RP Log: A Mission

Nov 16, 2008 15:13

Who: Sango and Omi
When: After the arcade log with Nagi
Where: The Grocery Store
Rating: E for Everyone XD
Summary: Sango reminds Omi that he doesn't have it that bad...

Not in the mood for any more sidetrips, Omi zeroed in a building that seemed likely to sell food. His mind was still reeling a bit, so he barely could focus on the shelves, staring at them without really seeing them.

Sango was straightening the next aisle over and heard someone walking through. She came around the endcap and glanced down to see someone who looked familiar to her standing there staring at the stock. She walked towards him. "Omi-kun?" she asked.

Omi snapped his head up at the voice, but the girl - well, woman really - wasn't anyone he recognized. She seemed nice, though, so he pushed aside his thoughts and smiled. "Hello. I'm very sorry, I don't remember who you are."

Sango nodded. "I'm Sango," she said. Perched on the slayer's shoulder was a cream colored cat, small in size, with a thick ruff of fur around her neck and black markings. She had huge orange eyes and two fluffy tails. Studying Omi for a moment, Sango figured it might be another problem with his memory. He looked like he'd been on the island a while now... in fact, not much different from the last time she'd seen him.

Surprisingly, this seemed to depress Omi more than cheer him up. "Everyone takes that so calmly," he almost whined.

"Well... to be honest, Omi-kun... you've have amnesia here before," she said softly. The little cat gave a soft coo towards the assassin.

"Huh." No one had mentioned that. "Well that explains that, I guess," he said, reaching his hand out to the kitten on Sango's shoulder. "Kitty, kitty," he murmured. "It still seems weird that everyone thinks amnesia is normal."

Kirara sniffed at Omi's hand, then rubbed her face on his fingers. "I suppose," Sango said. "I mean, I know it can be upsetting, but... as long as you haven't forgotten everything, then you should be okay."

"No, I mean it's an island where people appear, disappear, and lose their memories, and everyone is ok with that." Despite his doomful words, Omi reached up to scratch the ears of the friendl little animal. Now that he was seeing it up close, it didn't look quite like a cat.

"Well, yes..." Sango sighed slightly. "Unfortunately, most of what happens here on the island is beyond everyone's control," she said. "There's no point in getting upset about it if it doesn't accomplish anything." She smiled as she watched Omi. "This is Kirara," she said. The small cat purred, her twin tails swishing in enjoyment of the attention.

Omi's eyes widened at the tails, but Kirara was cute apart from that. "Hi, Kirara." She was really very comforting to pet, like Momo's cat. "I'm just having trouble getting used to everyone being so blase. I'm supposed to fix problems, not accept them."

"Most of us fix problems," Sango said. "When I first arrived, it was really hard."

"How long have you been here?" Omi asked, looking up from Kirara.

"Over two years now," Sango said.

Omi smiled in sympathy. "Did you have to leave people behind?"

She nodded. "Several." The slayer reached up the scratch Kirara as well. The twin-tailed cat cooed and purred. "Kagome-chan... Inuyasha-san..." Her expression saddened. "Kohaku-chan..."

"That's awful. I know how you feel though, it seems like all the people I would have wanted here aren't and all people I never wanted to see again are. But somehow, we were friends." Omi shook his head. "Crazy place, huh Kirara?" he asked the purring cat.

Kirara cooed in response, as if answering his question. Sango chuckled a bit. "Well, I do know you were friends with several people here... from your world and others." It wasn't a huge community. Word on who hung out with who got around.

"Well, hopefully most people remember me in a good way, then," Omi said cheerfully, trying to dismiss the topic from his mind. "And people from my world keep popping up, so maybe some from yours will, too."

“I’d think so,” Sango said. “I do.”  She smiled at Omi.  “As for coming here… I would probably be good for Kohaku-chan to come here… be away from Naraku’s controlling influence.”  At this, her expression darkened.  She sighed and shook her head.  “There’s nothing I can do for him from here.”

"A little brother?" Omi guessed.

“Hai…”  Sango sighed.  “It was his first mission with the rest of the slayers.  We went to a palace to slay a demon, but were tricked.  Most of my family and fellow villagers were slaughtered.  I was badly wounded.  Kohaku-chan had been killed as well.  Naraku brought him back with a shard of the Shikon no Tama…”  Her last sentence was said with venom in her voice.  It was clear she deeply hated this Naraku.

"That's terrible!" Omi didn't understand what kind of jewel could revive the dead, but he followed the story enough to know it was horrible. Like if Schwartz had ressurected Ouka to work for them. He shook his head violently. "It's bad enough to lose a sibling, but to have him come back like that..." It was amazing how small his troubles seemed now. He didn't feel better at all, though. Impulsively, he reached out to grab Sango's hand. "I'm so sorry."

