RP Log: All shall love Haro and despair!

Nov 19, 2008 19:13

Who: Trowa, Lockon, NPC!Jin and Jamie
Where: hangar, first-aid station, around the village
When: a little after this log, in the afternoon
Warnings: none
Summary: Jamie and Trowa discuss a few things in the hangar and plot to work on the mech obstacle course; events take a sudden turn for the weird when a new mech appears, quite literally, out of nowhere.

Trowa walked into the hangar. He stretched a bit. Milo was following along behind him. Luckily Quatre was home so Spade hadn't tried to find him. Milo had followed since Spade always tried to pester him to play even when he didn't want to. Trowa walked over to the Gundam to see if there was anything that needed to be done with it.

Upper half of his body wedged in an awkward position between some components in the Geno Saurer's arm, Jamie didn't see Trowa and Milo enter at first; it wasn't until he'd finished the minute adjustments to the arm's mechanisms and extricated himself that the younger teen noticed the new arrivals. Snatching up a shop rag with which to clean the wrench he'd been using, Jamie moved to the railing of the elevator platform he stood on. "Hey," he called to Trowa in greeting.

Trowa looked up. "Hey, Jamie," he called. He walked over towards where Jamie was as Milo bounded over. The wolf stopped a good distance away from the platform and sat down, his tail wagging. "How have you been?" Trowa called after shaking his head a bit at Milo's reaction.

"Pretty good. How've you been?" Jamie replied, lowering the elevator platform to the floor.

"I've been well," Trowa remarked. "Current household insanity aside." He pat the wolf on the head and Milo closed his eyes, tail wagging happily.

"Oh?" Jamie hopped off the platform and approached Trowa, folding the rag to wipe the grease from his hands. "What's going on?"

"Well, I found another wolf pup was abandoned by the hot spring so we've been caring for her and she keeps giving Milo a run for his money. Plus my father-in-law arrived recently."

Mildly dismayed though he was by the thought of having another wolf in the village, Jamie declined to comment on this. "Father-in-law, huh? That must be kinda...awkward."

Trowa nodded. "It is. He's just recently stopped looking at me like he would kill me if I said anything he remotely disapproved of to Quatre."

Jamie chuckled a bit, his expression politely sympathetic. "Well, I guess that's an improvement, anyway, right?"

Trowa chuckled a bit as well. "Yeah it is. Never had anything to worry about though except his glares. He's a pacifist."

"Glares can be pretty scary if they're coming from the wrong person," Jamie commented. Leena'd always been able to terrify him with just the right look, and there were a generous handful of other people whose glares had a similar effect on him. "Anyway, does Quatre like having his dad around now?"

Trowa nodded. "I think he does. They didn't get to spend much time together when his father was alive so they both get to spend more time with each other." Yes, there was other weird thing about his father-in-law...he was technically dead.

Neatly folding the shop rag, now that he'd finished using it, Jamie nodded...and paused a bit when Trowa's comment sunk in. "...ah," he said finally. "So Quatre's dad is...non-living." Sure, he'd accepted that Treize and, more recently, Rubeus were in the same position, but it was still weird to think about.

Again Trowa nodded. "It's kind of strange...but I'm glad he's here as well. Quatre wanted to have a chance to spend more time with his father."

"That must be nice," Jamie said, trying not to think of his own father. "And...probably a little weird for him, too."

Trowa chuckled a bit. "Yeah...so anything new going on with you?"

"Nothing much." Jamie shrugged a bit, contemplated for a moment or two and decided there was no reason not to let Trowa know about his encounter with Rubeus. "Found a guy in the Geno's cockpit a little while ago," he started.

Trowa blinked. "How did that happen? And what happened for that matter?"

"Uh...well, he said he was in there trying to rest," Jamie explained. "He looked pretty beat up, but he said he'd been in the first aid station for a while before he wound up in the hangar, so...I dunno what his story is." He shrugged, a bit apprehensively. "But...he's got some kinda grudge against the Guardians. Said he had some business to settle."

