Run in on the beach

Oct 09, 2008 17:50

Who: Skilgannon and Ban
Where: Beach, then around the village
When: Few days after the storm
Warnings: Mild language
Rating: PG
Notes: Sarcasm!
Summary: Ban gets found during Skilgannon's run and they talk.

Skilgannon was out for his normal day's exercise. His twin swords were, of course, strapped to his back in their double sheath, making no sound as he ran swiftly and relatively easily along the beach.

Sitting back against the tree he had previously knocked over, Ban was looking up at the clouds, trying to calm his nerves after finding no escape at the moment. A swirl of smoke exited his lips after he took the cigarette away. Something caught his eye for a moment, a bit away but moving along the beach.

Skilgannon kept up his pace, it was nice to see the sun again. When he had run a bit further down the beach, he noticed a figure sitting against a tree that had fallen. That was hardly odd, thanks to the storm, quite a few trees had fallen. The face was unfamiliar, though the Damned knew there were quite a few people, new and old, that he had yet to meet.

Ban raised a brow as the figure neared, a man, an odd one even. "A pair of swords?" Ban questioned under his breath. Though after all he'd been through someone with swords was hardly a surprise anymore. He pushed his glasses a little higher on the bridge of his nose only partly covering his blue eyes. "Well, I'm not alone but where the hell am I?" he continued to speak his thoughts aloud.

The Damned saw the man's mouth move, though he was not close enough to hear the words spoken. Until the second seemingly random question was spoken, at least. That got him to stop, it seemed like an invitation to answer that question that everyone he had met wished to know. "If you are addressing me, there is a very general answer to the question of where you are. We are on an island somewhere, with no way to leave unless we are sent away by whomever it was that controls this place. There are people here from many different dimensions and planets." He smiled faintly. "Not very helpful, but that is all I really know of this place."

"What do you mean, no way to leave!" Ban yelled his eyes widening only a little. Ignoring that the guy just answered him in the first place. "I can't be stuck here, this is just an illusion like the last time I was in the Limitless fortress, I just have to not believe in it and it can't effect me!" Ban punched his fist into the sand, trying to persuade himself that it wasn't real that he would hit the metal ground. Only to find sand. "Oh this is just great." He started to say more before the growl of his stomach cause him to stop and go a little pail.

Skilgannon watched the short-haired man with a mixture of amusement and agreement. Amused mainly because the man was obviously suffering denial at his predicament, and agreement because he also had no wish to be stuck on this island, however pleasant it generally was. He chose a slightly humorous response, suspecting there was little he could say to convince the other of his truthfulness. "Defeating the sand will do very little, as it does not fight back."

"It wasn't meant to fight back, it was supposed to disappear... Why is this illusion so much stronger then the last ones, is this the secret to Babylon City?" Ban questioned though he seemed to be more in thought then addressing the man before him. He began calculating his thoughts, assessing the possibility that this wasn't just an illusion and he was sent here somehow because he attacked the upper levels of the Limitless fortress. His blue eyes turned towards the man before him, figuring him into the equation. "I'm Ban Mido," he finally said, seeming to have calmed down a bit.

"The sand here does not disappear. If it does anything, it becomes glass. What is more, this is no illusion." The Damned shook his head slightly, though he still doubted if what he said would change the man's mind. At the introduction, he nodded. "I am Skilgannon. For what it's worth, welcome to the island."

Ban shifted and rose to his feet dusting off his shirt a little. "You said there are others here, from different dimensions and Planets. That has to be strange." The last part was muttered under his breath. He smothered the cig in his fingers. "So where are they at then?"

Skilgannon nodded his head in the direction of the village. "There's a village nearby with huts, stores, a school, as well as a few other buildings. If you wish, I can take you there."

"I don't see me having much of a choice. Can't hang out here at the beach all day. There are no women here. " Pausing for a moment to address the strange man with his two swords. "You see a spiky hair blond kid, with electric powers there?" Ban asked, wondering if Gengi was pulled to this island as well.

Skilgannon shrugged as he turned to walk to the village. "There are some here who are able to live out in the elements. It depends on where they're from." He looked thoughtful for a moment at the question before he spoke again. "There is someone with the ability to control lightning, from my understanding, but as far as I know, he does not have blonde hair."

