RP LOG - Hot Springs Are Good After Training

Aug 27, 2008 00:52

Who: Allenby, Link
When: The other day, just before the Link/Midna log
Where: Hot springs
Rating: PG
Warnings: G Gundam and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess references
Notes: None
Summary: Link and Allenby meet up at the hot springs by chance... they chat.

Allenby stretched as she made her way up the path to the hotsprings. She'd just finished teaching the self-defense class at the gym, so a good soak would feel really good right about now. With a bit smile, she dropped the towel on one of the chairs someone had brought up and slipped easily into the water.

The blonde haired swordsmen was already soaking in the springs when Allenby arrived. No one had got around to building a wall to split the spring into male and female areas yet so he could see her from his place in the water. His own training was going well but still he was sore.

She smiled at him, not really caring if he saw her in her bikini. It's not like she was nude. "Hi," she said.

"Hello." He smiled in return, not bothered by her suit. He was wearing a set of trunks he'd picked up at the clothing store some time ago himself, so it wasn't like he was nude either.

"This is a nice place, yeah?" she said.

"It is, I enjoy it." Answering and smiling again, combing some of his hair away from his eyes and tucking it behind one of his pointed ears. "Very relaxing after sparring with Alberich, Skillgannon or Aya."

"So you're a fighter, too?" she asked. "There's seems to be a lot of'em around here."

He nodded. "I am. It is a good thing there is little need for us to put those skills to use."

Allenby nodded. "Yeah. I haven't needed to use my Gundam."

"One of those giant metal beings in the hanger?" Link smiled. "I hope it was not yours that almost stepped on me."

Allenby blushed. "Oh... I hope so, too," she said. "They're not normally alive, though... at least, the humanoid ones aren't. I don't know about those Zoid ones."

"I noticed that, thankfully I am quick enough to get away from giant things trying to stomp on me." He shrugged, it had happened before afterall.

"Well, that's good," she said with a relieved sigh. "They might not be used to looking where they step. Though, then again, I would think they're not really used to anything, not normally being alive."

"That could be true." He nodded. "You teach a class in self defence do you not?"

"Yup." Allenby smiled. "It's something I'm good at."

"The others have been showing me a few things, but my abilities without a blade or other weapons are lacking."

"I don't fight with weapons other than my Gundam..." Allenby said. "The systems works so the Gundam mimics all my moves from hand-to-hand combat."

"Really?" The idea of that was a little hard for Link to grasp, a sixty-foot tall robot performing the same way a fighter could.

"Yup," she said. "It's pretty advanced."

"Most anything here is advanced compaired to my world." He said, setting up a little in the water. "The books here would say we are in the "Middle Ages""

"Middle ages..." Allenby had to think about that for a moment, then she nodded. "Okay." She smiled a bit. "So, a lotta stuff here is new for ya, huh?"

"Yes, it is. Others have been helping me get use to things."

"Well, that's good then." She smiled at him. "I'm Allenby, by the way."

"I am Link." Shifting over he extended one hand across the surface of the water.

She shook his hand. "Nice ta meet ya."

"You too." He smiled. "Would you have room in your class?"

"Sure!" she said happily. "There's not a lotta people here who're kids, so older people are always welcome."

"Older?" Link lifted an eyebrow lightly. "Is that a joke about my age?" He smiled good naturedly.

She giggled. "Nah... just the age cut off's sixteen."

"Oh I see." Link chuckled.

Allenby smiled. "So have you been up to the springs often?" she asked.

"Often enough." He admitted. "It is very relaxing.here."

"It is... I haven't been here a lot, but I come when I can."

"The spring reminds me of home in a way. We had something simmilar near the village I grew up in."

"That must have been really nice," Allenby said. "I didn't have anything like this where I grew up."

"I was a goat keeper before the war pulled me from home. Midna and I met durring my travels and we helped eachother through quite a bit."

"I was an orphan," Allenby said. "The developers of Neo-Sweden's Gundam Team found me and took me in. They trained me to fight so I could be their Gundam Fighter."

"A Gundam? That is what your machine is called?" Asking as he mentaly fit the name to it. "I am sorry to hear you were an orphan.. I am not sure if I was.. I simply remember the village and growing up there."

"Yes... I think most of the humanoid ones are called Gundams," Allenby said. "Mine is, anyway." She shrugged. "As for bein' an orphan... I don't know anythin' else. It's all right."

"Being alone is all I have known as well, save for a few friends, my horse and Midna."

"It's good to have friends," Allenby said. "I made friends with quite a few people on the Gundam Fight circuit. I miss them here. Sai was here for a while, but he's gone now."

Link smiled when she talked about others from her world being there at one time. "I only know of Midna being brought here as well. Some of the others from back home would not be so bad to meet but there are others I would rather not meet again."

"I think there's a few of them in every world," Allenby said softly. "There's a few of them in mine, as well."

"Ganadorf would not be plesant to meet here, even with most of his powers striped away." Links eyes were serious as he briefly considered meeting the warlord again and being able to use his new skills from his time on the island.

"What was he like?" she asked.

"Evil... he tricked one of Midna's subjects into stripping away her power and then stole it himself to try and take controll of both of our kingdoms."

"That's a common thread," Allenby said. "World domination... the Prime Minister of Neo Hong Kong was bent on it. He used all kinds of technology to twist people into his pawns."

Link frowned. "It is sad to know there are others like him across other worlds." Looking across at her he smiled again. "Still it is good news to know there are others that fight against them as well."

"I think there will always be people like us... on both sides."

"One can hope for that." He nodded. "At least there are more of the good sort here than the bad."

"Yes... thankfully."

Link settled back a little more into the water, enjoying the warmth. "It is too bad, the spring back home is cold instead of warm like this one."

Allenby chuckled. "Warm is definitely much nicer." She smiled at Link and settled back to enjoy it.

link, allenby

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