TD Log - Dead Men and Chocolate

Nov 14, 2008 20:16

Who: Tsuzuki and Zayeed
When: Today
Where: Cafe
Rating: G
Summary: Two dead men mean and chat over dessert.

Zayeed headed into the cafe. Having met the werewolf that worked there, he didn't think he'd find anything odd there anymore. He seated himself at a table and picked up a menu, looking to see what he wanted.

Tsuzuki was cheerful as he wandered into the cafe, trying to decide between pies, cakes, cookies, or any other goodies that they might have there.

Zayeed glanced up at the man who came. "Hello," he said.

He smiled, violet eyes closing briefly. "Hello."

Seeing as there was no one else there, Zayeed gestured to the empty seat across from him. "Would you care to join me?"

Tsuzuki nodded. "Thank you, Mr..."

"Winner. Zayeed Winner."

"Are you related to Quatre?" he asked, taking a seat.

Zayeed nodded. "I'm his father."

He grinned, clapping his hands together. "That's right, he mentioned you were here. Tsuzuki Asato, and Tsuzuki's my surname."

"Nice to meet you," Zayeed said.

"Nice to meet one of the other dead men on the island," Tsuzuki said cheerfully, taking a menu.

Zayeed blinked, a bit surprised to hear that so suddenly. "Word certainly gets around here...other?"

"I've heard there are several, met one other," he said with a nod. "But he's the only knew I knew who was."

"Ah. There seem to be a fair number of people here who cannot return to their homes for that reason."

"Not me. I have to go back eventually. I have work to do."

Zayeed chuckled slightly. "I see. Interesting."

"I've already been dead for a long time anyway," Tsuzuki said, flipping directly to the dessert section.

"Ah... apparently only five years for me."

"You didn't know?"

"Kind of had a suspicion, but no not really."

"Seventy years for me." His eyes riveted to something on the menu. "Oo, chocolate cake..."

Zayeed chuckled. "I take it you like sweets."

He smiled widely. "Best think for making an old man like me feel young."

Zayeed chuckled again. "Quatre's always had a sweet tooth."

"Good man," Tsuzuki said with a serious nod.

"I like it in moderation. It would seem that my son-in-law is not one for sweets."

"I don't think I've met her yet," he said.


"Him then. I haven't really met all that many people yet."

Zayeed nodded. "Same for myself. I haven't met that many people."

Tsuzuki pondered for a moment. "Actually, I think I've only met one other than Quatre and the other dead man. Aside from you, I mean."

"Ah. I've meet a few people here. Most of them are Quatre's friends though."

"From your world?" he asked.

Zayeed nodded.

"Lucky. I'm the only one here from my world, though I've been told that my partner and I were in a place similar." He shook his head. "I don't remember it."

"Interesting. I haven't heard about another place."

"Someone mentioned it," Tsuzuki said. "It'd be nice if he was here now though."


"My partner, Hisoka."

"Ah. Hopefully he arrives."

"A break would be good for him," he said, smiling. "He works too hard."

"Well, this is kind of a vacation."

"I've been trying to think of it that way."

Zayeed chuckled slightly. "I rather like this place."

"It's nice, I just miss my shiki," Tsuzuki said. "I've never been unable to reach them before."


"They're like my family."

"Ah." Zayeed kind of missed his daughters. Of course he could never see them again.

He nodded. "Suzaku and Sohryuu are probably going to yell at me when I get back though."

"I imagine a fair number of people are going to get yelled at when they return."

"But how many of those people's friends are dragons and phoenixes?"

"I don't know," Zayeed remarked, seemingly unphased. "I haven't met everyone here yet.”


Zayeed chuckled, looking up as one of the waiters came over. He ordered coffee and a brownie.

"Chocolate cake and... a chocolate chip cookie," Tsuzuki added. "And maybe some tea."

Zayeed watched as the waiter walked away. "What do you do in your world?" he asked.

"Deliver court summons, fight demons, solve murders," he said casually. "Paperwork."


"It's a job, though I could do without the paperwork."

Zayeed nodded. "It does sound like the boring part of your day."

"Until Watari blows something up anyway," Tsuzuki said. "Or the Hokkaido girls show up."

Zayeed blinked. Oddly enough, that was the thing that surprised him.

He chuckled. "Watari's our resident mad scientist and the girls are on a mission to get Hisoka into Pink House dresses."

Zayeed raised an eyebrow. "Why are they out to get him in a dress?"

Tsuzuki blushed very lightly. "He's rather pretty."


"He gets very embarrassed about it, but when he'll be sixteen for the rest of his life, there isn't much he can do."

"Doesn't seem like he has much of a choice," Zayeed agreed.


Zayeed looked up again as the waiter brought out their drinks and food.

Tsuzuki let out a squeal of joy, instantly taking a bite of his cookie.

Zayeed chuckled slightly, taking a sip of his coffee. Yes, he could tell this guy had a sweet tooth.

The cookie didn't last long.

"I take it the cookie was good," Zayeed remarked before taking a bite of his brownie.

He nodded eagerly, taking a sip of his tea before starting in on the cake.

"It's good that they are."

"Very good. It'd be wrong to have sweets that taste bad."

"Indeed it would."

"So what did you do back home?" Tsuzuki asked.

"I was the owner of Winner Enterprises and owned the mining asteroids that the colonies got the minerals they needed for construction."

He blinked. "Impressive."

"I inherited the company from my father, and his father before him. Quatre got the company when I died."

He hadn't really pictured the young man he'd met before as the owner of a company.

"His sisters are probably running it at the moment.”

"Then it's certainly well managed," he said. "Quatre mentioned the
number of siblings he had."

Zayeed nodded. "He does have a lot of sisters."

"One was enough for me," Tsuzuki said.

"I know there were times when he wished for only one."

He laughed softly.

"Granted some were a lot older than he was."

"I would imagine so," he said. "I wouldn't want to be taking care of that many young children at a time."

Zayeed chuckled. "It would probably be impossible."

"Especially once they became teenagers."

"It was bad enough getting thirty children passed adolescence. I would have hated doing that all at the same time."

"If I weren't already dead, I think that would kill me," Tsuzuki said, shaking his head.

Zayeed nodded. "Probably."

"I can barely keep up with Hisoka's mood swings." He took a bite of his cake. "Thankfully Wakaba's not like that."

Zayeed nodded.

"She was a priestess when she was alive," he said, nodding. "It probably helped calm her down growing up."


He nodded. "She really balances out that jerk partner of hers."


"He's always snapping at me and calling me a 'ninety year old waste of space.' Like he's any more efficient."

Zayeed chuckled slightly. "Very interesting."

"I think they're mostly partnered so she can turn him back when his shiki takes over," he said with a scowl. "Otherwise she'd be far too nice for him."


He nodded, finishing off his cake.

zayeed, tsuzuki

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