Ban silently cursed for not having his partner here. He ignores it for the moment as there was nothing he can do about it until he finds a way to break from this illusion, still thinking that it has to be an illusion, there is no way he can come here like this. He wondered if it is even stronger than his Jagon. "It's like going to a freak show isn't it." Ban jested a little, watching a little closer as he made a move to follow the man Skilgannon. Not letting the idea of it being a trap from the rulers of Babylon City, since he has never seen any of them before.

Skilgannon chuckled quietly. Glancing over his shoulder at Ban, he smirked. "Depends if you consider yourself the freak, or the normal one. There are more than a few people here with abilities that are not defined by human terms, but with magical or alien terms."

"I've fought with a number of people that can be called freaks. Strange powers seem to go around and around these days. heh, what a drag." Ban fished another cig from his pocket and lit it. "What about you Skilgannon, do you have any kind of strange powers that I should be worried about?" Ban asked bluntly.

Skilgannon shrugged. "While I have no powers as such, my swords are cursed. If you enjoy sparing, and wish to spar with me, I request we either spar hand-to-hand, or with swords other than my own. I am tired of killing."

"Luckily I have no interest in fighting, I just want to find my way out of here." Ban spread his arms out to his sides to show he had no weapons on him anyway. He brought his hand up to pull his glasses down his nose a little to look over them easier. He was ready in case the man didn't give him a choice in the matter, though he seemed like he wasn't a bad guy. Well until he mentioned the killing part. That didn't faze him though, he wasn't innocent of such things. "How long have you been stuck here?" He asked. Then with a bit more energy and excitement he added "And what is there to eat?!?"

Skilgannon was still looking ahead of them, so he did not see Ban's movements, though he could hear enough to consider what the man was doing. He had not seen any visible weapons on Ban, not that that meant much anymore. The former general had grown used to attacks that were attempted in surprise, though he knew he could still be surprised by some things. "I have been here for a few months, by the reckoning of this place. It is difficult to say how long I have been away from my home, using their reckoning."

"What do you mean their Reckoning?" He thought about it for a bit, wondering if each world had a different standard of time. Which was possible, even using his own ability he could make someone think hours had passed when only one minute had gone by.

"I have yet to see a time keeping device, and watching the stars helps very little as they are remarkably different than any constellation I have seen."

"That only proves the different world idea" Which disappointed Ban a little, he didn't like the idea of being stuck here. He would let the conversation die at that, until he learned more about this place. He only followed the man towards the village he spoke of. Someone has got to know a way to escape and just not telling him anything.

Skilgannon decided not to comment on that. By that point, they'd reached the edge of the village. "Those that control the island have a board in the middle of the village with hut assignments, jobs, and general announcements."

"Hut assignments? Jobs? Are we slaves as well as prisoners?" Ban raised his voice both confused and a little angry at the idea. He wanted to leave, not work.

Skilgannon shrugged. "I had the same response. Everyone has the option of not living in the hut we're assigned, and not everyone is given a job for some reason. As far as I have seen, there have been no punishments or attempt to force those who live here to obey."

Ban breathed a sigh of relief at that. "You had me worried there for a moment. There was no way I'm doing anything other than my recovery service job." He said almost proud of his job, though he wasn't home, nor was there a client or even his partner here to do the job in the first place. "Yes sir, the invincible Get Backers Recovery Service with are near 100% success rate. Too bad Gengi isn't too..."

The Damned smirked to himself, not looking at the new arrival. "You might grow bored quickly then. Or you could see this as, I believe the word is." He did not mind showing ignorance of that word, he truly had never heard of the concept before. They'd reached the board with all the assignments and other information. "If you are curious as to what is here and where people are assigned, just look here."

Ban looked up at the board, his eyes widened "What? There are this many people here?" His mouth gaped open at the sign.

Skilgannon chuckled. "Yes. More huts appear when needed, from what I've heard."

"You sure this isn't all an illusion?" He asked, knowing it was a rhetorical question. "I guess I'll figure this out sooner or later. Not like we have much of a choice right?"

Skilgannon shrugged slightly in mute answer, not bothering to verbally answer as he figured what he'd said already was enough. At least now that Ban seemed calmer. "I am going to continue with my exercise. If you have any questions, feel free to find me. Most others here are alright to talk to, though there are the inevitable trouble makers."

"I've had my fair share of those before, you don't have to worry about Ban Mido." Ban adjusted the purple lens of his glasses back up over the bottom half of his eyes. Only a confident smile followed.

"That is good to hear. I'm sure our paths will cross again." Skilgannon bowed slightly before turning and heading off to return to his exercise.

ban, skilgannon

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