RP Log - Talk of Homes

Oct 21, 2007 01:12

Who: Midna and Miakis
When: a few days ago
Where: cafe
Rating: G
Warnings: Twilight Princess and Suikoden references
Summary: Miakis and Midna talk in the cafe

Midna sat in the cafe. It was after work and she was bored. She swirled her coffee around in her cup before taking a sip of it.

Miakis walked into the cafe. Marie was hanging out with the other girls, Relena was with Heero, Allenby was with Jamie, and Rinon was working in the hangar, where she'd also seen that doctor working. So Miakis figured she'd take a few minutes for herself.

Midna glanced up as someone walked into the cafe. She watched her for a moment, then turned back to her coffee, swirling it around in her mug again.

"Hi!" Miakis called out, feeling it rude not to acknowledge the other woman.

Midna looked up again. "Hello," she replied. She gestured to the empty seat across from her. "Would you care to join me?"

"Only if you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all."

Miakis smiled and sat down. "I'm Miakis!"

"My name is Midna."

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Midna."

"And it is a pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Miakis."

"You don't have to call me 'miss'."


Miakis smiled.

"It's rather quiet in here at the moment," Midna remarked.

"I'm glad of the break."

"Busy day?"

"I'm always busy."

"What is your job if I may ask?"


"Ah. I can understand how you would be busy."

"I have four charges, right now."

"Ah, yes, you are busy."

Miakis nodded. "I do miss my princess, though."

"What's the world like where you are from?" Midna asked, swirling her coffee again.

"It's beautiful! Falena has a bunch of rivers, and the Sun Palace is on a lake, even!"

"That does sound beautiful."

"And the war's over now, too."

"That's good.

"I hope Lym is doing alright without me."

"I'm sure she is," Midna remarked.

"I hope so..."

Midna took a sip of her coffee silent for a moment.

"Hopefully the Prince and Lyon will be able to protect her."

"I'm sure they will."

"I know that the Prince is now the Commander of the Queen's Knights, but that [i]is[/i] a lot of responsibility, further than protecting Lymsleia."

Midna nodded. "That can be a difficult task."

Miakis sighed. "What about you? Where are you from? Do they have Dragon Horses?"

"The world I am from doesn't have much, but the world I have visited has dragons and horses, but not the two combined. I am from another dimension where the Twili live. The other world I mentioned is the world of Hyrule."

Miakis thought. "Dragons and horses are good, but it would be nice to find somewhere that had dragon horses..."

"Are they in your world?"

Miakis nodded. "I love them."

"It would be interesting to meet one of them."

"I wish we had some here."

"I wish we did as well."


"I'd like to see them."

"I think I saw a book of the History of the Dragon Calvary in the library. I'll find it for you sometime."

"That would be great. Thank you."

Miakis beamed. It wasn't often that someone was interested in stuff from her world, barring what the Runes could do.

"How large do the dragon horses get?"

Miakis thought. "Most of 'em are about a person's height."

Midna nodded and took a sip of her coffee. "At least they aren't too big."

"They're big enough when you have to muck out their stalls..."

Midna chuckled. "Of course."

Miakis wrinkled her nose.

"I saw too much of that in Hyrule."


"Link, who I was kind of forced to follow around, worked on a goat ranch and had his own horse..." Midna shook her head slightly at the memory.


Midna sighed.

"You okay?"

Midna smiled. "Yes. I am."


"It was just the memory. My time in Hyrule wasn't the most pleasant."


"Link was nice enough. It was just the reason I had ended up there."


"I was there because Zant had overthrown me and taken the powers that came with my rule from me."


Midna nodded. "I am the ruler of the Twilis. He somehow managed to overthrow me. Even I'm not quite sure how it happened."

"Oh... Back home, the Godwin family tried to take over Falena."

"I'm assuming that is a bad thing."

Miakis nodded.

Midna sighed. "Everyone in the world wants power...at the expensive of everyone else."

Miakis nodded.

Midna took another sip of her coffee.

"The Prince fought against them. Raised a whole army just to save Lym and Falena."

"That's good."

Miakis nodded.

"I assume it was successful."

Miakis nodded. "It was."

"That is also good."

"Well, I should let you go."

"If you are sure..."

"I shouldn't leave my charges for very long."

"Ah, yes," Midna said. "Go check on your charges. It was good talking with you."

"I'll find that book for you, too."

"Thank you."

Miakis smiled.

Midna smiled back.

Miakis trotted out of the cafe.

Midna watched her go and turned back to her coffee.

miakis, midna

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