Who: Duo, Heero, Lelouch, Marie, MOMO, Quatre, Trowa
When: Afternoon after Duo and Trowa work on the Gundams
Where: Hangar, Quatre & Trowa's hut, sports fields, first aid station
Rating: PG-13 for blood, violence
Warnings: None
Notes: None
Summary: Lelouch takes over Duo and sends him after Quatre.
Duo yawned. He decided he needed to finish some of the other maintenance he didn't get to on Deathscythe that morning, so he stepped out of his hut and started for the hangar after telling Taffy to stay this time. The drill noise had bothered her, and he didn't want her to get upset again if he snapped another bolt.
Lelouch was lounging on the foot of Deathscythe, hands folded behind his head book in his lap, eyes closed.
Duo stepped into the hangar and started across, but he froze in place when he saw who had the nerve to be sitting on his Gundam. He tensed.
The dark haired Prince didn't move, or even acknowledge Duo's presence.
"Get off my Gundam," he said sharply.
Lelouch opened his eyes. "Oh, this is yours?"
"Get. Off."
He slipped off the foot and bowed mockingly to Duo. "Forgive me."
"Hmph. Fine." He left it at that and walked over, grabbing his tools on the way. He had no intention of getting too close to Lelouch. In fact, he was just going to ignore him now and get to work.
"You think you're so wonderful." He sneered.
Duo climbed up on the foot and grabbed the winch line. "Just here to work, Lelouch. Go away." He pulled on it and rode it up to the hatch, landing after it opened.
Lelouch met Duo's eyes before he went up on the winch line. Opening his right eye, he smirked as the red bird flew out of his eye and towards Duo.
"What th-?" He stumbled as he landed, everything going black. The last conscious thought he had was asking how the hell he'd let his guard down.
Lelouch walked over to Duo and smirked at him.
The pilot's body stood there, a blank stare on his face.
"Now... I have two orders for you..."
A flicker of a response appeared in Duo's eyes, but was gone.
"First, attack Quatre. Second, you forget this entire encounter." Lelouch said.
There was a moment of resistance. Another stubborn Gundam pilot.
The dark Prince pressed down further on his control over Duo.
The body physically tensed before him, but then relaxed slightly. He put down the tools and started to walk out of the hangar.
Lelouch smirked and followed, taking care to stay out of sight.
Duo strode rather purposefully across the village towards Quatre's hut.
Quatre was sitting peacefully in his hut, reading, Maki in his lap.
Trowa was in the kitchen with Milo.
The possessed pilot didn't even bother knocking. He stepped inside, but then froze.
Quatre looked up and set down his book. He picked up Maki and put him down on the ground. "Duo? What are you doing here?" He rose to his feet and walked over to his brother, looking confused.
Duo tensed visibly, but couldn't speak. He was fighting with something. He reached back for his gun somewhat stiffly.
"Duo...?" Quatre asked slowly, backing away from the taller teen.
The American's eyes went dull again as Lelouch's control took hold completely, and he pulled his gun out, aiming it at Quatre.
The blonde's eyes widened as he saw the red rings around Duo's eyes. "Duo! Snap out of it!" He yelled.
Trowa turned when he heard Quatre's shout. He ran to the door of the kitchen, Milo dodging in front of him to see what was going on.
At Quatre's yell, Duo's arm shook slightly, giving a moment of hesitation for Quatre to run.
"Duo, put down the gun." Quatre said reaching out to his friend. "Please."
He shook his head ever so slightly, then clicked off the safety.
"Duo please, put down the gun. This isn't you." He whispered taking a step closer.
"Duo, put the gun down," Trowa said, eyeing Milo who was obviously taking all of this a major threat.
'I can't,' he thought. 'Quatre... just run... please...' But he couldn't say it. He just couldn't say it. And he had no idea how long he could hold off.
"Please Duo... Put it down." Tears were in Quatre's eyes.
"Quatre, run," Trowa told him.
"No! I'm not leaving Duo." Quatre ground out, eyes focused on Duo.
Duo's eyes deadened again. He was losing control. His aim on the blond steadied suddenly.
Quatare shook, eyes never leaving Duo. Tears fell down his face when he saw the red brighten.
Trowa dodged forward and grabbed Quatre's arm. Without saying a word, he pulled Quatre toward the door of the hut just to get him out of the hut and away from the person trying to shoot him.