"Oh him..." Trowa said. "Quatre was the one who found him. I don't know what his issue is, but yeah...I'd say he doesn't like them. Neptune mentioned that Hotaru is not in her Senshi form at the moment and I assumed it had something to do with him."

"Uh - oh." Jamie blinked and then nodded; there was that word again - senshi, whatever it meant. "Well...'s probably a good thing, if someone's here gunning for 'em, right?" He chewed his lip a moment, looking troubled. "Unless he can track their power or something..."

"I think she's trying to prevent him from tracking her powers," Trowa remarked. He shrugged. "Hopefully there won't be any problems."

"Hopefully, yeah," Jamie agreed. He sighed and shrugged again, fitfully. "I tried to talk him out of it, but he seemed pretty...determined."

"I'd imagine. They usually are." He stretched a bit, glancing back at Milo who had gone to lay down. "But five Guardians here and only one of him."

"Yeah, and he already looked like he'd been through the wringer," Jamie added. "He said it was his 'duty', though. That the Guardians'd killed someone important to him, so he had to get 'em back for it..."

"Hmm...I don't know about that," Trowa remarked. "I'd rather hear both versions or an objective version."

"I don't think there's any way to get a really objective explanation of what happened," Jamie said. "Not in a situation like that." He didn't bother mentioning that he was wary of asking the Guardians anything about it; assuming they told him anything at all - and they had no real reason to, it being none of his business, anyway - there was no guarantee it'd be explained in any way he could actually understand.

Trowa nodded. "I guess not. Well as long as things remain quiet, there's no reason for anyone else to get involved since he isn't making this into something the whole island needs to worry about at the moment."

"Yeah..." Jamie trailed off, looking thoughtful, perturbed and a little perplexed all at once. "He said he'd make sure I didn't get involved," he told Trowa, and shrugged again, frowning contemplatively. "I dunno if he actually meant it or if he was just...saying it, though."

Trowa frowned. "Hmm... then it is probably best that you don't. I'm not sure what he is capable of and what he would do." He would probably mention that to one of the Guardians if things started getting weird because of this guy...one of the ones who wouldn't immediately go attack him for possibly threatening someone.

Jamie blinked, puzzled, and then looked at Trowa in surprise. "I don't think it was a threat," he said. "Just the opposite - like he was promising he'd keep me out of it." The confused frown returned. "That's kinda what I thought was weird about it. It didn't seem like he cared if anyone else got caught in the crossfire, so I don't know why he'd make an effort for me."

Trowa blinked. "That's odd... I have no idea."

The younger teen shrugged. "Well, yeah. That's why I wasn't sure if he was sincere or not." He fell silent a moment, fussing with the folded shop cloth, turning it around in his hands thoughtfully. "But...I dunno. He was really angry and violent a lot of the time I was talking to him, but thinking back on it now he seems kinda...sad. Almost...pitiful." Jamie realized he was probably the last person on earth to be calling anyone else pitiful, but it was the only word he could think of to describe Rubeus' desperate, dogged hunger for vengeance.

Trowa nodded. "Hmm...I haven't met him yet so I don't know." He paused for a moment then said, "Do you want to work some more on our plans for obstacle course?"

Jamie blinked again at the change of topic, but nodded assent. "Sure. What should we focus on today?"

"Hm...what do we still need to work on?" Trowa asked. "We've prepared the site...should we try and find materials for the obstacles?"

He nodded. "Sure, that sounds like a good idea. Think there's enough rocks and stuff around the site to use?"

Trowa nodded. "Probably. We could also see if we could find materials here...or modify something that could be used for one of the obstacles."

Jamie frowned, thinking. "I dunno if there's anything big enough just lying around to use as an obstacle...did you have something in mind?"

"Well a number of the mechs are used for hitting targets...if we could find something that could launch targets, even if those targets were just rocks, then that would be a good exercise."

"Mn...yeah, that is a good idea." Jamie looked contemplative. "What could we use to do that, though?..."

Trowa thought for a moment. "If we modified the pressure behind it, we could use Heavyarm's machine gun. It would be able to hold the projectiles."

