a shrug.

"On a tropical island?" he asked, tilting his head.

Hotaru shrugged. "Anything is possible."

Tsuzuki laughed. "True. Very true."

Hotaru smiled brightly. "Especially around Christmas."

He nodded, smiling.

Even though she was fourteen years old, Hotaru still believed very much in Christmas spirit and miracles around the holiday.

"Even though it's not my belief, it's a good time of year," he said. "And I'll never say no to presents."

Hotaru giggled. "I won't either," she said with a smile. She took the cat out of her bag when Fluffy tried to climb out. "You don't want to get in the snow, Fluffy; you won't be happy about that."

"You'd get your paws cold," Tsuzuki told the cat with a nod.

Fluffy mewed and waved her paw at Tsuzuki again.

He chuckled, catching it briefly between his fingers.

Fluffy mewed cutely at Tsuzuki. Hotaru smiled. "She likes everyone."

"I know people like that," he said.

Hotaru smiled. "People who like everyone?"

"My friend Watari's one," Tsuzuki said with a nod.

"Oh. Is he nice?"

"Very." He tapped a finger on his lips, thinking. "Just never accept food from him."

"Oh...not a good cook?"

"He's a scientist and likes to slip his experiments into things."

"Oooooooh," Hotaru said. "That's not good."

"We've had all sorts of strange things happen to us because of his experiments," he said, shaking his head. "Accidently turned us into children for a little bit once, and then invisible."

Hotaru giggled a bit at the invisible, just because it sounded amusing. Granted she wouldn't want that to happen to her, but the sound of it was amusing.

Tsuzuki grinned. "Unfortunately he makes really good sweets so it's hard to resist."

Hotaru giggled. "I guess it would be. That's how gets subjects for his experiments," she said with a joking tone.

The shinigami was sheepish. "Sweets are my weakness."

"It's okay. I like sweets too."

"Everyone should like sweets," Tsuzuki said with a smile.

Hotaru nodded. "Yes, they should." Fluffy mewed as though she were agreeing.

He chuckled at the kitten.

"She does like to let people know what she thinks," Hotaru said with a smile.

"She's a little like Byakko," Tsuzuki said, thinking of his shiki fondly.

"Byakko? Is that your cat?"

He couldn't help but laugh at the suggestion.

Hotaru blinked. "What is Byakko?"

"He's a shikigami, the white tiger god of the west," he explained, still chuckling at the mental image of the guardian as a house cat.

"Oooh," Hotaru said. Then she giggled. "I guess he isn't a cat."

"Not the kind you'd want as a pet, no."

"A little big for a pet, though Uncle Trowa might try if a tiger showed up here."

"Byakko's really big in that form too," he said, smiling.

"Oh...how big?"

He thought for a moment. "You know, I've never checked. But he's pretty big."

Hotaru giggled. "Okay."

"Of my shiki, he's the most like me."

"That's good."

He nodded. "The others tend to get too serious a lot of the time. I miss them all though. Suzaku must be going out of her mind with worry."

"That's not good," Hotaru said, petting Fluffy.

"They'll probably yell at me when I get back," he said with a grimace.

"They shouldn't," Hotaru said. "It's not your fault."

"They're really protective of me," Tsuzuki said in their defense.


He smiled again, patting Fluffy's head.

Fluffy purred happily.

"I hope I didn't delay you too long for where ever you were going."

Hotaru shook her head. "Nope. I was just walking around enjoying the snow."

"Me too."

Hotaru smiled brightly.

His face lit up as he thought of an idea. "Would you like to help me build a snowman?"

Hotaru smiled brightly. "I'd like that."

"Let's do that then." He looked around for a good spot to build it.

Hotaru nodded. "Okay." She walked over and set down her bag and placed Fluffy on top of the bag. "Stay there, Fluffy. It's cold."

Kneeling down in the snow, he started to roll a ball that would be the base section.

Hotaru started rolling a ball that would either be the head or the middle of the snowman.

Tsuzuki packed it carefully as it grew.

Hotaru smiled. She was having fun building the snowman.

"What do you think we should use for the buttons?" he asked, sitting back to decide if the ball was big enough yet.

"We could try to find some rocks, or I might be able to get some buttons from the clothing store."

"Let's find some rocks so we don't have to worry about picking them up when the snow melts." He packed some more snow around the base so it'd be steady.

Hotaru nodded and went to go find some rocks.

Tsuzuki heaved the other ball on top of the base, making sure it was firmly on.

Hotaru came back with her hand's full of rocks. "Okay," she said happily.

"Do you want to put those on while I make the head?"

"Sure," she said going over and putting the "buttons" on.

He smiled, starting to roll another ball.

"This is fun," Hotaru said with a smile.

He nodded. "Very fun. I love playing in the snow."

Hotaru nodded. "Me too. Last year, Papa and I played with Milo in the snow."

Putting the head on, he stepped back. "Does it look straight?"

Hotaru looked at the head for a moment then nodded. "It does," she said with a smile.

"Alright!" He pulled off his scarf, putting it on the snowman.

Hotaru giggled.

"He needs a hat," Tsuzuki said, looking at it. "And a face."

Hotaru nodded. After a moment of thinking, she headed quickly back to her hut and came back with a hat and a carrot.

He grinned. "Those will be perfect."

Hotaru smiled. "Okay." She put the hand on the snowman's head and put the carrot in place for the nose.

Tsuzuki picked up a few of the extra stones to make eyes and a mouth.

Hotaru giggled.

"Looks good."

Hotaru nodded. "It does." She went over and picked up Fluffy, bringing the cat back over. "What do you think Fluffy?" Fluffy mewed and tried to lick the carrot being used as the nose. Hotaru chuckled.

He smiled. "I think I'll head to the cafe for some hot chocolate. It was nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you as well," she said with a smile. "I'll see you around sometime."

"Definately. I just started at the clothing store, so I'll be around there a lot."

Hotaru smiled. "My Papa and Aunt work there."

He nodded. "I'll be seeing them too then."

Hotaru nodded. "Yep."

Tsuzuki waved as he started towards the cafe.

Hotaru waved then retrieved her bag and headed back in the direction of her hut with the cat.

sailor saturn hotaru, tsuzuki

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