The blonde struggeled against Trowa, yanking his arm away. "No! I'm not leaving him! I refuse! He can break this!"
As Quatre said that, Duo burst out of the hut after them, hellbent on chasing them down.
The blonde turned towards Duo, breath hitching at how close he was to his friend.
Trowa grabbed Quatre's arm again. "He's trying to shoot you Quatre!" With that, Trowa tried to pulled Quatre away from Duo.
He pulled his arm away again. "No!" Quatre snapped, before turning his eyes back to Duo.
They were closer to the gym fields now, and Duo took aim again, not stopping his run. This time, he fired.
Quatre froze, eyes widening. He looked down at his side and saw blood coming from it. He covered the wound with one hand, struggling to stay on his feet. "Duo... Put down... The gun, please."
Marie was spending a little time over at the soccer pitch when she suddenly heard the too-familiar sound of a gunshot. Against common sense, she ran towards the sound.
Milo had followed them up to the field, seeing what had happened to Quatre, he immediately crouched and started snarling at Duo. Trowa immediately started to look for away to get Duo before Milo decided he needed to.
Duo started to shake, now holding the gun with both hands once he came to a stop. Still pointing it at Quatre, the look in his eyes shifted again as he tried to battle back for control... before he carried out Lelouch's second command.
"Duo... Please, stop it." He winced as he took a step towards Duo, blood running between his fingers.
Marie stopped in her tracks as she saw Duo standing there with a gun aimed at Quatre. "DUO! STOP IT!"
'Let me go...' he thought, trying to push against Lelouch. 'LET ME GO!'
Trowa dodged forward quickly. Milo was ready to attack. For both Duo and Quatre, this had to stop. He nailed Duo with some force in the gut.
The American collapsed predictably.
Marie ran over to Quatre since Trowa was around Duo. "What happened?"
He looked at Marie. "Duo... He.. Lelouch took him over."
Marie's eyes widened, "N-no..."
Trowa took the gun from Duo even though he was unconscious and knelt to make sure that he was alright. Milo had stopped his threat when Trowa had taken over and knocked Duo out.
Quatre nodded. "Yes..." He dropped to his knees.
Marie put her arms around Quatre, "Are you all right?"
Trowa turned to look as well.
"I've been shot... In the side..." he whispered, struggling to stay awake
Milo came trotting over to see if Quatre was alright.
Marie tried to help Quatre up a little, "You have to go to the first aid station!"
"Can you walk?" Trowa called. "He's out cold. He needs to be carried."
"I can try..." Quatre called back strugging to his feet. He winced and then fell again. "Heero... Someone..."
"You can always lean on me if you have to, but I need to carry him."
Marie stood up, "He can lean on me if he needs to as well."
The blonde nodded and then pushed himself up again.
Heero had been in the library, but he heard the shot. There was no mistaking what it was, and it wasn't coming from the training grounds. He only just made it to the group. "What happened?" he demanded.
"Lelouch... Duo..." Quatre said leaning a bit against Marie, holding his wound.
Marie did her best to help keep Quatre up, "Quatre was shot."
Trowa picked up Duo and carried him over so he would be there if Quatre needed to lean on him.
Heero frowned. Seeing Trowa had the unconscious American, he moved to Quatre's other side. He didn't like the amount of blood. "Let's go."
He nodded and leaned further against Heero, taking his weight off of Marie. "Duo..."
"He'll be alright," Trowa said.
Holding Quatre upright as they started moving, Heero really didn't like how pale the Arabian looked. Granted, he was fair to begin with but... "Are you okay to walk?" he asked.
Marie stayed by Quatre's other side, making sure Heero didn't have to do it all by himself.
Quatre smiled weakly at Heero. "If I can pilot a Gundam after being run through with a fencing foil, I should be able to walk a bit to the first aid station."
Milo trotted alongside, wanting to make sure that Quatre was alright.
"Hn." Heero frowned a bit, but didn't argue. Quatre could be just as stubborn as the rest of them at times.
He was shaking a bit as he continued walking with Heero and Marie.
Marie glanced over at Quatre, not liking the way he looked. She kept a closer eye on him than where she was going.
Trowa turned to look. "Heero, could you possibly carry Duo? If I carry Quatre, we can get him to the first aid station faster."
Heero nodded.
Quatre's eyes began to flutter a bit, feeling woozy.
Trowa walked over to them. "Quatre, lean on me so Heero can Duo."
