RP Log - Here comes trouble...

Apr 29, 2008 16:16

Who: Zelas and Luxord
When: Mid-morning
Where: Hut 8
Rating: PG
Warnings: booze and cigs existing
Notes: none
Summary: Luxord finally locates the booze

There were two items all tropical islands should posses in Luxord's opinion, booze and whores. This island was terribly lacking in the later, but he was unwilling to believe that there was nothing in the way of the former. After poking around a bit, he'd managed to locate the person who apparently held the keys to the minibar, and made his way to their hut.

Zelas was just lounging on her couch, a half-empty bottle of wine on a table near her. She idly sipped the wine out of the glass she was holding, enjoying the latest soap opera to come on the television.

Luxord knocked on the door and waited for a response. He didn't want to piss off the bartender by just barging in. Hell's bells though, he really could use a drink and his cigarette stash was dwindling quickly.

Zelas heard the knocking and lazily opened the door with a simple spell. She didn't care if anyone barged in, she could deal with just about any resident--that and she was too lazy to get up.

Taking that as an invitation, Luxord made his way inside. Very fit blond bird on the sofa. From the look about her, probably the one he wanted. "'Ello," Luxord said looking over at her.

Zelas looked away from the television just enough to look at the British guy she had been hearing about. "You must be the new arrival causing such a stir among people."

The Nobody just shrugged. "I've had help," he admitted. "We heard you were the one to talk about getting a bit of something to drink."

Zelas nodded. "Not for free, of course...but since you have been such a good little boy and creating some food for me...I think the price has already been paid."

"Smashing," Luxord replied with a grin. "I'm also searching for any fags you might have. I have a supply with me, but it's smaller than I might like."

Zelas smirked, waving her hand in a careless gesture. "That whatever alcohol you wish. If you can't find it, I can get it. There are cigarettes in one of the drawers over there."

He didn't have to be told twice and quickly started going through the drawer. "Rum I think. We're on a deserted island, there should be rum." And if he got the right bits he could probably make his own. Rum was easy enough. It was mostly just sugar.

"I know I have rum of various kinds along the walls." Zelas laughed, surprisingly melodious for someone as evil as she was.

And truth be told, Luxord didn't care. He'd worked for evil in the past, mostly because they tended to pay better than good. His moral compass wasn't merely corrupt, it was nonexistent. He didn't give a shite about good and evil. He lived for pleasure. Finding a few bottles, he held them out for her approval.

Zelas shrugged, "If you want those, go ahead and take them."

"Thanks, luv," Luxord replied holding his new acquisitions protectively. "What do you normally ask in payment?"

"That depends on who is asking, and what they want." Zelas grinned, "Sometimes amusement, sometimes information, it all depends on the being."

"And from Demyx and I?" he asked arching an eyebrow at Zelas.

"You've already created quite the commotion, which resulted in food for myself." Zelas shrugged carelessly, her bracelets chiming against each other. "You've certainly earned a few bottles as well as those cigarettes."

"And in the future?" Hedonist he may have been, but Luxord was not an idiot. He like to know what he was getting into in advance if possible. If nothing else it made it easier to plan for payment.

"That depends on what you have to offer at the time." Zelas smirked, she liked her particular method of demanding payment. It ensured that no one could ever make the exact same deal twice, and the discomfort it caused most beings was enough to give her a small snack.

Luxord just shrugged. No discomfort. No fear. No emotion coming from him whatsoever. They'd sort out a way to get more later if it came to that. "All right, then."

"Enjoy, then." Zelas wasn't too surprised at the existence of beings that didn't have emotions. After all, it wasn't like her kind did.

"Thanks, luv. It should at least make things around here a bit more tolerable," Luxord said than paused. "Demyx and I have something in the works, but we may need a bit of beer in order to pull things off right. I think you'd probably find it amusing at least."

"I'm sure I will." Zelas smirked, "It seems as though anything you two come up with will at the very least hint at amusement."

"I'll let you know more when we've got the rest of the logistics worked out," Luxord replied. "It should be worth watching if nothing else."

Zelas nodded, "All right. Oh, and that will earn you some more alcohol."

"Smashing," Luxord replied with a grin. "Pleasure doing business with you."

"I would not call it pleasure, but I expect to do business with you again."

Luxord nodded. "I'll call you when we get a dress that fits."

Zelas chuckled, getting interesting ideas of what would involve a dress.

Rum and fags in hand, Luxord headed back across the sand. Maybe this desert island thing wouldn't be as bad as he thought it would be.

luxord, zelas

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