Jamie glanced over at Heavyarms with a critical eye. "That could work, assuming we can actually do that. D'you know how?" Jamie knew how to adjust that sort of thing on a Zoid, where in many cases it was simply a matter of redirecting the Zoid's Core energy, but he wasn't sure how it might be done on any other kind of mech.

"I helped build Heavyarms," Trowa told him. "I was a mechanic before I became the pilot. We should be able to just take the gun and tweak it to decrease the firing pressure which would make it more of a target...though we'd have to test and keep everything the same weight to keep it flying the same."

"Yeah, that'd be the tricky part..." The teen frowned again, but he was pleased at the prospect of more activity to keep him busy. "Did you want to get started on that today, or go to the site to look for stuff?"

"Well, I know we'd have to drop the pressure a fair amount so we could start with that. I'd rather have to turn the pressure back up again then do a test shot when it would still be at lethal force." Trowa had a feeling Jamie would feel the same way about that. "So we can start with that and see how long it takes."

Jamie nodded. "Sounds like a good idea. What do you want me to do?"

"Get some tools and I'll lower the gun down onto the floor so we can work on it there. It'll be easier that way."

"Sure." Jamie went to collect his tools from the elevator platform beside the Geno Saurer and then called to Trowa. "D'you have yours out somewhere already?"

"Mine are in the cockpit of my Gundam," Trowa called back to Jamie as he walked towards his Gundam. "I can grab them while I'm over there." When he got over there, he looked at Milo. "You need to move," he told the wolf, who got up to go lay down someplace else.

Jamie watched Milo wander across the hangar, glad that the wolf was so well-behaved, and nodded in response to Trowa. "Anything else we're gonna need?"

"At the moment, I think that's it," Trowa remarked, lowering the gun to floor. After doing that he leapt up the cockpit to get the tools.

Heading over to where the massive weapon now lay on the floor, Jamie watched Trowa spring up to his mech's chest, impressed by the display though he'd seen it before. He moved around the machine gun as he waited for Trowa to come back down, eyes flicking over it curiously.

Trowa came back down just as easily, this time with the tools. "Okay," he said moving to a panel. "The controls for the pressure are in here. We need to get the panel off first," he said starting to take a wrench to the bolts.

Jamie nodded and followed suit. "How's Milo's training coming?" he asked in the silence that ensued as they worked on loosening the bolts.

"Very well," Trowa remarked. "He's living outside now. We still do some skill training, but as for obedience, he's done with that."

"He seems to listen to you pretty well," Jamie agreed, glancing over at the wolf lying out of the way near one of the other mechs. "How's he like living outside?"

"He didn't like it at first," Trowa remarked. "But that's because he was suddenly kicked outside and he thought I was mad at him. But I've been spending time with him and he's finally realized it's not a bad thing."

"Yeah, he didn't sound too happy the first few nights..." Jamie grinned a bit ruefully, recalling the animal's howls; he'd never heard such a thing before and it had been a little unnerving. "Does he sleep near your hut, still, or just wherever he feels like sleeping?"

"He used to sleep right outside our hut then he started sleeping further away. I don't know where he has found to sleep now."

"Don't you ever worry that he'll take off some night and never come back?" Jamie asked, adjusting the grip on his wrench to loosen another bolt.

"Sometimes," Trowa remarked. "But I doubt he would. This life he knows. While he may be a wolf, he was too young to remember the pack and he has been away too long. He probably won't risk it."

"'s probably a good thing," Jamie said. He suddenly looked a bit furtive. "...what if he decides he wants, y'know...a girlfriend or something?"

"I've worried about that, but if she did come to the village, she probably wouldn't do much if she were following Milo's lead. She'd probably be low in ranking to actually leave her pack."

"So you think he'd bring her back with him instead of staying out in the jungle with her?" Jamie blinked, looking faintly alarmed despite Trowa's assurances.

"He's still a bit young to be thinking like that," Trowa remarked. "So we don't have to worry for the moment either way."

Suddenly out of nowhere, in an empty space in the hangar, a mobile suit began to materialize. It was green and white in color and the same size as the Gundam with a similar structure. Two large green panels were folded behind it, giving it the appearance of wings. At it's right arm appeared to be a giant sniper rifle. The cockpit was open and the faint calls of "Lockon! Lockon!" could be heard every few seconds.

