RP Log - Battle for the Ages

Jul 07, 2008 23:25

Who: Epyon, Heero, Relena, Zechs, Zero
When: Thursday during mechs alive plot
Where: Beach, then hangar
Rating: PG
Warnings: mech violence, injured people
Notes: None
Summary: Zero antagonizes Epyon into a fight, Relena, Heero, and Zechs try to stop them.

Epyon had decided to move to the beach, to avoid that glare from Zero. He just didn't feel like dealing with it.

Zero was frankly happy that Epyon had left the hangar. It gave the Gundam time to see if it could get the disabled buster rifle working again.

With a mech like sigh, Epyon adjusted the way it was sitting.

Giving up on the rifle, since the circuitry that Heero had removed was too small for Zero's large mech hands to work with, the angel-winged Gundam stepped out of the hangar and looked around.

Epyon was pretty obvious to see. The maroon paint glinted in the sun.

Maroon... pink... whatever... Zero stomped in that direction.

"Go away Zero."

"Suddenly feeling peaceful?"

"Just not in the mood."

"Aw... how sweet." Zero would have frowned had it the face to do so. "Is that remorse I hear?"

Epyon turned and glared at Zero. "No. I just don't want to fight you. It's not worth it here."

"Isn't it? It's what we were made for. Why give up now?"

"Why fight here? There's no wars. It doesn't prove anything."

"I never took you for the philosophical type... or was that your pilot who was the bloodthirsty one?" Zero asked. "You took out Barge in one slice with that beam saber of yours. And you think I'll believe you didn't at least partially enjoy it?"

Epyon shook its head. "We did what was necessary."

"I think Treize might be disappointed."

The marroon mech stiffened at that.

"He was your creator, after all..."

"Shut up Zero."

The Gundam snorted. "If you say so," it said smugly, then started to walk away. "Just don't let him know you've disappointed him by becoming a pacifist..."

"I'm not a pacifist! I just don't think fighting here is necessary!"

Zero just looked over its shoulder at Epyon.

Epyon had risen to its feet and was glaring. "What does a fight here prove? It won't end a war. I saved your sorry ass!"

"You did not save me," Zero said, the large hands tighting into fists with the creak of metal on metal. "I let you have your heroic finish. You didn't have to stay there. I was perfectly willing to remain behind."

"Right. Zechs didn't want to see Relena cry because Heero was dead."

"Relena understood what was happening. It would have passed."

"Relena loves Heero."

"And she doesn't love her brother?" Zero challenged. "She cried for him, too."

"Don't you think Zechs didn't know that. He did what he thought was right." The 6th Gundam snapped.

"We all did," Zero replied calmly. "We were built for it. We were built to destroy... and that was the right thing. There's no denying it. The others were built to destroy OZ. I was built to destroy weapons. You..." It studied the maroon Gundam. "What were you supposed to destroy, hm?"

Epyon didn't answer that. "It doesn't matter now Zero."

"And why not? What is our purpose if not to fight?"

"We have no purpose now! There are no more wars!"

"Then why not give ourselves a purpose?" Zero taunted.

"What purpose could we possibly have here? In this place?" He asked darkly.

"That's my point, Epyon," Zero said. "You were made to fight me."

"I know."

"And I'm here. Right in front of you."

"But I won't fight you. It's meaningless."

"Wasn't that our entire existance... every battle? Even when our pilots switched us, we still were meant to fight each other. Without it, we're meaningless."

"So what if we're meaningless. It's better than doing something equally as meaningless."

Zero stepped closer to Epyon, almost touching. "Is it really?" it said, taunting.

Epyon stepped back. "Yes."

Zero itched. If it could have smirked, it would have. "Then perhaps a spar..."


"How could you not want to? Meaningless or not..."

"Even a spar can be meaningless. Why bother?"

"Because that's what we're supposed to do."

"I don't care."

The Gundam couldn't take it anymore. The one other mech it thought would understand was suddenly feeling depressed? Zero pulled its saber. "I don't care, either!" it yelled, and charged.

Epyon moved back, drawing it's own saber and bringing it up in defense.

The two weapons met with a spark. "You can't tell me this doesn't make you feel useful," Zero snarled.

The maroon gundam didn't answer as it pressed back against Zero's saber.

Relena stepped outside in time to hear the sound the two weapons made, and frowned.

