A Possible New Friend

May 08, 2008 14:20

Who: Luxord, Demyx, Skilgannon
Where: The beach
When: A couple days after Skilgannon arrived
Warnings: Luxord + Demyx + other..Need I say more?
Rating: PG 13
Notes: none
Summary: Skilgannon meets Luxord and Demyx.

Skilgannon walked away from the village proper and to the beach. That was one place he had yet to explore, at least in the area around the village.

Luxord lay sprawled on his beach towel sipping Pina Coladas and lounging in the shade of a large beach umbrella.

Demyx lay sprawled on a similar beach towel, not too far away. He made sure to stay away from the umbrella thinking a little sun might be good for him for some reason.

The Damned walked along the edge of the water, not all that interested in sun bathing at the moment. Cold blue eyes fell on the two men, the large..round object having caught his attention, as he had never seen such a thing before.

"Want another drink?" Luxord asked peering over at the other blond. He was starting to turn a little red around the edges and Luxord didn't want him too burned.

"Sure." Demyx scooted over under the umbrella, deciding that enough was enough. He already had tender places thanks to Luxord, didn't need the sun giving him even more.

Skilgannon watched the two for another minute before shrugging to himself and continued walking.

Luxord caught the movement out of the corner of his eye. "Oi, you there. Want a drink?"

The Damned returned his gaze to the man who'd spoken. "What are you drinking?"

"Nothing much. Just Pina Coladas. They're nice and cool on a hot day like this though, and it's good quality rum too." Demyx offered, already pouring a glass.

Skilgannon shook his head regretfully. "If it were without alcohol, I would accept. But I do not mix well with alcohol."

"That is a pity," Luxord said. "Care to join us anyway?"

"We don't bite unless asked." Demyx quipped. "Besides, you'll find there isn't much else to do on island anyway."

Skilgannon chuckled at Demyx's quip and walked over to sit down by them, though not under the umbrella, as he still did not know what it was. "I have seen as much, at least there is no war here."

"Well, that's always a plus. War's no fun for anybody," Luxord said sipping his drink. "I'd much rather fuck than fight anyway."

"I've always been more of a lover than a fighter myself." Demyx agreed with a wry smile, sipping his drink calmly. "I'm not designed for war in the least."

Skilgannon raised a brow at them, a bit amused. "I agree, sex is more fun than fighting. But what do you mean when you say you are not designed for war?" He directed the last statement to Demyx.

"Look at me." He smiled, using one hand to indicate his frame. "I thought it would be obvious really."

The Damned shrugged. "Appearances can deceive."

"Sometimes they can be exactly as they appear."

"True enough, they can, but Demyx makes a better dance troupe than a warrior."

He nodded wryly, knowing it was true. He wasn't a warrior, never had claimed to be one either.

Skilgannon chuckled. "And some dancers make better warriors than those who know nothing of dance."

"And some find themselves getting their butts handed to them by a spikey haired kid with a giant key."

The Damned blinked in open surprise at Demyx.

"It's a long story," Luxord replied shaking his head. "I was only in for it because I wanted to fuck pirates."

"Don't see why either. Most of them smell bad and have no teeth." Demyx made a face.

Skilgannon chuckled.

"But they had whores and rum. Besides, that world had some damn pretty pirates and you know it."

"You're right." Demyx agreed with a smile. "They were rare exceptions to the rule and you know it."

"They're the ones I was after. The others I just beat at cards."

Skilgannon listened to them with amusement. "Where are you two from?"

"The World that Never Was, sort of a pretentious name, but the Superiour always was a bit of a git."

"Amongst other things." The shorter blonde agreed.

Skilgannon smiled faintly. "Those in charge always seem to like grand names."

"That's certainly true for Mansex.... er... Xemnas."

"Unfortunate anagram there," Luxord said with a chuckle.

The Damned chuckled.

"But amusing. So long as you don't call him that to his face."

"He does get kind of pissy when you point it out."

"Kind of pissy?" Demyx raised one eyebrow. "That's all that was?"

Skilgannon smiled. "I would imagine so."

"And you, mate? Where are you from?"

The Damned smiled faintly. "I come from a land called Nashaan, though I have not lived there for some time." He was not welcome there, after all.

"Can't say I've been there."

"Nope, that's a new one."

Skilgannon chuckled. "There are many lands on my world, that is merely one of them."

"I've been to many worlds, just apparently not yours."

The former priest just shrugged. "That seems to be a common sentiment here, of the few I have spoken with."

"Probably will be. I don't think anyone here's been to our world either."

"Just us. Seems to be pretty common place here. Not finding people who've been to or are familiar with your world."

Skilgannon shrugged. "That is fine with me."

"Yeah. Doesn't really matter if people are from where I am or not. Doesn't change anything to me." Demyx agreed.

"I'm an equal opportunity hedonist. I'm just in it for the thrills."

The Damned chuckled. "That must be nice."

"It can be." Demyx agreed, smirking at the memory.

"We have a lot of fun, if you ever want to join us. We're good at sharing."

Skilgannon regarded them thoughtfully. "Which type of fun do you speak of?"

"What type of fun you looking for?" Demyx leaned back, propping himself up on one elbow. "Sex fun, the mischevious fun, it's all good to us. We aren't picky."

Skilgannon nodded. "I will think on it."

"And trust me, we are very flexible and accommodating," Luxord said with a grin.

Skilgannon chuckled.

"More so than anyone you'll find on this island at least. Not a single whore here." Demyx mourned. "And most of the people seem to be shocked and horrified at the thought of sex."

Skilgannon shook his head with a bit of amusement. "Sex is just that. A way of relieving stress, nothing to get in a twist about. Sadly, I know the type."

"Bunch of wankers they all are. It's just sex. The sooner they grow up and realize that the better."

"That would be a time I would love to see, though I do not believe it will happen any time soon." Skilgannon commented.

"If ever." Demyx muttered.

Skilgannon nodded, agreeing with Demyx.

"Their loss." He shrugged. "They don't know just what it is they're missing."

"Not at all," Luxord said running a hand up Demyx's leg. "We have a lot of fun, don't we?"

"That we do." He agreed, lips twisting into a smirk. "Wouldn't trade it for anything."

Skilgannon smiled faintly at them. He had never been one for open displays of affection.

It wasn't so much affection as lust though. Neither of the Nobodies really cared much about the other save for entertainment, though Luxord could see how others could get confused by them. Especially those in more conventional relationships.

"Always looking for ways to break the monotony." Demyx explained blandly.

Skilgannon shrugged. "I find that monotony in small doses can be peaceful. Though I personally prefer remaining active."

"Peaceful tends to be boring. Activity is normally much more interesting."

Skilgannon nodded and stood up, brushing the sand off his clothing. "It was pleasant to have met you two."

"Leaving so soon?" Demyx asked, leaning back.

Skilgannon shrugged. "I would like to walk along the rest of the beach. You are welcome to join me."

"I've got nothing better to do, that's for sure." He climbed to his feet.

"Why not," Luxord grinned standing. Maybe they'd get a new 'friend' out of this.

Skilgannon smiled and started walking along the line of water.

luxord, skilgannon, demyx

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