RP Log - Chat in the Cafe

Oct 10, 2007 16:42

Who: chaos and Midna
When: two days ago
Where: cafe
Rating: G
Warnings: Twilight Princess spoilers, Xenosaga references
Notes: none
Summary: chaos and Midna talk in the cafe

chaos walked into the cafe, glancing to see who was on duty. Pluto was working, and he wasn't in the mood to fix anything for himself.

Midna was sitting at one of the tables in the cafe. She had her food in front of her, but for the moment, she was looking over some sheet music. She didn't notice anyone had walked into the cafe.

chaos noticed Midna sitting there, and walked over. "Would you mind some company?" he asked politely.

Midna looked up. "I wouldn't mind. Please join me."

chaos smiled, and sat down in one of the unoccupied seats.

"My name is Midna."


"It's a pleasure to meet you, chaos."

"A pleasure to meet you as well."

"I think I have heard of you before," Midna remarked, picking up her tea and swirling it a little in her cup. "Do you know a woman named Pluto?"

"I do," chaos said, giving his order for his lunch.

"I met her at the grocery store a little while ago," Midna remarked, taking a sip of her tea.

chaos thought for a moment, then smiled, knowing what she must've been purchasing.

"Such interesting people on this island...Did you two come from the same place?"

"We did not, although we have met in the past."

"She was telling me a little about her home when we first met. It is good that you have someone else here that you know."

"It is, although there are others from my world here, as well."

"That is also good."

chaos sighed. "At times..."

"I'm guessing someone from your world was not behaving properly recently."

"It's not that, per se... Albedo and Jr-kun have an... interesting... relationship."


"They are brothers."

"That does not sound too odd," Midna remarked, taking another sip of her tea.

"They were... separated... for 14 years..."

"Well, that is a little unusual."

"They're reunion did not go well."

"Ah. I would suspect."

"There is a lot of bad blood between the two of them. And Albedo enjoys riling Jr-kun up."


chaos sighed. "It normally wouldn't be a problem, except that Jr-kun tends to have anger problems where his brother is concerned."

"That is not good."

"No, it's not." chaos' food arrived, and he took a bite of his sandwich.

Midna put her tea down and turned to the salad she had ordered, poking through it with her fork for a moment before actually eating any.

"How is your food?"

"Good. How is yours?"

"It is good as well."

"This island...is it in any way similar to world that you have come from?"

"Not really. In my world, I live on a ship in outer space."

"Ah." Midna chuckled. "I have read about that, but never had the opportunity to get there, whether it is livable or not."

"It usually is not livable, without specialized ships or suits."

Midna smiled. "Interesting. Trowa has talked of being there before as well."

"Yes, the boys with the Gundams have colonies, from what I have heard."

Midna nodded. "The majority of them have lived most their lives on space colonies. Trowa lived on the planet for a while before he went, if I am remembering what he told me correctly."

chaos nodded.

"The world I visited before this...it was very backward compared to this one."

"This world is similar to some people, and very different from others."

Midna nodded. "It's not so much the environment as it is the people. The world had woods like those and wolves. But everyone had to either ride horses or walk, only occasionally able to take a boat anywhere. Here...there is so much more that have arrived with the people."

chaos nodded. "I've contributed to some of it, I'm afraid."


"The ES Asher in the hangar belongs to Jr-kun and myself."

"Ah. Not that I mind. I would like to learn more about the other people here, but it is a little bit of a shock. Not to mention all the light here."

"Your world has more darkness?"

"The world where I was born and I am the leader does...it's not so much darkness...Imagine this world at twilight. That is our world."

chaos nodded. "There really is no 'day' or 'night' in space."

Midna nodded. "There is no difference in my world either. It is always like twilight."

"It can be hard on one."

"It is what I have always known. I am more comfortable at twilight because it is more like home to me. This world, the light is hard on me and my people. That is why much prefer to travel at night. Also the light here could kill my people if they were to end up here."

chaos nodded.

"Because of the light on our world, this light is too harsh for us. The only reason I again stand in the sunlight is because in Hyrule I was accidentally purified by the light spirit Lanayru."


Midna nodded. "Zant used me as a shield between himself and Lanayru. Lanayru was after Zant."

"It seems that people are always being used as a shield... whether they wish to or not."

Midna nodded. "Though everything worked out. Zant was defeated by Link."

"I can only hope that things work out so well in my world."

"I hope so as well. Though I have the feeling that it is not going to be so simple...even in my world."

"Things are never simple."

Midna shook her head. "No. They are not."

chaos sighed, continuing to eat his sandwich.

Midna returned to eating her salad.

"I am sorry for bringing up such painful things."

"No, it is alright," Midna remarked. "I have returned to my normal self, their world and my world are, for the moment, safe, and I have my powers back."

"I wish I was so lucky."

"Some day you will be."

"I don't know..."

"If someone had told me that everything would return to normal. I would have doubted them before."

"Things have progressed too far to go back to 'normal'. Either the world will be destroyed, or reset..."


chaos nodded. "There is a device, that, if given the proper power source, will ennact the eternal reccurance."

"Ah. Sounds like it would be useful."

"It is not. Time is not something meant to be repeated with no end. I know Pluto feels the saem way, as well."

"When you put it that way, I understand," Midna said, nodding her head once.

chaos sighed.

"Sounds like you have an awful burden on your shoulders," Midna remarked.

"I do..."

"So many do in these times."

chaos looked down. "They do."

"Now it is my turn to apologize for breaking up bad feelings."

chaos shook his head. "It's fine."

Midna returned to eating her salad for the moment.

"What was it that you were looking at?"

"Some music. My coworker is writing a piece of music and he wanted to me see what I thought of it."

"Aaaa." chaos tried to think of who might've written it. "Taiki-san?" he guessed.

Midna shook her head. "Trowa. He said he just doing this for practice."


Midna nodded.

"Well, I'll leave you to your music, then."

Midna nodded. "It was good talking to you."

"And you as well."

chaos, midna

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