Zero thrilled in the moment. No pilot to reign it back in, to stop it from just pure destruction of its enemy. The computer began calculating, picking its next moves.

Epyon moved backwards, it's computer running just as quickly as Zero's. It drew back and then took a swing at Zero with its saber.

Zero blocked, then spun, using its wings for balance in the loose sand. Finally! It took another swing.

Relena turned towards the beach, she was sure that was where the sounds were coming from.

Moving back, Epyon adjusted it's footing. It wasn't made for combat in sand.

Heero had heard the sounds as well. He came out of the gym, frowning. What was going on?

Zero almost growled. It attacked again.

Zechs emerged from his hut, a frown on his face. He removed his glasses and set them ontop of his head.

Epyon blocked the attack and then lunged forward at Zero.

Relena reached the beach and saw the two MS fighting. She gasped. "Stop it! Both of you!"

Zero was pushed backwards by Epyon's attack as it brought up the shield to catch the saber. Zero didn't care about civilians, either.

"Relena!" Heero froze at seeing the two Gundams. He should have known. Deathscythe had saved Duo. Zebulun and Sandrock had been talking. Why would Zero and Epyon be any different?

Epyon practically growled and then slashed at Zero, bringing up its own sheilds.

"Relena!" Zechs yelled. He bolted towards the area where Epyon and Zero where fighting, with his sister nearly in the middle.

Relena heard Heero and her brother call her name and turned to see them just as Epyon slashed at Zero. She ducked down to try to avoid being knocked about by the rush of air from the attack. She felt her feet leave the sand as she went flying.

Heero ran forward, seeing her get knocked aside. No... no... this wasn't good at all. He went into autopilot, then.

Epyon stopped his attack when it heard its pilot yell for his sister. He turned off the saber. "Stop it Zero!" it snarled.

Zero didn't notice the people below. They were inconsequential to a Gundam. It snarled. "Why?"

"NO!" He ran towards his sister, mind not even caring as he ran in between two fighting Gundams. He had to get to her! He had to protect her!

Relena landed awkwardly, with the air knocked out of her lungs. She heard voices above her as if through a fog even as she lost consciousness.

"Relena!" Heero dropped to his knees next to her. First things first, he checked her vitals.

"Because your pilot's down there!" Epyon snarled.

Zechs looked at the two mechs, noticing that Zero wasn't going to stop. With a determined mind, he ran over to Zero. He had to get to the cockpit, had to try and stop it.

Relena was subconsciously trying to breath normally again. She had obviously hit her head when she'd landed.

"Pilots," it snarled. "They've always held us back... prevented us from getting our true potential... Even the little blond. I kept him going for a while, but that other one... sacrificed himself."

"Relena..." Heero gently pushed her hair back from her forehead. Then, he started checking for any other injuries.

"They're our voices of reason!" Epyon shot back.

"Stop it!" Zechs yelled at Zero. "You're hurting people!" he put his arms up as both mechs moved back with each other.

Relena had a few scrapes from the sand on her arms, otherwise she had no other obvious injuries.

Heero gently picked her up, then, sure it was okay to move her. He stood. "Zechs! Don't do something stupid!" he yelled, backing away.

The large mech glared at Zechs below. It drew back its shield. "Weak!" it yelled.

"Get Relena out of here!" he yelled towards Heero, "I'll handle them!"

"No!" Epyon yelled moving in front of Zechs, blocking him from Zero.

"Don't get killed," Heero said, still moving away.

Zero's shield clanged against Epyon's.

"Epyon stop it!" He cried against the clang of the giant machines.

"Zero, if it wasn't for our pilots how would we do things? You can't expect this to last forever."

"Why not?" it asked. "You know this is better than before."

Heero frowned. Zero... Was he the only one that could tame the Gundam? He needed to get Relena help, though. Torn, he backed away further before finally turning and bringing her to the first aid station.

Epyon shook its head and then pressed back against Zero.

Zechs darted forward towards Zero. If he could just get the Gundam under control....

No... it would not be thwarted! Not now! The Gundam backed away.

Epyon backed off a bit, optical sensors noting its pilot down there. "Zechs! Don't do it!"

He looked back at Epyon. "Just keep Zero busy! Yuy has my sister." With a smile, he darted forward again.

