RP Log: Rashid endures Eagle-banter

Jun 08, 2008 22:07

Who: Rashid and Wild Eagle
Where: hangar
When: yesterday
Warnings: Eagle's mouth
Summary: Rashid meets Wild Eagle and pretty much smiles and nods while Eagle is his dorky self.

With a grunt Wild Eagle hopped from the Raynos' foot down to the concrete floor of the hangar. Seating himself, he leaned back against the Zoid's claw as he gulped water from a bottle, taking a break from his weekend maintanence.

Rashid headed into the hangar. He didn't have to work today, but he had decided to come into the hangar anyway. He was walking by the Gundams looking up at them. He glanced over at the Zoids after a moment.

Eagle caught the tall man's eye as he looked in the Raynos' direction; he'd seen him in the hangar a few times before. The alter jerked his head in greeting, swallowing a swig of water. "'sup," he called.

Rashid nodded to other man. He had seen him a few times before as well. "Good day," Rashid called to him, slowly heading in his direction.

Eagle arched an eyebrow at the man's formal register but only shrugged. "Which one's yours?" he asked as the other came closer.

"Unfortunately, mine has not yet shown up," Rashid remarked. "However, if it was here, it would look similar to Quatre's Gundam."

"Mn." Eagle half-frowned in thought, trying to match the name with a face. "He's the shrimpy blond, right? Which one's his?" Still sitting, he craned his neck to peer at the Gundams across the hangar.

"Yes, he is the blonde one," Rashid said, chosing to ignore the adjective that had proceeded it. He pointed to Sandrock. "That one is his."

Eagle studied the indicated Gundam as best he could from his seated position on the other side of the room and nodded, neither approving nor disapproving. "So you're from his world, huh? You guys used your machines in a war?"

Rashid nodded. "We are from the same world and we did have to use them in a war. I commanded the army that assisted Quatre."

"Wow." Eagle actually looked faintly impressed. He glanced back at Sandrock and the other Gundams. "Wonder how come yours ain't here 'f all the rest of 'em showed up."

Rashid shrugged. "I'm still not sure about that, but I'm perfectly fine to not have it here. It doesn't bother me much with it not being here...seeing how much work other pilots have to put into their machines."

"You serious?" Eagle set his water bottle aside and stood, looking at the other man as though he were crazy. "'d drive me freakin' nuts not havin' my Zoid. 's the only thing worth doin' around here, takin' care of it."

Rashid chuckled. "I guess everyone is different. I wouldn't mind mine being here, but it doesn't bother me that it is not."

"Hn." Eagle shrugged and glanced back over the other mechs in the hangar. "Nobody else seems to ever do anything with theirs, anyway. Think mine's the only one that ever gets outta here."

"I know that Trowa has taken his out recently. I've seen a fair number of people come into work on their machines."

"Yeah, but workin' on 'em ain't the same as doin' stuff with 'em," Eagle insisted. "They're designed to...do stuff. 's kinda'a waste to just leave 'em sittin' in here all the time and never even take 'em outta the hangar."

Rashid blinked. Wow...this guy was a little obsessed. "Like I said, Trowa has taken his out of the hangar. Besides, there's not much one can do with them here."

Eagle shrugged. "I'm just sayin' it's kinda weird people got their machines here and don't even take 'em out. I don't go blowin' stuff up with my Raynos the way it's s'posed to, but I at least take it out flyin' every day or so." He frowned then, as though something had just occurred to him. "Don't you guys like pilotin'?" he asked.

"Piloting is enjoyable. Probably would have been more if we hadn't had to do it in a war."

Wild Eagle looked vaguely contemplative, or as near to it as he ever came. "Mn. Yeah, bein' in the military'd suck," he conceded. "Havin' someone barkin' orders atcha all the time... 'cept you were the guy in charge'a your army, huh?" he added, glancing at the taller man.

Rashid nodded. "I was usually the one barking orders. I would have preferred not having been fighting. Gundams probably would have better that way."

This earned Rashid another sanity-questioning look. "Better off not fightin'? How come? 's what they're for, ain't it?"

"Not fighting in a war," Rashid remarked. "The purpose was kill people. The Gundams are built for assualt and not for sport like the Zoids seem to be."

"People get killed in Zoid battles too," Eagle said with a shrug. "Usually 'cause they suck at piloting."

