RP Log - Finally Healing

Jul 06, 2008 03:25

Who: Heero, Jin (NPC)
When: The day after Quatre convinces Heero to go to Jin
Where: First aid station
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Summary: Taking Quatre's advice, Heero decides to see just what Jin can do about his arm.

Heero paused just outside the first aid hut. He'd promised Quatre. With a heavy sigh, he stepped through the door.

Jin wasn't in the front room. There where some sounds coming from the back.

Heero waited for a moment, listening. If Jin was busy, he didn't want to interrupt. He stepped a little further in to see if he could see him.

Jin stepped out of the back, wipping his hands off on a towel. He smiled softly. "Hello Yuy."

Heero nodded. "Are you busy?" he asked.

"Not at all. Just reorganizing in the back. Whoever usually works here doesn't keep the things in proper order."

"Hn." Heero supposed that would depend on who it was. After all, each person probably had their own way of organizing. "I don't want to interrupt," he said.

"I'm not horribly busy. What can I do for you?"

"I had a few questions," he asked, his left hand clenching into a fist for a moment.

Jin nodded. "Go ahead."

"It's been a long time," Heero said. "What is it you think you can do?"

He walked over and took Heero's arm into his hands. He began to press along the injured area.

Heero only flinched slightly as Jin worked on his wrist for the time being. That was one thing, but what about the rest of the old injury?

"What happens when the injury flares?"

"It's mostly just pain," Heero said. "The muscles tighten up as well, making it difficult to move."

"The muscles didn't heal right when it was injured. You can start building up muscle resistance."

"Hn." Heero nodded. "It's been five years. Will this really help?"

"It can."

The pilot looked doubtful.

"It's also possible that when it acts up, it's triggered emotionally."

Heero frowned at Jin. "Why would it do that?"

He shook hi shead. "I don't quite understand."

"I don't either."

"Sometimes, our bodies do things that are unexplainable."

Heero looked away.

Jin looked at Heero.

"So can it be fixed?" he asked after a moment, looking back at Jin intensely. "And how?"

He met Heero's gaze. "It can be fixed. Over time. It requires a deal of physical therapy, which I'm betting you didn't get when it was originally injured."

"I couldn't," Heero said. "It was too dangerous to take me to a hospital."

"I understand."

As it was, the arm was tight after his 'bout' with Zero. That was in addition to the newer injury to his wrist from Crawford, which he had the joint wrapped this time. It was clear he knew how.

"I see you're capable of treating your own injuries. I'd like you to come see me once a week."

Heero nodded.

"We'll work on building resistance in your arm."



"What day should I come?"

"What days are good for you?"

Heero shrugged. "Any day after 1530."

"How's 1700 for you?"

Heero nodded. "That's fine. What day?"



"So Tuesdays at 1700 then."

The pilot nodded.

"I shall see you then."

"Right." Heero turned and headed for the door. He paused for a moment and glanced back. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

He nodded and stepped out, heading back to his hut.

Jin watched Heero go, and then returned to the back to continue his organizing.

npc: jin, heero

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