Zero jammed its shield into the sand in front of Zechs to stop him, spraying sand everywhere.

He cried out as he was blown backwards a bit. He hit the ground with a groan.

Epyon snarled and then flew at Zero, slamming into Zero.

Zero almost laughed. "Come on... you know you want to..." And, with that, it jumped to get away again, toying with Epyon.

Pulling its beam saber, Epyon charged at Zero.

Having left Relena in the care of Jin, Heero raced back towards the beach. Damn... Zechs was down. "Zechs!" he yelled.

Zechs groaned and pushed himself up. "Take care of Zero. You're the only one that can control it Yuy."

"Go to the first aid station," Heero said, crouching next to him. "Relena's there. She's still unconscious. The doctor there can take care of her." He got up then, running towards the mechs.

"Yuy!" He yelled pushing himself up, "If you get hurt Relena will cry!"

"She'll be upset about you, too!" Heero yelled back, ducking under the mech's legs while they were fighting. He made a grab for Zero's leg, catching on and climbing.

Zero didn't notice as it tried to keep up the attack on Epyon.

Epyon kept blocking against Zero, trying to keep the fight from moving towards his injured pilot.

Heero made his way to the cockpit. Now, to get in. He worked at the control, clinging precariously to the side with his good arm. He managed to get through the computer's security and in.

Zechs stood there, clutching his shoulder and watching the scene before him, his icy eyes wide.

Zero shoved hard against Epyon, growling as it felt the system being overridden.

Epyon kept pushing back against Zero, determined. It wouldn't let the other mech win.

Heero grabbed the controls and pulled them back. Zero flinched backward in response. "No!" it yelled.

The maroon mech kept pushing against Zero, trying to confuse it.

"Stop it, Zero!" Heero said, fighting the Gundam. "Just stop it!"

"You're always stopping me... holding me back..."

"Because you're too dangerous on your own." Heero pulled the Gundam back again.

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have made it through the second half of the war."

"You're right," Heero said. "I wouldn't have. But you had to be restrained. Unleashing your full power was too destructive. It put civilians in danger."

"Let me go!" the Gundam yelled.

"No! Don't make me shut you down!"

Zero stopped.

Epyon noticed that Zero had stopped. It stopped too, powering down the beam saber.

Zechs sighed softly.

Heero hadn't felt the system this stongly before. He trembled against it, his hands holding the controls with a white knuckled grip. "Calm down," he told the Gundam.

Zero's eyes flashed one last time, but finally relented. "Fine."

"Zero. I told you it was useless." Epyon said before turning to go back to the hangar.

The angel-winged Gundam glared after Epyon's retreating back.

Zechs sighed and looked up at Zero's cockpit.

"Stand. Down," Heero said between breaths. The Gundam almost quivered in annoyance. "We're going back to the hangar. Now." Zero moved forward, but not in a threatening manner, heading for the hangar behind Epyon.

Zechs rubbed his shoulder, sighing. With a shake of his head, he left for his hut.

Heero sat in the cockpit for a moment longer after Zero moved back into its bay in the hangar. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't disconnect your power supply," he said.

"I'm doing what I was built for," Zero said. "I'm a machine of war. I fight. It's all I know."

Heero sighed. "There's no war here, Zero. There's no need to fight. Just stay put or I'll dismantle you." He climbed out and down, fixing one last glare on the Gundam before heading for the door.

"You've changed," Zero told him.

"I had to." Heero left.

Zechs looked back at the hangar. "Yuy, is Relena alright?"

"She's unconscious," Heero said flatly. He sighed rather heavily and started for the first aid station again. That damn Gundam...

"I hope this ends soon. I don't think that this island can handle them in a full out fight."

"Hn." He looked back at Zechs. "Are you injured?"

"No." he lied.

Heero narrowed his eyes. "If you are, Relena will be upset."

Zechs rubbed his shoulder a bit. "It's nothing."

Heero wasn't in the mood to argue. "Hn." He lowered his gaze and turned back to the first aid station. "You should still have one of the healers look at it."

"When I get around to it."

Heero just shook his head. "You're the one that will have to answer to both Noin and Relena." He headed off.

Zechs watched Heero walk off, his eyes narrowed. He'd go see Dr. Uzuki later.

zechs, [mechs alive and musicals], heero, *event, relena

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