A Pretty Penny

Apr 20, 2008 12:01

Who: Duo an Penny
When: Late morning
Where: On the beach by the lagoon
Rating: R
Warnings: Penny, nudity
Notes: none
Summary: In which Penny enjoys the sun, and Duo sees a bit more than he should...

Carrying a baseball sized rubber ball, Duo walked along towards the lagoon. He was going to try and get Taffy to go a little further into the water today. Of course, that meant doing it himself, but he could stand further out than she could. He tossed it up and down in his hand, the young golden retriever prancing along behind him, watching the toy intently.

Out on the beach, Penny sat enjoying the sun completely lathered with sun block, she didn't want to burn or tan by accident. She lay out a beach blanket in her bikini bottoms reading through a book on mythology.

Taffy spotted Penny first. Her ears tilted forward for a moment, and then she ran forward.

"Taffy! Wait!" Duo called after her, then froze upon seeing the topless girl laying on a blanket in the sand. He blinked, not realizing he was staring.

Penny looked up from her book, startled for a moment to see someone else around. She looked him up and down an then raised an eyebrow incredulously. "You're staring."

Taffy circled Penny, sniffing at her with her wet nose and tickling her

Duo blinked. "Uh... what?" he asked. "Oh! Sorry!" He focused intently on the ball for a moment. Damn... Hilde would have totally smacked him by now if she knew!

Chuckling Penny petted the dog laughing as the cold nose poked into her skin. "You're still starting," Penny noted. "Just not at me anymore."

"Taffy!" he hissed at the golden. She ignored him in favor of being petted and played with. He sighed. "Sorry..." Intent to look anywhere but at her bare... damn... Sometimes, he hated hormones. "You, uh... lay around nake- err... I mean... yanno..."

She was sure there was a coherent statement in there somewhere, but for the life of her she couldn't decipher it. "Care to try that again," she asked lightly. "In order perhaps?"

"Well... I mean... yanno..." He awkwardly waved at his chest, knowing he was in deep if Hilde saw this. "Do you do this often?"

"Read? Yes quite often," Penny replied deliberately misunderstanding him. It was a bit amusing to watch him flail like that.

Duo stared at her rather flatly. He didn't like being mocked, and usually knew when he was. He sighed.

"I didn't see any signs against it, and the sun feels nice. Besides, it the first warm day I've had in a while."

"Oh... I didn't mean like that..." He rubbed the back of his head. "Just ah... I think my girlfriend might have some issues. She has a tendancy to think I've got a wandering eye." He shrugged a bit. "I don't see anything wrong with admiring the view... it's not like I'm actually acting on it."

Penny laughed. "And she'll probably believe I'm contributing to your delinquency hmm?" she asked mischievously. "Because obviously you went out of your way to locate topless women."

"Heh... something like that."

Eyes twinkling she looked up at him obviously unflustered by her own partial nudity. "You should never come to San Fransisco then."

Duo shrugged. "I been there... Well, sorta. Quatre and Trowa were there on the way to the mission at New Edwards."

"Did they catch any of the parades?" Penny asked. "There are quite a few places there that make my sunbathing look modest."

"I dunno," he said. "I didn't ask. We weren't exactly all good friends at that time."

"Then it doesn't count does it?"

"I guess not." He slipped his hands in his pockets, still trying to be decent and modest by not looking at her chest. "I mean... I knew Heero at the time, but we weren't really working together... and we sorta fought against Trowa and Quatre when they got to the base... and Wufei didn't show up until it was all over to tell us what idiots we were to fall for OZ's set up..." He sighed. "Heero felt it the worst, though. He was the one that destroyed the shuttle we were tricked over."

"I'm sorry. Were you in the army?" he mentioned fighting and bases. That suggested a military life.

"Nope." He smirked. "I was a terrorist."

"Interesting occupational choice," Penny said crossing her arms under her breasts having the unintended side effect of pushing them up. "I assume you had a reason?"

Duo tried not to let his face turn red at the shift in certain anatomical parts with her movement. "Yeah. Oppressive government... revenge for the assassination of a political leader who was trying to make things better... you know, the usual."

"Sounds like a bad action movie actually," Penny said chuckling and noting his sudden colour shift. Leaning forward slightly, she smiled up at him. She was generally a good judge of character and knew how to tell the real monsters from the people who just did the wrong things for good reasons. Brandon was the perfect example of that camp.

"I guess... in a way. Of course, for some people, the fact that we used giant humanoid robotic weapons to do it might add to that stigma." He grinned.

"It would. On that note I think I need to get up. My legs are falling asleep." Standing, Penny stretched arms raised high above her head back arching as she cracked it.

Again, Duo had to look away. Taffy got up with her, watching for a moment, then going over to Duo. She stood on her hind legs and leaned her front paws on him, looking for the ball he'd been carrying.

"Sorry. I probably shouldn't embarrass a terrorist," Penny said. "I can go get a shirt if you'd like."

"Well..." he almost choked. "Um..." He dropped the ball down for Taffy to play with, using that to distract himself. "Up to you... I don't wanna put you out or... I mean..."

Penny just chuckled. "I'll go put on a top, and you go take a cold shower and hopefully we'll avoid pissing off your girlfriend that way," Penny said before picking up her towel and draping it over her breasts.

Duo gave a somewhat overly loud nervous laugh. "Yeah! That works!" he said a bit too quickly.

Taffy barked, dropping the ball and Penny's feet.

Penny just looked down and giggled. "Shower."

Taffy wagged her tail, not understanding.

Duo sighed. "Taffy... c'mon," he said, patting the side of his leg. She perked her ears in his direction, then picked up the ball and brought it over to him.

"I'll see you around," Penny said grabbing her book and heading back towards her hut.

"See ya," Duo said. At this point, he was just tempted to jump in the lagoon.

Giggling to herself she headed home.

Duo tossed the ball back towards his hut, following as Taffy chased it. A cold shower probably wasn't such a bad idea...

penny, duo

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