Jamie thought he'd caught a flicker of...something out of the corner of his eye; it wasn't really movement so much as the notion of something being there that hadn't been before. He stared as the massive mech appeared, blinking in round-eyed astonishment. After a moment or two he found his voice.

"Um..." he managed, never taking his eyes off the new machine. "Are you seeing this?" he asked Trowa.

Trowa also had looked over. Okay...as far as he knew, they were the first to actually see something appear. This was definitely odd.

"Yeah...I'm seeing it. I'm not sure I believe it, but I see it."

Face scrunched up into an expression of bewilderment, Jamie tipped his head to the side, listening to the sounds emanating from the cockpit. "...is someone in there? What're they saying?"

Trowa listened. "It sounds robotic..." he remarked, glancing over at the bewildered wolf before looking at the mech. He got up and walked closer to try and hear what it was saying.

Jamie followed, somewhat cautiously, and when they'd drawn close enough paused for a moment or two to listen some more. "'Lock on'?" he repeated, casting a puzzled glance at Trowa. It didn't sound like the voice was issuing a command - and if it was, the mech would have to be defective somehow for the command to have to be repeated so many times. He looked back towards the cockpit. "Uh...someone in there?" he called.

Trowa glanced back at Jamie. He was also rather curious about this thing and the mech didn't seem to be preparing to attack.

There was silence from the mech for a moment. The voice spoke again. This time it said, "Haro! Haro!"

Jamie frowned, confused. What was it saying now? Hollow? Harrow? He glanced over at Trowa again and shifted a bit. "...you can come out," he called up to the cockpit. "Nobody's gonna hurt you."

"Haro stay with Dynames!" the voice said this time. "Stay with Dynames! Wait for Lockon! Wait for Lockon! Lockon! Lockon!"

The teen blinked at this veritable torrent of words from the as-yet unseen source and looked over at Trowa. "What should we do?" he asked the older pilot. "Try going up there?..."

Trowa nodded and took a stop towards the Gundam to jump up to the cockpit, but immediately when he did, the cockpit shut. He blinked. Obviously he couldn't figure out what it was going on when the cockpit was closed. He took a few steps back to look at the Gundam and the cockpit opened again. "I think that is a no."

Jamie chewed his lip, staring up at the green-and-white mech. Maybe the voice was part of a manifestation of its AI or something. "Is Lockon your pilot?" he asked it. "We could look for him for you and bring him here." At least Jamie assumed that if a mech had appeared here, its pilot wouldn't be far behind...then again, Ryss and her Zoid seemed to have been fairly tenuously connected, so maybe this new mech was another exception to the apparent rule.

"Lockon Dynames' pilot!" the mechanic voice called back. "Dynames' pilot." There was silence for a moment then the voice started repeating again. "Lockon! Lockon!"

Trowa looked over at Jamie. "We should probably try to find this guy."

"Yeah, I guess..." Jamie gave the cockpit a final bemused look. "Where should we start? He could be anywhere. Y'know, if he's here at all."

Trowa also glanced up at the cockpit again, which was still repeating the pilot's name. "We could start by checking the board to see if he is here."

"'s probably a good idea. Think this thing'll be okay if we leave it unsupervised?" he added, gesturing at the strange mech. It hadn't made any threatening moves yet, but having no clue what its AI was capable of, Jamie wasn't sure that it wouldn't start going berserk or try to wander off on its own to cause havoc if it was separated from its pilot for too long.

Trowa crossed his arms, looking up at it. "I'm honestly not sure." It had enough control to open and shut the cockpit without the pilot being present. There was no telling what it could do or would do and it was obviously upset. "We're going to go find your pilot," Trowa called up to it. "Just stay put."

The mech didn't respond beyond continuing to call for Lockon.

Jamie gave the machine a scrutinizing stare and headed towards the bay doors of the hangar, hoping that the building would still be intact if and when they returned with the new pilot.

