RP Log - Awakening Aftermath

Feb 29, 2008 16:32

Who: Jr, chaos, Citan, Albedo, Pluto, Sango, MOMO, Venus
When: After Jr/chaos/Albedo/Citan and Pluto/Sango logs
Where: first aid station
Warnings: SM spoilers, Xenosaga references
Rating: PG
Notes: none
Summary: chaos and Pluto get looked after as people try to figure out what happened.

Citan immediately got up, and pointed Albedo to a bed. "Put him there," he told the younger twin. "What happened?" he asked, turning to Jr.

Jr shook his head in confusion, "Dunno...one moment he's fine an' the next he's like that an' Asher's Vessel of Anima lights up!"

"The Vessel of Anima?" Citan asked, worried. That could explain what he'd felt from Fenrir. Especially if his suspicion that Fenrir's Anima Relic shared more than just a name with the other mech was accurate.

"Yeah!" Jr nodded, "Got any idea what's goin' on with chaos?"

Albedo laid chaos down on the bed, then stepped back.

Citan shook his head. "I'm not sure... Please, use your Ether to try to comfort him, I'm going to fix something to knock him out."

"I can't..." Jr admitted, "My Ether ain't good for that..."

Citan nodded. "Then get some water in a basin, and towel his forehead." Citan could see from where he was the beads of perspiration on the other's forehead, and didn't want him to overheat.

Jr nodded, getting a washcloth and soaking it in some cool water before placing it on chaos' forehead, looking up as he heard the door open.

Citan was fixing a draught for chaos, but glanced over when the door opened.

Sango stepped inside with Pluto, looking around. "Citan-sensei?" she called.

Citan set down the draught he was working on, and went to Sango's side, to help her with the Guardian.

"Arigato, sensei," Sango said.

Pluto was only dimly aware of Citan helping her, letting him and Sango do as they pleased for right now.

"Pluto? Please, talk to me," Citan urged, helping her to the other bed.

Jr's eyes widened as he saw Pluto not only having to be helped, but obviously not able to focus on -anything- that was going on. "What's wrong with her? Is it the same thin' as chaos?"

Pluto sat down on the bed, eyes glassy. "Saturn..."

"Another Guardian?" Citan asked.

"chaos-san?" Sango asked.

Pluto merely nodded, "chaos...he here?"

Citan nodded, and returned to his draught.

chaos' breath was shallow, and he was barely conscious.

Jr looked over at Sango and Citan, "chaos ain't doin' too good. When did his girlfriend get like

"Only a few moments ago," Sango said.

~Smart, saying it when neither of them can beat you for it,~ the peanut gallery chimed in privately.

Jr narrowed his eyes, ~I didn't ask for comments from the peanut gallery!~

Albedo shrugged.

Citan finished the draught, and took it over to chaos' cot, where he propped him up and lifted the cup to his lips. Within a few moments, chaos had passed into a dreamless slumber.

Jr breathed a sigh of relief when Citan got over to chaos, getting up to stand by Sango. "Ya jus' knocked him out, Doc?"

Citan nodded.

Pluto looked around the room, her garnet eyes finally settling on the other cot where chaos was sleeping.

"Can someone tell me what is going on?"

Sango shook her head. "Only that a Senshi named Saturn has awakened," she said quietly. "Apparently, she is the Senshi of Death and Destruction."

Citan looked to Pluto.

Pluto was still looking over at chaos, obviously still in shock from whatever happened to her.


Pluto turned just enough in the direction of who was calling her name so her eyes could be seen.

"Pluto, I need you to talk to me. chaos is in bad shape, and I can't do anything if I don't know what's going on."

"Saturn is awake..."

"Saturn... Another Guardian, correct?"

Pluto nodded.

"Why is this affecting you, and him?"

"Uranus and Neptune are with her..."

Just then, the door burst open again. Sango turned to see Venus and MOMO.

"Pluto-san!" Venus said. She went over to the Time Guardian. "Pluto-san... Daijoubu?"

"Are you alright?" Citan asked, hoping he wouldn't have to make space for more injured.

"She's okay," MOMO said. "I saw her on my way here..."

Jr ran over to MOMO, pulling her in a hug. "Are ya okay?"

Pluto shook her head, "Saturn..."

"What's going on, Jr?" MOMO said, hugging him back. "The ES... they're..."

Jr shook his head, "I dunno but it's knocked chaos real bad too!"

"Hotaru-chan? Is that what I felt?" Venus asked Pluto.

Pluto nodded.

"MOMO, can you help chaos? I've given him a sedative, but I don't know how he's doing."

MOMO nodded at Citan. "Okay." She pulled herself away from Jr and walked over towards chaos, only to hesitate slightly when she saw Albedo.

"I see..." Venus looked down.

Albedo stepped back further. He was here 'cuz he knew he'd have to carry chaos again, nothing more.

"Venus-san?" Sango asked. "Is something wrong with this Saturn person?"

