Libraries Galore!!

Jun 01, 2008 16:51

Who: Skilgannon and Taiki
Where: Library
When: Couple weeks ago
Warnings: Spoilers for 'White Wolf' and SM
Rating: G
Notes: none
Summary: Skilgannon wants more books to read and runs into Taiki.

Taiki balanced a large stack of books in her arms as she walked down the main way. She was dressed in a dark khaki knee length skirt, and a lavender tank-top. She had discarded the jacket that matched the skirt in the office. Her long hair was pulled into a loose braid and her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose.

Skilgannon stepped into the library, dressed in his usual garb-cream-coloured tunic, leather leggings, leather jerkin and boots made for riding. He intended to return the play A Midsummer Night's Dream, and perhaps speak with the librarian Treize mentioned.

Sighing, she put the books down and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. The weather had been changing towards summer and it was getting warmer. She adjusted her top and picked the books back up.

He looked around for someone who looked like they knew what they were doing, or at least belonged there. Seeing a young woman holding a stack of books, he stepped over. "Good day, miss. May I offer my assistance?"

Taiki looked up and smiled softly. "No, thank you for offering. These all go in one section. But, is there anything I can help you with?"

The Damned smiled. "I was wondering if you could recommend some historically accurate plays, of the worlds represented here? I have read this play," he held out the book in his hand for her to see, "and would like to learn more."

She moved the stack to one arm and took the book offered to her. "Ah... Treize must have recommended this to you." Taiki smiled, "Well, did you like Shakespeare's work?"

Skilgannon nodded. "I found the language different, but intriguing. The idea of the play was different from any I have seen on my world, more theoretical than fact."

"Well, from Shakespeare's history plays, there are about ten you can choose from." she said walking towards the other worlds section, to put the stack of books in her arms away.

The Damned followed. "I will start there then. I thank you."

"It is no trouble." the Guardian remarked as she put away the books. Taiki turned and offered her hand to Skilgannon. "Taiki Kou."

He smiled and shook her hand. "Skilgannon." He let his hand fall away and bowed politely to her before turning to search for the plays she had mentioned.

She looked through the books, pulling a few titles from her world that she knew where historically accurate. "You said you wanted accurate history plays from all worlds?"

Skilgannon turned back to look at her. "Yes."

Taiki handed him a stack of four books. "These are from my world."

He smiled and took the books. "I thank you."

"You're welcome." she nodded her head, a smile on her face. "Now, from Treize's world, we have King Richard, Henry IV, Henry V... Just to name a few."

Skilgannon chuckled. "I will keep those titles in mind."

"They're rather..." She wrinkled her nose, "Dark."

The Damned smiled faintly. "The rules of royalty are often 'dark', often regardless of their original good intentions."

"I know it well..."

Skilgannon nodded.

She smiled, brushing away the darkness that loomed in her eyes.

He shook his head slightly, also shifting his attention away from the darker part of life. "May I ask of your world? What it is like?"

Taiki smiled warmly at that. "My world... It is home."

Skilgannon smiled with understanding.

"The people are kind and peaceful. Well... That was before the attack."

He frowned. "What attack?"

"The one that destroyed my world, turned the people against us and caused my Princess to flee and ultimately... Her death."

Skilgannon felt his mouth press into a grim line. "I am sorry to hear of such destruction and death to such a peaceful place."

Taiki's eyes hardened. "It is the way life in my world is."

He nodded. "Even still. Is there nothing to be done to restore the peace?"

"I do hope my companions can."

Skilgannon nodded once more.

Taiki composed herself and then smiled politely at Skilgannon.

Skilgannon smiled slightly before bowing a little. "I thank you for the recommendations, Taiki. I trust our paths will cross again."

"I trust they shall. Enjoy the reading." She bowed in return.

"I trust I will." The Damned smiled once more before turning and leaving the library, bringing the books with him.

skilgannon, sailor star maker taiki

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