"That mech...what do you think it is?" Jamie asked Trowa as they walked. "It looks kind of like a Gundam." Then again, Jamie wasn't exactly an expert on humanoid mechs; it could've been something entirely different for all he knew.

Trowa walked beside Jamie. "It does have the similar shape of a Gundam." The design of a Gundam's head all seemed to be relatively the same from what he had seen and that matched the profile. "Of course I don't know. Only thing we can know is that it is apparently called Dynames if we go by that voice."

Emerging from the hangar, Jamie glanced around to see if anyone unfamiliar might be headed that way, searching for a missing mech. "Well, whatever it is...I hope, if its pilot's here, he's a nice guy. Or...girl, whichever. I wonder if 'Lockon' is some kind of code name or something."

"I suspect it is," Trowa remarked, looking around. So far, no one looked unfamiliar. He frowned a bit. "I mean, I know parents can be strange, but I can't think of a single one who would name their child 'Lockon'."

"Maybe it's a completely normal name where they come from," Jamie commented, grinning a bit. "There's a bunch of names I never would've thought were names before I came here."

Trowa nodded. "True. So...shall we check the board to see if there is a 'Lockon' here?"

"'s what I thought we were doing," Jamie replied. He blinked. "...if it is a code name, d'you think that'd be the name that's listed on the board?"
Trowa frowned. "It might not in that case. This could get really hard to find this person." Which normally didn't happen on the island, having difficulty finding someone that is.

"Well, I guess we could just...look for any names we don't recognize?" Jamie suggested. "I mean, unless there's more than one new person here this time, that should at least narrow it down a little."

Trowa nodded. "That would work. Still may not help us actually find this person, but it will give us a name to look for."

Jamie continued toward the hut listing in the center of the village, recalling the trip he'd made with Rubeus not too long ago. When he and Trowa reached the board, Jamie began scanning it for any unfamiliar names; he was relieved to find that the very name they were looking for had appeared there. "Huh...well, it looks like they're on the island, anyway. Guess we just have to figure out where on the island, now."

Trowa nodded. "Yeah...where is the next question." He paused looking around. Still no one looked unfamiliar.

Jamie paused to think a moment. "Maybe we should check the shops and stuff first - see if he went there looking for information." He frowned. "Or maybe one of us should do that and the other could take their mech down to the beach and into the jungle. Y'know, in case he wound up there and hasn't made it to the village yet. He might be hurt or something."

Trowa nodded. "Or I can take Milo to see if he can find anything close to the village first. Don't most people end up relatively close to the village if not in the village?"

"Mm, usually, I guess. We could start at opposite ends of the village, maybe. Cover more ground that way."

Trowa nodded. "That would be good. Let's do that and reconvene here later."

"Right. I'll start at the end closer to the hangar and work towards the middle. Sound okay?"

Trowa nodded. "Sounds good." He waved to Milo, who had followed them outside. The wolf bounded over. "I'll see you in a bit then."

"Sure. Good luck." Jamie turned and loped off in the direction from which they'd just come, veering inland a bit to head for the smaller buildings that formed the village's business district. He kept his eyes peeled as he went, but saw no one unfamiliar.

He stopped briefly at the cafe, first, and when that turned up nothing went to the first aid station. He stepped inside and, after a brief word with Jin, was gratified to find that the person they were looking for had indeed wound up under the care of the island's doctors. With Jin's permission, Jamie ventured to the back, where Lockon was resting.

Lockon had his eyes closed, resting, only half trying to sleep. He heard the sound of someone coming in. He opened his eyes. "Hello?" he said somewhat weakly, looking at the teen that had just walked in.

"Ah - hi," Jamie said, pausing just beyond the man's bed. "Sorry to bother you. Um - my name's Jamie Hemeros. My friend and I saw your mech in the hangar, so - at least I think it's your mech," he amended. "It's calling for someone named Lockon, anyway."

Lockon blinked. "There's a mech calling my name?" Could it be Dynames? Was it Haro calling him? He started to push himself up.