"But the purpose in a war is to kill them," Rashid said. "It wasn't accidental."

"Wul, an' the people fightin' in a war know they might get killed," Wild Eagle replied, as though this were obvious. "Just like people who fight in Zoid battles. Either way the point's to win an' you can't win unless you're a good pilot, right?" He gave Rashid a look that seemed almost surprised the other hadn't reached this conclusion on his own a long time ago.

"In most cases," Rashid remarked. Though in our war, there were also mobile suits that won without pilots."

"Hn. Like drones?" The Backdraft had used drone versions of their Zabats, but those things had been better suited for relatively brainless work like dropping bombs; they hadn't presented a challenge at all in actual combat.

Rashid shook his head. "No. Mobile dolls thought in place of a pilot in actual battle. They were given commands that were sometimes very complex. For a long time, the mobile doll Virgos were a challenge in how they were to be defeated since they could use their shields and fire at a distance onto manned crafts and civilians."

Wild Eagle scrunched up his face in an expression that uncannily resembled one of Jamie's. "So they were smarter'n a normal pilot?"

Rashid nodded. "Yes. They were at least in battle situations. They also could move faster than a manned craft since they didn't have to worry about a pilot that could die."

"Hn." Eagle squinted at Rashid. "So why didn't they just use those all the time and stop usin' machines with real pilots? Sounds like it woulda made more sense."

"Because that was only one faction using them. By the end of the war, there were three factions fighting, White Fang on behalf of the colonies as the controlling force, OZ on behalf of Earth's salvation from White Fang, and the Gundams on behalf of the colonies. Only White Fang had the technology by this point. Romefeller had it before, but Romefeller was destroyed."

"What's Romefeller?" Eagle asked, though the conversation had, in his eyes, taken a turn for the boring. Factions and little details he didn't care for all that much; it was too much work trying to keep track of which group had done what to whom and why.

"They were the group that originally controlled...Just a bunch of power-hungry old men with a lot of money mostly."

"Mn." Eagle made a face. "Sounds kinda like the Backdraft...guys behind it were a buncha bored rich bastards who liked fuckin' around with battles." He smirked a bit. "'course, they weren't all bad. Made things interesting, anyway."

Rashid nodded. "I'd imagine. So," he said shifting the subject. "Backdraft was one of the Zoids teams?"

"They were this buncha pilots who liked bustin' up legal Zoid battles," Eagle said, leaning back against the Raynos' claw again. "They'd come chargin' in in the middle, set it up so the losin' team hadda surrender all their Zoids or whatever. They fought dirty, too, aimin' for the cockpit an' everything."

"That sounds rough," Rashid remarked.

Eagle shrugged. "Lotta people thought it was. 's why the ZBC wanted 'em shut down. But like I said, they made things interesting." He grinned in something akin to fond remembrance. "Only pilots that ever stood up to me an' won. They deserve some credit f'r that, anyway."

"That's interesting. You must have been good at it then," he remarked, looking up at Raynos.

"Damn straight," Wild Eagle said, his grin widening. "Me'n the Raynos kicked some serious ass."

Rashid nodded. "Very interesting."

"Yeah..." Eagle craned his head around to stare up at his Zoid, grin fading bit by bit. "Sucks that there ain't anything to fight around here," he said eventually. "Flyin's good 'n all, but I like fightin'."

Rashid nodded. "I'd imagine." Eagle did have that personality. "Well, maybe something will come along." Personally he hoped not...but one could never be sure.

"Maybe." He shrugged again, looking somewhat discontented. "Back in the desert there were those giant-ass birds and schlongworms...they were good for some excitement."

"I would imagine they were. I wasn't in the desert so I can't say for sure."

"Some'a those fuckers were as big as the Raynos," Eagle elaborated. "The birds, anyway. Fast, too. Kept up with me pretty good. Not too shabby at maneuverin', either. Thought they had me a couple times." He was grinning as he recounted the experience, unsurprisingly.

Rashid nodded. "Now I'm glad I wasn't there."

Eagle shrugged. "Whatever floats yer boat. I'd rather have somethin' excitin' to do than sit around bein' bored all day."

"I gathered," Rashid said. "Well, it has been nice talking to you."

"Yeah, you too." Eagle pushed off from the Raynos' foot and stooped to pick up his water bottle for one last swig. "Later."

Rashid nodded and headed off.

rashid, wild eagle

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