Snipers meeting

Dec 08, 2008 01:26

Who: Riza Hawkeye and Lockon Stratos
When: Backdated, a few days before Thanksgiving
Where: The Training ground
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really
Notes: I fail for not posting this sooner. x.x
Summary: Riza and Lockon meet and discuss putting up sniping targets.

Riza sighed softly as she gathered her rifle and her ammunition and headed out of her hut. She had no idea what she was going to do, after all, she hadn't been able to set up some long distance targets yet. She really needed to talk with some of the others around and see just who else was a sniper. She didn't know if anyone else used a rifle like she did, then again, she hadn't meet many others yet.

Victory belonged to Lockon as he had found his hut and the empty room that belonged to him. Not much there so he'd have to go shopping. Haro was staying back in his room while he was gone. As he was walking more to see where everything was, he spotted a blonde woman walking towards him. Of course he spotted the rifle; it was his nature to notice that.

She paused as she spotted Lockon. She gave him a friendly smile. "Hello." She said as she approached. She didn't recognize him, but then agian, she didn't recognize anyone on the island. She wasn't hiding her rifle, she saw no need to hide it.

"Hello," Lockon said with a smile. "Are you going to practice?" he asked, gesturing to the rifle.

She nodded. "Yes. I am. Though I haven't been able to set up some long distance targets yet. I'm not sure anyone else uses a rifle." She said, looking over her shoulder for a moment at the barrel of her rifle.

Lockon chuckled. "It just so happens that I know how to use a rifle as well," he said. "Lockon Stratos."

"First Lt. Riza Hawkeye." She said, holding out a hand for a handshake. "It's nice meeting you Lockon Stratos."

Lockon shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you as well, Ms. Hawkeye. So you are a sniper as well?"

She nodded. "I am. Care to see just how good I am?" She asked with a smile.

Lockon nodded. "Sure, why not." Shopping could wait.

She motioned for him to follow as she headed towards the training area. Once they were there, she carefully took the rifle off of her back and started to aim at one of the targets. It didn't take her long and she quickly pulled the trigger.

Lockon watched her fire at the targets. She was very good. He nodded in approval.

"It would be better if there were targets set up at a longer distance. I don't need to lose my skills as a sniper." The closer targets were nice, but she wanted to really test herself.

Lockon nodded. "Perhaps we can work on getting that set up. There has to be something here we could use as long distance targets."

"I'm sure someone would be able to help as well." She looked over at Lockon and then carefully held out her rifle. "Care to take a shot?"

Lockon smiled. "Thanks." He took the rifle, taking care in handling it since it didn't belong to him. He raised it. He looked through the scope, quickly lining up the rifle with target and firing.

She watched Lockon. Her rifle was an older model compared to some of the guns that she had seen around here, but it was still her rifle. Just a simple bolt action rifle that had served her well.

Lockon lowered the rifle. "Thanks," he said handing the rifle back. "It's been a little while since I've used one quite like this."

"This is pretty much the standard issure snipers rifle in my world." She said, taking her rifle back. "We're not as advanced as a lot of people here."

Lockon nodded. "That's fine. It's still a good weapon."

"It's saved the lives of the people I care for." She said, looking it over.

"That's good. I'll have to show you Dynames sometime. That's my Gundam."

"Gundam?" She blinked. "You mean one of those machines. There isn't anything near that advanced. We've got cars and radios, but that's about it." She still wasn't used to those machines. She had only been to the hanger once with Jr.

"I can still show it to you if you want to see it. I use the Gundam for sniping as well."

"I'd love to see it. It must be amazing to snipe in one of those."

Lockon nodded. "It is. I could hit targets in space from the ground with its gun."

"Amazing." She said. She had no idea that that kind of thing was possible. But with techonology like what she had seen in this place, it didn't surprise her that much.

Lockon nodded. "First one to be able to do that."

"You're lucky then." She said, picking her rifle up and taking aim again. She pulled the trigger and then looked back over at Lockon. "Have you talked with any of the others here? I"m sure that some of them have machines similiar to yours."

Lockon nodded. "I've met Jamie, Trowa, Wufei, and Quatre. I know which suits Wufei, Quatre, and Trowa use, but not Jamie."

