RP Log: Oh yay

Dec 26, 2007 21:31

Who: chaos, Citan, Jamie
Where: Jamie's hut, first-aid station
When: last Friday
Warnings: angst
Summary: At Rinon's behest, chaos goes to check in on Jamie and take him to get help.

chaos was worried. Rinon had tried to calm down, but he could still tell how upset she had been when she came and told him that Jamie needed help. So now he was here at Jamie's hut, knocking on the front door.

The teen in question was not about to get up and confront whoever was at the door; in fact he hadn't really moved since the previous day, only shifting enough to lean back against the bed as he'd done yesterday, legs drawn up to his chest, forehead propped on his knees. He figured whoever was knocking would come in of their own volition if their business was really that urgent.

chaos couldn't just walk into the hut, so he called out as he knocked again. "Jamie-kun?"

Jamie sighed. "What?" he called dully, not lifting his head. He didn't care whether he was heard or not.

chaos barely heard him. "Will you let me in?" he called back.

Distantly he wondered if the door was locked; Leena hadn't had any trouble getting in yesterday. "It's unlocked," he called in the same listless tone, though he didn't know for sure if it actually was.

chaos sighed, and opened the door, taking it as an invitation. He knew which room was Jamie's, and knocked there, too.

Jamie sighed again and raised his head a little. "Come in," he said, sounding distinctly unenthusiastic.

chaos came in, and closed the door softly behind him. "Rinon-chan asked me to come see you, Jamie-kun."

"I know," he said quietly.

"When was the last time you ate?"

That wasn't quite the first thing he'd expected chaos to ask him, but he felt too numb to express any surprise. Jamie shrugged in response; he hadn't been keeping track of his meal schedule, which had become more and more sporadic during the past week.

chaos nodded, walking over to Jamie. "Come on, let's get you something to eat, then."

"'m not hungry."

"It doesn't matter if you're hungry or not, you need to eat something."

"I ate yesterday," he lied, curling up a little more tightly.

"That was yesterday."

Jamie said nothing, pressing his chin against his knees, staring at the side of the dresser.

chaos put his arm on Jamie's shoulder. "Come on."

Jamie heaved a quiet sigh and closed his eyes. "I'm really not hungry," he said. "It's fine."

"Jamie-kun. You are not fine. I'm afraid that at this point, you need medical attention."

"'s not that bad," he mumbled against his knees.

"Yes, it is." chaos was tired of beating around the bush, and he simply lifted Jamie up off the bed, showing strength one would not guess from his appearance.

Jamie squawked angrily; he did not like being carried. "Hey!"

"I'm taking you to the first aid station. Perhaps Kabuto-kun or Citan-sensei will be able to do what you obviously can't do for yourself."

Jamie struggled feebly, trying to extricate himself from chaos' surprisingly strong grasp. "Put me down," he demanded.

"No," chaos replied simply.

He only redoubled his efforts, which, unsurprisingly, had little effect. "Let GO!"

chaos didn't want to, but he knew that Jamie struggling all the way there would take it's toll on him. "You can come with me quietly, or I can use my Ether to put you to sleep. It's your choice."

Jamie remained tense a moment longer and abruptly slumped, going utterly limp. chaos was a lot stronger than he looked; no doubt he wasn't going to leave without Jamie, one way or another. He sighed shakily, running a hand over his face. "Fine, I'll go, just - put me down. All right? Please?" His tone was growing more and more unsteady.

chaos nodded, and lowed Jamie so that he could stand up.

Jamie pulled away, briefly contemplated making a break for it, acknowledged that he didn't have a chance of getting out of this one and gave up, standing where chaos had deposited him, staring at the floor.

"Come on..." chaos said gently, walking toward the door.

Jamie trailed after him, somewhat unsteadily.

Once they were out of the hut, chaos walked beside Jamie, to keep him steady.

Silently Jamie trudged along beside chaos, letting the other lead. Eyes downcast, he nonetheless squinted a bit in the weak winter sunlight, the first he'd seen in days.

chaos remained quiet, but glanced worriedly at his companion occassionally.

Jamie said nothing the entire walk to the first-aid station. When they reached their destination he hesitated, having second thoughts about willingly going in.



"Are you alright?"

"Fine," he answered reflexively, his dead gaze focused on the door of the building.

chaos sighed, holding the door open for Jamie.

Reluctantly, Jamie stepped through the door, hovering just inside. He hated hospitals, had done ever since he was little; even the infirmary back home made him uncomfortable. He was too emotionally dulled to feel apprehensive, but he wasn't in the slightest happy about being here.

