RP Log - Just Your Friendly Little Fistfight

Sep 08, 2008 13:40

Who: Alberich & Zechs
When: Yesterday
Where: Training grounds, hot springs
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Notes: doing something different with translations, hopefully more readable
Summary: Alberich and Zechs have another sparring match, this time Zechs didn't do as well.

Zechs was in the training grounds, doing what he did when he got annoyed... Training. This time it was hand to hand...

Alberich walked into the training grounds after planning his German classes for the next week. He was impressed with young Mariemeia's command of the language, although it was clear she spoke a slightly different version. Negi, on the other hand...he wondered about him sometimes. He nodded to see Zechs there, and barehanded this time. "Guten Tag." ("Hello")

He turned and looked at Alberich. "Guten Tag. Wie geht es Ihnen?" the soldier asked relaxing a bit. ("Hello. How are you?")

Alberich shrugged, "Etwas gut. Wished you, for a while to spar?" ("All right")

"I would like to for a while." Zechs said. His hair was loose today. It would be interesting to see how this spar turned out.

Alberich nodded, "Barehanded combat, today?"

"Yes. Is that alright with you?"

"It is fine." Alberich stretched out his muscles a little, the walk had been enough to warm up his legs since this was going to be a fistfight.

Zechs stretched his arms and watched Alberich.

Alberich nodded, indicating that he was ready at any time Zechs was.

Without a word to the older man, he moved forward.

Alberich moved forward to close the distance between them, and started by throwing a jab into Zechs' face.

He ducked under Alberich's fist and aimed his elbow towards his gut.

Alberich twisted to avoid getting hit, Zechs' elbow grazing his side. He didn't lose his balance much from the jab, and was able to bring his other fist under to go for Zechs' side.

He took the hit and  moved with it. Recovering, he spun around, aiming a hit at Alberich's neck.

Alberich turned around to avoid the neck blow, but it took him a bit farther away from his opponent than he would like. He had to close the distance again, aiming a punch for Zechs' face while trying to sweep a leg out from under him as well.

He moved backwards quickly, doing all he could to stay on his feet.

Alberich kept on the offensive, throwing punches at various parts of Zechs' body in an attempt to unbalance him.

One such hit caught him in the jaw. Zechs stumbled back, rubbing the area. He looked at Alberich and then moved in, going onto the offensive.

Alberich easily went on the defensive, twisting his body just enough to avoid Zechs' blows as he looked for a moment where he could turn back on the other man again.

He moved with Alberich, easily keeping up with his defense.

Alberich figured he would not get an opportunity by just waiting for it, and tested Zechs' defense by sending a jab his way.

He quickly brought his arms up, allowing his forearms to take the hit.

Alberich saw a chance with Zechs' arms occupied and followed that with a left-handed punch to the gut.

He gasped and stumbled backwards, one hand going to his gut.

Alberich followed that up with a punch to the face, since the other man was occupied with the pain he was in.

Zechs hit the ground after that last punch. He pushed himself out, coughing.

"Have you enough for today sparring?"

He looked at Alberich, a look in his eyes that said 'When hell freezes over.'

Alberich smirked, the look answer enough as he punched Zechs again.

He grabbed Alberich's wrist and held it tightly.

Alberich twisted his wrist away when he felt fingers on his wrist, hoping Zechs' thumb hurt with the force of it.

Zechs moved with the twisting. He moved around Alberich, still holding his wrist.

Alberich glared at the other man, kicking at Zechs' knee as a distraction so he could twist his wrist out of the grip.

Swearing in German, Zechs backed away a bit, catching a second wind.

Alberich didn't care about the swearing, knowing his native language was the perfect language to do it in. He advanced, going on the offensive again.

Zechs ducked and dodged, mainly on the defensive now.

Alberich kept with the momentum change, mixing up his blows to keep Zechs off-balance, or at least keep him from seeing where the next blow is likely to land.

He continued to swear in the various languages he knew. He couldn't predict Alberich's movements...

Alberich smirked in his battle-lust, finally taking the chance on throwing a good punch at Zechs' face.

It hit and he went to the ground with a groan.

Alberich stood over the prone Zechs, nodding slightly. "Continue?"

He pushed himself up and groaned a bit.

Alberich let Zechs have the room to get up, still waiting for an answer.

He stood before Alberich, chest heaving up and down, a look in his eyes. It was obvious the spirit was there, but the body wasn't.

