RP Log - Karma

Apr 26, 2008 14:38

Who: Johnny and Luxord
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: The beach
Rating: R
Warnings: Male nudity, suggestions of male/male sex, language
Notes: none
Summary: Karma's a bitch

Even people like Johnny Storm sometimes needed a little break from action, so he decided it was time to take a nice little rest on the beach. Besides, he had enough of wandering around and checking out the island. Now it was time to work on his tan. Wearing just his shorts and sunglasses, Johnny laid back on a towel, enjoying the sunshine.

Smiling, Luxord made his way over the sand. The sound of the surf in his ears, the sand under his feet, it was almost like Tortuga... Well, expect for the pirates and the whores. Fuck, did he miss the whores. "This place is bloody brilliant."

Eventually, Johnny started to notice somebody slowly approaching. He took a quick peek to see if it might be somebody interesting. ... Nope, just a guy. Johnny folded his arms behind his head, hoping there was a good chance that maybe this guy wouldn't bother him too much.

And here we had, if not a whore, than at least a free show. "Hello, mate. Aren't you the fit one," Luxord said looking over the man. He was certainly very easy on the eyes.

Excellent. The first one on the island to appreciate his body was a man. Johnny glanced back at the new arrival with a slight smirk, knowing the other could only wish to have a body as hot as his. "Yep. The ladies love it," Johnny simply replied.

"They aren't the only ones," Luxord grinned and leered down at him mentally undressing him. "You'd look fantastic on black silk."

Just my luck... Johnny thought to himself with a groan. He rolled onto his stomach, resting his forehead on his arms, as if that would prevent the other man from checking him out. "Yeah, sure, whatever" he mumbled, thinking maybe if he didn't talk much, this guy would just go away.

"And a nice ass to boot," Luxord replied grinning at him. "So nice of you to spin for me."

This is probably what some people would call "karma." Johnny sat up, giving the other blonde a glare. "Do you need directions or something? 'Cause the town's that way," he nodded in the appropriate direction.

"No, I quite like the view here," Luxord said sitting down next to him. "I think it's quite lovely." Karma sure was biting, well starring at Johnny's ass.

"Look, I ain't into guys," Johnny said bluntly, seeing that as the easiest way out of this.

"Have you ever tried? I can make it good for you," Luxord said with a coy grin.

Johnny stood up, folding his arms over his chest. "The only cock I touch is my own," he replied.

"Oh, I can manage all the touching for you," Luxord said leaning towards him. "You just have to sit back and enjoy the ride."

"Whoa, hey, back off!" Johnny exclaimed, actually getting a bit nervous. Seeing the other man getting closer, he defensively put up the fire over his body.

"Well, aren't you hot," Luxord said with a chuckle, long since used to Axel's flames.

"Ha ha," Johnny said flatly. "Never thought of that one." Who the heck was this guy, who didn't even blink when someone went up in flames right in front of him?

"Oh. I'm sure it has, though frankly you look better without the fire," Luxord said. "You can out it out. I swear I don't bite unless you want me to." Pulling out a cigarette he lit it off Johnny's flames.

Not at all wanting to seem like he was one to easily obey, Johnny kept up the fire, just to defy Luxord. To be even more difficult, he shot a small stream of fire to the tip of the cigarette, hoping to burn it off before the other man could hardly get a puff.

Absently, the Nobody froze time around the stream and moved the cig out of the way before letting it continue on harmlessly past him. He raised an eyebrow giving Johnny an, "Is that all you've got? Really?" look before going back to the cigarette.

"Are you done here yet?" Johnny asked, sounding slightly irritated. He still had no idea who this guy was, and he didn't want to know. Asking would just make him look interested, and he definitely didn't want that.

"I've just started," Luxord replied. "It's not like you're doing much more than pissing around anyway. What do you care? Afraid I'm going to give you the gay and make you smoke the pink cigar?"

Thanks to the fact that Johnny had incinerated his shorts, he had no choice now but to keep the flame up. Part of him wondered if this was how women felt when he hit on them, but his mind quickly corrected itself. No woman could feel like this when Johnny was around. "Exactly, I'm not doing anything interesting," he pointed out. "Why stick around here?"

"Mostly because you're hot and naked," Luxord admitted. "That and tormenting you is mildly more interesting than anything else I can come up with right now."