"There are a lot of other machines in the hanger. Someone named Jr. Showed me his. It's an impressive machine. Then again, all of them are." She said.

Lockon nodded. "A young lady named MOMO told me about her mech while I was recovering."

"I haven't meet many of the people here. They all seem very nice. They said I'd been here before. And that I was married." She wasn't, but apparently the other verison of her was.

"They seem to be nice," Lockon remarked. "I haven't been told that I was here before."

"It was one of the first things that some friends told me. It's rather odd, but I haven't really thought about it before." She shrugged a bit, looking downrange at the targets.

Lockon looked off at the targets as well. "Then I guess it would be safe to say I haven't been here before."

"Now the question is, will we ever be able to all make it back to our homes?" She asked. "No one's been able to find a way off the island yet."

Lockon shrugged. "I haven't tried yet. I rather like it here. No fighting. No war."

"I have important things to do." She said, looking down for a moment. She had been reassinged away from Roy's command, but she still had her duties.

"Ah," Lockon said with a nod. "As much as I enjoy the vacation, there are things I need to do as well."

She nodded. "The island is nice, but I think everyone has things that they need to be doing back in their own worlds." She gave Lockon a smile. "Though it's nice meeting so many different people."

Lockon nodded with a smile. "That is nice. I've rather liked meeting more people who aren't going to try and capture me for being a Gundam pilot."

"It's nice not having to watch my back and be careful of what I say." She had to be careful back home. She never knew who might be listening to what she said there.

Lockon nodded. "That's nice as well. You always have to be careful."

"Especially around some of the people that I work with." She said. She didn't know who she could trust back home, aside from Roy and the people she worked with before her transfer.

"There's only a set number of people I can trust back home," Lockon remarked. "After that...anyone could find out I'm a Gundam pilot and the military will be after me."

"I don't know who all I can trust within my countries military." She said honestly. "A lot of things are hidden by the ones in charge." That's why she wanted to follow Roy to the top. She knew he would change things.

Lockon nodded. "That's sounds like the usual order of things unfortunately."

"It seems so. Though I'm sure that someone will be able to make things change eventually." She said with a small smile.

Lockon nodded with a smile. "That's what usually happens when there is something wrong."

"Change can be both a good and a bad thing though." She said, looking over at him.

Lockon nodded, knowing about this first hand. "Indeed it can, sometimes at the same time."

"Though I think this would be for the better. At least at first." She said. At least, she hoped that Roy's plans would change things for the better.

"I hope that it is when you are able to go back," Lockon remarked. He was hoping that Celestial Being's action had been for the best.

"I hope that we're all able to get back home eventually." She said with a slight smile.

Lockon nodded. "I hope so as well."

She smiled a bit and then took careful aim again and fired a couple of more shots.

Lockon watched her aim, crouching down a bit, not only watching her shot, but trying to get a view of further off to see it would be possible to set up long distance targets. It looked like it might be possible if they had the materials to do it.

She looked at Lockon for a moment before going back to her aim. She took her time with her shots in order to make sure that her aim was true and that she hit where she wanted.

"I think we should be able to put in long distance targets," Lockon remarked, standing up again. "The foliage isn't too thick." He was impressed with her aim.

"I'm sure we could get some help cutting it down if we need it." She said, setting her rifle down. "It shouldn't be that hard."

Lockon nodded. "I don't think it would be."

"I'm sure if we ask around we'll be able to get the supplies needed." Riza said, looking down the field at the targets and beyond. It wouldn't be that hard to get the things needed and the targets set up for a real challenge.

Lockon nodded. "That would work. So we could start working on that sometime."

She nodded. "I'll ask around to see about getting supplies."

Lockon nodded. "Okay, sounds good. And we can meet later to start setting this up."

She nodded. "That sounds great." She said. This was starting to work out quite well.

"I'll see if I can find anything as well and we can send each other a message when we have the supplies."

She nodded again. "I think we have a plan then. I'm going to take this back to my hut and then start on seeing what I can find out about supplies. I'll talk with you later."

Lockon nodded. "Talk to you later."

Riza slung her rifle back over her shoulder and then gave Lockon another friendly smile as she headed back towards her hut.

Lockon watched her go then headed back to the village to do some shopping.

lockon neil, riza

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