Jr walked right over there with MOMO, "I dunno what's goin' on with him. Asher's Vessel of Anima started glowin', an' then he got like this."

Venus shook her head. "Not so much that." She stood up and put her arms around Pluto. "Hotaru-chan is Sailor Saturn. The fact that she's awakened can be taken as a bad omen at times. The only time Sailor Saturn appears is when the universe needs to be... reborn."

"So would it be her abilities that have caused the reactions?"

"It's possible," Venus said. "I don't know why chaos would react, though." Venus didn't know much about his powers.

MOMO moved with Jr to chaos' side and looked him over. "He's just sedated right now?" she asked.

Jr nodded, "Yeah...Doc gave him somethin' to sleep."

"And the mechs?"

"I jus' saw the Vessels glowin' when that happened. I dunno about them anymore."

"Why would the Vessels react to a Senshi's power?" MOMO asked quietly, more to herself. She started looking for anything Dr Mizrahi might have put in her memory banks about Anima while she also tried to figure out how to bring chaos out of his shock.

Citan frowned.

Pluto sighed sadly, looking down.

Citan moved next to Pluto. "Pluto, will you be alright?"

"I...I don't know..." She managed to look at Citan, her eyes showing that she was still in shock at feeling Saturn's powers awaken.

"Maybe we should talk to Neptune-san and Uranus-san," Venus suggested.

"Would you like something?" Citan asked Pluto.

Pluto shook her head.

Citan nodded. "You seem to be recovering a bit, at least from when you came in here."

Venus continued to hold the other Guardian.

Pluto nodded slightly, "Doesn't hurt anymore..."

"Do you think you'd be able to manage on your own, at your hut?"

MOMO frowned a bit, scanning chaos for any clues on how to help him.

Pluto tried to think for a minute there, but ended up just shaking her head.

Citan nodded.

"We should find somewhere for her to stay," Venus said.

MOMO whispered her focus phrase, working on getting chaos stabilized.

chaos' breathing evened out, although the signs of a fever were still evident.

MOMO sighed. "Dr Uzuki... do you have anything for a fever handy?"

"I do, but I'd rather when he was awake." Citan was silent for a few minutes. "I don't believe he's in any position to be moved tonight, though. I have no problem with the both of them staying here."

MOMO nodded.

Albedo, seeing that he wasn't going to be needed, teleported back to his own hut.

Sango bowed slightly. "Very well. Since they are alright here, I will be going. Take care."

"Arigato, Sango-chan," Venus said.

Citan nodded to her.

Pluto nodded a little.

"Pluto, would you like a draught, like what I gave to chaos?"

"What kind..?"

"To sleep, nothing more."

Pluto waited a few minutes, then nodded.

Citan nodded in response, and then went to fix it for her.

"Come on," Venus said, helping her up. "Lay down."

Jr put his hand on MOMO's shoulder. "Do ya need me for anythin' right now?"

Pluto nodded obediently, letting Venus help her.

MOMO glanced at Jr for a moment and then shook her head. "I'll help Dr Uzuki watch over chaos if you want to check the Vessels to see if they're still acting up."

Jr nodded, "All right. I'll head back here after I check on 'em."

Citan nodded. "Please check Fenrir as well."

"Got it, Doc." Jr waved to MOMO and Citan as he headed out.

MOMO waved back.

Venus settled Pluto on the other bed.

Citan finished preparing the draught, and then brought it over to Pluto. He sat it down on the table next to the bed, for when she was ready for it.

Pluto nodded a little, reaching for the draught now that she was able to focus enough to know that she needed it.

Venus waited.

Pluto just held the draught for a moment, then took it and lay back down again, with the predictable result of falling asleep fairly quickly.

Citan waited until she was asleep, before turning to Venus. "You do not need to stay," he allowed.

"I know," Venus said. She smiled. "I just wanted to make sure she at least fell asleep alright."

Citan nodded in understanding.

"Arigato, Citan-sensei. I'll come back tomorrow to see her." She gave him a small bow.

Citan nodded.

With that, Venus left, giving MOMO a quick wave goodbye.

MOMO waved back, then turned to Citan. "Do you need help with anything?" she asked him.

"Not at this moment. Pluto, I believe will be fine. It is chaos I'm worried about."

MOMO nodded. "Maybe, like Sailor Venus said, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune would know a bit more."

"They might, although it is late."

She nodded. "Yes... Perhaps tomorrow, then."

Citan nodded.

"Alright. Do you want me to stay?"

"It's up to you. chaos shouldn't be waking up before morning at the earliest."

"Then I'll come back then and relieve you, if you'd like."

Citan nodded. "When Pluto awakens, we can discuss more what can be done."

MOMO nodded as well. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then." She gave him a small smile and then headed out, deciding to see if Jr was still in the hangar.


sailor pluto, albedo, chaos, citan, sango, sailor venus minako, jr, momo

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