Citan looked up as the station was entered. "Jamie?" he asked, noting chaos' presence as well.

The teen glanced up at Citan's voice. "Yeah," he said uncomfortably.

Citan stood up and put his arm around Jamie's shoulder, gently leading him towards the beds in the back. "What's wrong?"

Jamie let the older man guide him towards the rear of the building. "chaos said I should come," he answered in a mutter.

Citan glanced over his shoulder at chaos, who nodded. "Have you been eating properly?"

Jamie sighed a little and shrugged.

Citan looked at chaos, who nodded and slipped out the door. "Why don't you sit down here? chaos is going to go get something from the cafe."

Obediently Jamie slumped into a chair beside one of the beds, hands lying limply in his lap. He wished everyone would stop making such a big deal out of everything.

Citan sat down on the bed next to Jamie. "How can I help you, Jamie?"

He shrugged again, apathetically. Nothing'd changed since he'd talked with Quatre last week; he still didn't know what would help.

"There are many who are worried about you."

"I know," he said, his throat tightening.

"Can you tell me why they're so worried?"

Jamie stared at the floor and swallowed. "I dunno," he said hoarsely. He knew why everyone was worried, he just didn't trust himself to explain it without breaking down.

"Could it have anything to do with why chaos brought you here?"


"And why did chaos bring you here?"

Jamie shifted in his chair, clasping his hands tightly together. "Said I wasn't taking care of myself," he said in a low voice.

"Have you been?"

Jamie shrugged, staring down at the linoleum.


He shrugged again. "Haven't felt like it."

"Why not?"

"Just...didn't feel like it."

"Is something bothering you? Is that why?"

"I guess."

"What is it that's bothering you?"

At the same time, chaos came back in, bringing a tray with a bowl of soup and some bread on it. Not wanting to bother the others, he sat it on the table, and sat down at Citan's desk.

chaos' entrance didn't even register to Jamie. The teen shifted again, a listless imitation of his more habitual fidget. "Thinking about stuff," he said, even more softly.

"What stuff?" Citan moved around Jamie to retrieve the tray, then brought it back and offered it to him.

Jamie glanced at it disinterestedly before returning his gaze to the floor. He fell silent, trying to slog through the soupy morass of apathy bogging him down and produce a workable explanation. Ultimately, he found none. "I don't really wanna talk about it," he managed.

"Alright," Citan said. "But will you at least eat?"

"'m not hungry," he said, for the second time that day.

"Jamie, as a doctor, I have to insist that you at least try to eat a little bit."

Jamie shook his head, steeling himself for a fight.

Citan sighed. "chaos, who was in the cafe?"

"Jon," chaos replied.

Citan sighed again. "A shame to waste Jon's good cooking..."

Jamie squeezed his eyes shut, tensing visibly. Like he needed any more guilt... "Then you eat it," he muttered, his voice unsteady.

"I actually just ate before you came."

Jamie made an irritated, resigned noise. "I'm really not hungry."

"Alright... chaos-san, would you come set this back at the table? We can always reheat it later."

Jamie sighed quietly, staring at his folded hands. He supposed he'd won this round, if you could consider that a win.

chaos got the tray from Citan, and sat it back on the table. "Jamie-kun, we just want to help you."

"I know."

"Can you think of any ways we can do that?" Citan asked.

Jamie slowly shook his head. He couldn't even verbalize what was wrong, let alone how to fix it.

Citan nodded.

The teen remained silent, distractedly running his thumb across the knuckles of the opposite hand, staring at the floor.

"Would you like to stay here, for a little while?"

He shrugged. "If I have to."

"I'd worry if you were left alone, Jamie-kun," chaos said softly. "Sensei can make sure no one bothers you, if you want to be alone."

Jamie remained quiet for a while. Finally, he shrugged. "Fine."

Citan nodded. "Is there anything you need?"

Jamie shook his head.

"Alright, then. Feel free to pull the curtain back if you'd like, I'll be right over here at my desk."

Jamie nodded silently, the dull, dead look clouding his features again.

chaos sighed, leaning next to the door. "I'm sorry, Sensei... I don't know what to do, how to help him," he said softly.

"I understand... We'll have to figure out something, though..."

With another quiet sigh, Jamie rose heavily from his chair and closed the curtain around the bed. Without bothering to take off his shoes, he curled up on the bed, his back to the rest of the room, and tried to block out the sounds of chaos and Citan worrying about him.

chaos nodded, and headed out of the first aid station.

Citan sighed, and sat back down in his chair.

chaos, citan, jamie

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