The blonde nodded and leaned against Trowa, hand tightening over his wound.
With Quatre's weight on Trowa, Heero shifted and hefted Duo from the 03 pilot to his own shoulder instead.
Once Duo was out of his arms, Trowa picked Quatre up into his arms as gently as he could and started to carry him in the direction of the first aid hut.
Quatre rested his head against Trowa's chest, eyes shutting.
Milo started to follow as well, but stopped and sniffed the air for a moment then galloped off in another direction.
With everyone settled, the group made their way the rest of the way to the first aid station much faster.
Quatre was in and out of conciousness when they reached the first aid station.
MOMO happened to be on duty that day and opened the door before they were even close enough to try opening it. "What happened?!" she said, moving so they could get to the beds.
Trowa quickly took Quatre over to the bed. "Duo was possessed by Lelouch and was made to shoot Quatre."
Heero moved and put Duo on the other bed.
MOMO ran a quick scan of everyone and went to Quatre first.
The bullet wasn't in Quatre's side, it was a through and through shot, but he was bleeding heavily.
Sensing it wasn't there, MOMO knew she could move right to healing. She held her hands over his side and closed her eyes. "Mystical powers, grant me a miracle," she whispered, casting her stronger healing ether.
The bleeding slowed and stopped, the wound healing over a bit. Quatre's breathing evened out, but he remained out.
Trowa sat down beside Quatre, relieved that Quatre was doing better now.
MOMO glanced at Marie quickly, making sure she was okay, too, before crossing to Duo. Some bruising and severe exhaustion didn't warrant any healing. She gave Heero a small smile. "He'll come around on his own," she sadi.
Heero nodded.
Marie breathed a little easier after seeing that Quatre was healed a bit.
Trowa stroked Quatre's hair gently. "Thank you," he said to MOMO.
MOMO nodded. "They'll both need rest."
The blonde stirred a bit, and coughed as his eyes opened. "Duo?" he asked weakly looking at Trowa.
"He's going to be fine," Trowa said with a smile.
"Thank Allah... He... He's going to hate himself."
Heero frowned. He knew that feeling all too well, unfortunately.
Marie nodded, "Do you want me to let anyone know of what's happening?"
"Don't let anyone know." Quatre muttered.
Heero gave Quatre a questioning look.
"Aren't people going to find out eventually anyway?" MOMO asked.
Marie nodded, "At the least, Father and Zechs need to be told. In case he tries anything with them."
"No one outside our circle." Quatre whispered as his eyes began to drop.
Duo groaned slightly.
Heero looked at Duo sharply.
"Duo?" Quatre asked struggling to sit up.
"Lay down," Trowa said softly to Quatre.
The American winced. His head was throbbing, his ribs hurt... what the hell...? Everything was so foggy.
"Duo..." The blonde called again.
He slowly opened his eyes. They were clear, but tired. He wasn't under Lelouch's control anymore.
Quatre smiled, tears running down his face. "Duo... What happened?"
"I..." He closed his eyes again. He couldn't think.
Heero frowned. "Let him be, Quatre..."
The blonde looked down, nodding. He then settled back against the pillows, eyes slidding shut.
Trowa smiled. "Get some sleep, Quatre."
Marie tried to smile a little, "I'll get going if that's okay with you guys?"
Trowa nodded. "That is fine."
Heero nodded. "Be careful going back."
"Be caureful Mariemeia..." Quatre whispered.
"Maybe someone should go with her?" MOMO suggested.
"I'll be fine!"
"Don't go anywhere alone..." the blonde said gently as his eyes slid shut.
"I'll go with you," Heero offered. "He can't control me again."
Marie nodded. "All right."
He nodded and headed towards the door. "I'll come back and check on them later," he told Trowa.
Trowa nodded. "Okay."
Quatre was soon asleep, hand intertwined with Trowa's.
MOMO glanced at Duo, who had also drifted back off to sleep.
Heero waited at the door. "Ready?" he asked Marie.
"I'm ready." Marie tried smiling a little, "Let's go to Father's hut."
He nodded, not really up for even trying a smile. He headed out with her, walking her back to Treize's hut.
Trowa looked up at MOMO, gently taking his hand from Quatre's. "Would you be alright watching them alone for a few minutes? I should really go check on something back at the hut."
MOMO nodded. "I'll be alright."
Trowa rose and headed out, whistling for Milo to come to him. He waited for the wolf then headed back to his hut to check on the puppy.