"Sorry to spoil your fun, but I am not tormented," he folded his arms over his chest, hoping to make it more boring for Luxord. Johnny was here first; he was determined to make the other man the one to leave.

Luxord just ignored him and tilted his head down to stare at Johnny's groin. Even though the fire you could still make it out if you looked. Honestly, you'd think he covered that before he covered his tits.

Though he was on fire, Johnny still felt exposed, the way Luxord was looking at him. Rubbing at his fiery head, he wondered how the heck he could win this one. "Fine, stay," he said while turning around and sitting in the sand, making sure not to touch his towel. He was going to try the sit-and-do-nothing-until-he-gets-bored-and-leaves approach.

Luxord just chuckled eyes running over the lines of Johnny's body mentally stripping off the fire and replacing it with tanned flesh. Really, he was nothing to scoff at, even if he was being sulky.

So, according to plan, Johnny simply sat, staring ahead at the ocean. Already, he was starting to get real bored, so this had to be just as boring for Luxord, Johnny hoped.

And true to form, Luxord stared at him. He'd had far more experience with boredom than the young pyro could hope to understand. You just had to look at the interior decorating in the world that never was to understand that.

Johnny slouched forward, resting his head in his hands. "This can't be fun for you," he groaned, wondering if maybe he should just go home after all.

"Oh, I'm having plenty of fun. The scenery is lovely," Luxord replied. "Bit wound up though isn't it? I think I could help relieve a bit of that stress."

"Not in a way I'd want," Johnny replied, standing up to get ready to leave. He paused, realizing that trying to go anywhere would be difficult, because if he didn't burn anything, he'd still be naked. With a sigh, he plopped back down into the sand.

Luxord just chuckled. "So, have to decide between being a flamer and a streaker, huh?" Luxord said. "Such a pity. I'd much rather you be bother."

"Okay, I know I'm the best looking guy here on the island, but I'm not the only guy," Johnny pointed out. "You're just gonna have to settle for an uglier, gayer guy."

"I could have far better looking ones than you. I just like a bit of variety every now and then is all."

Johnny scoffed at that. "Yeah, right. You can't find guys much hotter than this," he smirked, briefly intensifying his flames for an obvious little play on words.

"I could bring one here and bang him for you as demonstration. I'm sure he'd enjoy it."

"Nooooo thank you," he replied. Johnny wanted to watch gay sex just as much as he wanted to participate in it - never.

"Aw, come on, luv. Be a sport. We'll let you join in."

"I don't want to see it, I don't want to do it!" Johnny protested, getting up once again. There wasn't really anywhere to go, and he didn't want to leave his towel behind, so he just slowly paced back and forth in the area.
"For someone not interested you seem awfully interested in sticking around and listening."

"I can't leave my towel," Johnny explained with a sigh. He had an idea, but didn't know if it would work. "Look over there," he instructed, pointing in the direction that completely faced away from him.

"Fine," Luxord said rolling his eyes. He turned around and readied himself to pause time as soon as he felt the heat of the flames die down.

As quickly as he could, Johnny dropped the flames and made a mad quick grab for the towel, hoping to cover himself before Luxord could turn around.

And with that, Luxord paused time and went over to have a good look. "Not bad, he said taking the towel. " Not bad at all." Having earned himself an eyeful, Luxord unpaused time.

Johnny finished out the motion of reaching for the towel, but grabbed nothing. "What the hell?!" he exclaimed while once again turning on his flames. "What did you just do? Give me my towel!"

"All right, catch," Luxord said tossing it into the flames. "I've already seen everything by the way. I don't see why you're bothering to cover-up."

Trying to avoid touching the towel, Johnny jumped back, but was too slow. Deciding to suck it up and expose himself for just a little longer, he shut the fire right back off and started patting at the towel, hoping to save what he could. Once those flames died, which wasn't long, since there was sand everywhere, Johnny attempted to wrap the burnt rag of a towel around his waist, glaring angrily at Luxord.

Luxord just laughed. That had pretty much been worth it. Leaning up against the other man, he ran a finger down Johnny's chest. "You really should look me up sometime. I promise, you'll have fun."

"Great. I'll remember that," Johnny said as he pulled away, just humoring Luxord and sounding like it too. What was really troubling at the moment was the fact that right now, Johnny's two options were his right hand and this guy. Apparently, this island wasn't as great as he thought it would be.

Watching him go, Luxord grinned to himself. Whores or not, he was kind of starting to like this place.
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luxord, johnny

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