Jamie's brow furrowed as the man started moving to get up. "Uhh - should you be moving?" he said, holding up his hands in an obvious stay-put gesture. The guy didn't look or sound in top form just yet. "You should stay in bed if you're hurt..."

"I should probably figure out what is going on," Lockon remarked, continuing to push himself up. "I can rest after figuring that out." Yes, Lockon was a stubborn one.

"Uh..." Jamie watched a little anxiously. He hadn't exactly intended to pry the man out of bed. "'s there anything we can do? I mean, we just told your mech we'd come look for you. I could go back and tell it we found you and you can go see it later." He tried for a reassuring, if worried, smile. "It'll be fine in the hangar. Nobody here will try to do anything to it, I promise."

"It probably won't stop until it sees me," Lockon remarked. "It's not that I don't trust the people here," he said. Normally he won't but the fact that he hadn't been greeted by armed military men because they had seen his Gundam kind of took care of the fear for the moment. He kind of just wanted to see if it was Haro.

"Well...will it do anything other than keep calling for you?" Jamie asked. "I mean, 's long as it won't come into the village to look for you it should be fine until you're feeling okay..."

"I don't know, it's never been left alone in Dynames for a long period of time," Lockon remarked standing up slowly. Sure Haro had worked on Dynames, but also considering the circumstances of their last meeting, Haro was probably particularly upset.

This left Jamie a little puzzled; he'd thought that Dynames had been the mech and the voice, whatever it'd called itself, had just been its AI or something, but Lockon was referring to it like a separate entity. "What is it?" he asked, watching the man get to his feet. He supposed at this point trying to convince him to stay put was a lost cause.

Lockon chuckled. So Jamie hadn't seen Haro yet. "Why don't you come along and you can see for yourself," he said with a friendly smile. That and he needed Jamie to show him where the hangar was.

The teen nodded uncertainly. "If you're sure you should be up and wandering around..."

Lockon nodded. "It's fine." Well, the doctor probably wouldn't think so, but he'd have to deal for a few minutes.

"Okay." Jamie still looked a bit apprehensive and just a little guilty for having roused Lockon in the first place, but he headed back toward the front door of the first aid clinic. Convincing Jin that Lockon was well enough to move about and that he wouldn't strain himself took some doing, but soon enough they were outside and walking toward the hangar.

"So," Jamie asked, trying to keep a surreptitious eye on his companion. "What do you do with your mech, where you come from?"

Lockon was walking slowly beside the teen, trying to take it easy to keep from falling. "I'm from Earth," he remarked. "There is a war in our world."

Trowa was coming back from his own search having failed to find the person he was supposed to be looking for. However, he spotted Jamie walking with someone he didn't recognize and assumed that Jamie had found this guy Lockon. He sent Milo home and headed towards the two of them.

"Mn." Jamie nodded, keeping his pace slow so Lockon could keep up. "Seems like there's a lot of worlds with that problem."

Hearing someone approaching them, Jamie turned and smiled a bit when he saw Trowa. "Found him," he said, probably rather unnecessarily, gesturing towards his companion. "He was in the first aid clinic. Um, this is Trowa," he explained to Lockon. "He was with me in the hangar when your mech showed up."

"Nice to meet you," Lockon said, pausing to shake Trowa's hand. "Lockon Stratos."

Trowa nodded. "Nice to meet you as well." He started walking again, also at a slow pace for Lockon. "Are you doing alright?" he asked Lockon.

Lockon nodded.

"So what kind of machine is yours?" Jamie asked Lockon as they walked. "Are they common in your world?"

"It's called a Gundam," Lockon told them. "Mobile suits are common in our world, Gundams are not."

"Ah another world with Gundams," Trowa remarked.

"Trowa and his friends pilot Gundams," Jamie told Lockon, watching for his reaction. "And there's another Gundam here from a different version of Earth, too."

Lockon blinked and then blinked again. "Wow...that's interesting." He made a mental note to find out more when he wasn't still mildly in pain and looking for Haro.

Trowa nodded. "There were six of us who piloted," he said. They had reached the hangar so he got the door for Lockon, who stepped inside.

Inside the hangar, the mechanical call of "Lockon! Lockon!" being repeated could still be heard.