Alberich nodded, recognizing the look. Zechs was just too beaten up to continue this spar anymore. "That is all."

Zechs sighed and then sunk to the ground. "I'm not as good with hand to hand as I used to be."

"In your world, much need for such is?" Alberich frowned, he was going to recommend that Zechs get his arse to the hot springs for a good soak before he went back to his hut.

"Not really. We fight more in mobile suits."

"We fight, on horseback or on foot." Alberich shrugged, deciding that it was safe to reveal where he had learned most of his tricks of the barehanded fighting trade. "And some, bare-handed in taverns."

He nodded and ran a hand through his hair. "Would make sense."

"You should to the hot springs go." Alberich watched Zechs carefully, not quite trusting the other man to be on his own right now. "Soak the bruises, before you to your hut go."

"That's probably a good idea," He sighed.

"It is. I will there going, after we here done are."

He nodded a bit. "Alright."

"Head to the springs. I will towels and other such things bring, since you longer to get there will take."

"Thank you Alberich." Zechs said with a nod before heading off in that direction, albeit slowly.

Alberich headed back to his hut and got underclothes and towels, figuring Zechs would be able to manage with something in his size with a towel over it. He caught up to Zechs on the way to the hot springs, able to move faster than the other man.

He looked over at Alberich and nodded. "You certainly can throw a punch."

Alberich nodded in return, "I can. I have into tavern fights gotten, and one must not in those lose."

"I've gotten into a few brawls myself, but probably nothing comapared to what you've been in."

"Different worlds. I would never one of those giant machines be in." Alberich smirked, "Machinery exists not, where I from am."

He nodded as they walked. "All worlds are different."

"Some things change not."

"Some things don't."

"People do not change. Motives, sorts of people, all the same stay." Alberich noted, he had watched some of the people in the village just to see what sorts were around, and he could recognize most of the 'types'. "Circumstances only different are."

"I have noticed that." He said as they came upon the hot springs.

Alberich nodded, setting the items down near the hot springs before taking off his grey leather tunic. He was contemplating getting a different sort of fabric for the undershirt, perhaps something that would dry quicker.

He removed most of his clothes, wincing a bit. There where scars on his body, a nasty star shaped one on his left shoulder, and various others all over.

Alberich finished removing his clothing down to his underclothes, his body having more muscle than Zechs' but just as scarred. It was obvious most of them were either burns or weapon wounds, although his body was not as badly scarred as his face. He slipped into the hot springs, the heat working to relax him somewhat.

Zechs sighed as the hot water surrounded him. This felt much better...

"Valdemar needs, something like this." Alberich remarked, "These useful for after practices are."

"They are very useful."

"A shower does not as well work."

"It doesn't." Zechs chuckled.

Alberich nodded in agreement, "The Weaponsmaster quarters, a shower have. But no tub to soak in."

"We have showers. Only on Earth do you find things such as these."

"Karse has none of these. The land is hilly and no hot springs there. Only cold springs."

"Cold isn't good for relaxing."

Alberich shuddered at the thought, he had too many quick washings in cold streams and rivers to like it.

"I hear you with that Alberich." he said before relaxing further.

"Too many washings in cold streams, blood off my hands to get." Alberich leaned back, this water was much better than what he was describing.

Zechs nodded, his eyes growing dim.

Alberich kept an eye on Zechs, making sure the other man did not fall asleep in the hot springs.

He shut his eyes, relaxing.

"Do not fall asleep."

"I don't."

Alberich didn't trust the other man on that, keeping an eye on him anyways

Zechs sighed a bit.

Alberich got up after a while, toweling off.

When he heard the movement, Zechs got out of the hot spring, ringing out his long hair.

"Take care of those bruises." Alberich commented, "I want not, your fiance with me angered."

"I'll take care of them. I promise."


He picked up a towel and began to dry off.

Alberich dried off as much as he could, changing into some spare underclothes before pulling his shirt and leathers back on.

He dried off and then got dressed.

"Can you to your own hut go?"

"I'll be fine."

Alberich nodded, taking his towel with him. "You can the things return, whenever you can. Take care of yourself first."

"Thank you Alberich, and I will. " He nodded to the older soldier and headed towards his hut.

Alberich went back to his hut, hoping Zechs would heed his advice. He didn't want to see Noin pissed off at him at all for how Zechs looked now, with the bruises all over him from their match.

alberich, zechs

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