Sango blushed slightly as Omi took her hand.  "Arigatou," she said softly.  "My only hope is that I'm the one that takes the shard from him so he can rest again."

Noticing Sango's blush, Omi quickly let go of her hand. "Ah, sorry," he mumbled. "But you would want him to die again?"

"No... but he's not alive of his own will," Sango said. "And, as long as that shard is keeping him alive, it's keeping him connected to Naraku."

"But maybe if he came here, he could be alive and this Naraku couldn't reach him," Omi suggested hopefully.

"I... I hadn't thought of that," Sango said. "But... no one knows how to get here or back."

"Some one must." Omi's eyes were determined. "There must be some kind of headquarters, where they control things from." There was always a headquarters. It was always where they killed the bad guys.

Sango shook her head. "I don't know," she said quietly.

"Think about it. Is there anywhere we're not supposed to go, or that has a lot of traps around it?" Omi had suddenly become restless, his hands tightening at his sides.

"Not that I know of... and several of us have been around the island quite a bit," Sango said. "There is a small building on the other side of the island. I haven't been in it, but someone else may have."

Mysterious building. Sounded like a good place to start. "Thank you, Sango. I promise, if I can find a way, I'll bring your brother here!" Omi exclaimed impulsively.

Sango's eyes widened. "Omi- but..." She looked down. "I appreciate the effort, but I wouldn't expect that of anyone. My brother is my responsibility..."

"Sango..." Omi paused, suddenly looking confused. "Have we had this conversation before?"

"Mmm... I don't think so. I've told most people I've met about Kohaku, though..." Sango wasn't sure if she'd spoken with Omi specifically on it.

Omi shook his head. "Something felt familiar, just now," he murmured. "Like something from before I lost my memory. This time, anyway," he added with a slightly sad smile.

The slayer gave him a small smile in return. "Perhaps we have, then. Things may come back to you."

"I hope they will." Omi's smile became happier. "You seem like such a nice person, I can't help feel bad that I don't remember you."

"It's okay, Omi," Sango said. "I understand why."

"I don't, and I want to," Omi said decidely. "And if I can figure that out, then I can figure out how to ask to bring people here, too."

"Maybe... but, if people can't go home of their own will, how are we supposed to bring people here?"

"Oh." The previously jubilant assassin deflated a little. "Well, it does follow though that if we can control who comes, we can control who goes, too," he suggested, trying as much to make it work in his head as convincing Sango.

"I don't know."

Omi sighed. "I don't either. I don't even know if I can find out how to pull it off." He looked her directly in the eyes. "But I have to try. Not just for me, or even you, but everyone!"

"Mmm..." She smiled a bit.

Omi sensed skeptism. "I'll talk it over with you, and probably Aya, before I do anything," he promised.

"Okay." She chuckled a bit.

It was about then that Omi noticed the sun was getting low. "Oh no, speaking of Aya, I'm supposed to be getting things for dinner!" he exclaimed. He didn't really know what time the sun set at, but he was getting hungry again.

Sango looked out the window and then nodded. "Oh, yes... that's right..." She smiled. It seemed they'd both been distracted. "Did you have anything in mind?"

"Uh, while I may or may not have made other things while I was here, I only remember doing Japanese cooking, and some Chinese," Omi offered, grinning.

"Okay... What do you like the most?" she said, heading for those aisles.

"Well, on a island you probably have a good selection of fish, right?" When Sango nodded, he added hopefully, "Salmon?"

"I think so... let's go look."

Omi trailed after Sango, who went over to the cooler where the meat and fish was kept.

"Wow, this place is a lot bigger than I would have expected from a tiny island," Omi commented. "I hardly know where to start."

Sango nodded. "I know. I felt the same way."

"How did you start working here?" Omi leaned in to look inside the cooler.

"I was assigned to it."

Omi sighed, but he didn't want to bring up the subject of the invisible dictators again. Instead he poked into the cooler. "Ah ha! Salmon!"

"That's great!" Sango said.

"Alright, that, a fresh salad and some rice should be good," Omi mused. Then he smiled at Sango. "You'll have to come over to eat once I get more settled in."

"That sounds wonderful," Sango said. "I'd like that very much." She led Omi over to get the rice and vegetables for the salad.

Once that had been acquired, Omi gave Sango a grateful smile. "Thank you for all your help," he said, meaning much more than the groceries.

"It was no trouble, Omi-kun."

"I'll see you soon," he added turning to go.

"Hai... ja ne!" She gave him a small bow..

He bowed back, smiling. "Ja ne," he echoed. Then he rushed back to start preparing the food.

sango, omi

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