Jamie peered towards the green-and-white Gundam from which the noise was emanating. "Sounds like it's still at it," he murmured, and glanced toward Lockon to see what he would do.

Lockon chuckled, shaking his head. "Haro, Haro, Haro," he said and walked over towards the Gundam. "Hey," he called up into the Gundam. "What's with the crying? There's nothing wrong."

There was silence for a moment, then the voice said, "Lockon! Lockon!" again. There was a mild clinking sound from the cockpit hatch then an approximately basketball sized orange ball appeared at the edge. Two panels on the top flapped and small red LED like lights flashed. "Lockon you're alive! Lockon you're alive!"

Jamie, standing near the Gundam's foot alongside Lockon and Trowa, squinted to see the tiny bright-colored speck chattering down at them. "What is that?"

"That, my friends, is Haro," Lockon said, introducing the robot. "It is a robot from world. Mine helps repair Dynames and helps me pilot at times."

Haro flapped again. "Haro! Haro!"

Trowa blinked, looking up at it. "Interesting."

Jamie concurred, watching the thing flutter as though in greeting. "That's handy," he observed. "It did a pretty good job of trying to protect your Gundam...closed up the cockpit hatch when we tried to get too close to it."

Lockon chuckled. "That was good. Haro could have also moved the Gundam if need be."

Haro, at that point, bounced from the ledge and Lockon caught it. Haro flapped again. "Haro! Haro!"

Trowa chuckled.

"I'm kinda glad it just stayed put," Jamie said, leaning in to get a closer look at the little robot. "And that it didn't interpret all the other mechs in here as threats and try to pick a fight with 'em."

"If Haro had even thought that, it could have used Dynames to figure out if there was someone actually in the mobile suits at the time."

Jamie nodded, gave the robot another once-over and then glanced back up at Lockon. "So everything's okay with your mech? 's there anything you need to do to secure it or anything?"

"It's should be fine," Lockon said. Everything looked okay and Haro wouldn't leave it in a state where something could easily happen to it.

Haro flapped again.

"Okay. Did you wanna head back to the first aid station, then?" Jamie didn't want to rush the guy if there was something else he needed to do, but he also didn't want him overexerting himself.

"Yeah...I think that would a good idea," he said. He was still sore and longer he was gone, the more like he was to get lectured about getting while he was still hurt.

Jamie nodded. "You've been assigned to a hut you can stay in once you're out of the first aid station," he said, turning to lead the way back out of the hangar. "And you'll need to get a job and everything...but that can wait until you're feeling better," he added, glancing over at the weary-looking pilot.

Lockon nodded. "Okay," he said, following after Jamie, holding Haro in his hand.

Trowa followed him out as well.

"'s there anything else we can do for you in the meantime?" Jamie asked Lockon as they made their way back.

Lockon shook his head. "I don't think so. Thanks though."

"Sure." Jamie ducked his head a bit. "Sorry to drag you out of bed like this," he said apologetically.

"Nah, it's fine," Lockon said with a chuckle. "I'm glad to know there is someone else here I know." Haro flapped happily at that. "Besides, I'm glad to know where he is."

"I think he's happy to know where you are too," Jamie said, grinning a bit. "He seems pretty attached to you." Jamie knew it was probably just the thing's programming, as opposed to any real emotion, but it was pretty convincing programming nonetheless.

Trowa chuckled. "It does."

Lockon nodded, glad they were back at the first aid station now. "Thanks for helping me find him...even if it was kind of by accident."

"No problem," Jamie said. "If you need anything once you're out of here, you can ask me and I'll do what I can to help. I work at the cafe most days and I'm usually in the hangar on my days off."

"And you can always come ask me anything as well," Trowa added. "I work at the music store."

Lockon nodded. "Thanks again."

Haro flapped. "Thank you! Thank you!"

Jamie grinned a bit at Haro. "You're welcome. See you later."

"Bye," Trowa said as well.

Lockon waved with his free hand. "See ya." He went back into the first aid station with Haro, the door shutting behind him.

trowa, lockon neil, npc: jin, jamie

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