RP Log - Dress Fitting Time

Jul 04, 2007 21:32

Who: Pluto, Riza, Winry & Marie
When: Last Friday
Where: clothing store
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: See end of log for dresses mentioned
Summary: All of the females involved in the wedding head for their dress fittings.

Winry yelped, realizing she was a few minutes late for getting Marie and bringing her to the clothing store. She ran out of her hut and headed for the young girl's, knocking rapidly on the door.

Marie answered the door quickly, having been waiting for Winry for the past few minutes. "You're here!"

"I'm sorry!" Winry said quickly. "I lost track of time."

"Let's just get over there!" Marie quickly left her hut, closing the door behind her.

Winry nodded and hurried along with her towards the clothing shop.

Pluto looked up from her teacup when the two girls rushed into the clothing store, "You're late."

Riza smiled from where she was sitting with Pluto. "It's fine."

"Sorry!" Winry said.

Marie caught her breath, "Winry was late getting me."

"Don't scold them," Riza told Pluto.

Pluto looked at Riza, "Would you care to show the girls the dresses they will be trying on?"

Riza nodded, and walked over to the evening gown section, to find the dresses she'd been looking at earlier.

Winry watched to see what Riza picked out.

Marie straightened back up as she watched Riza, "What color did you choose?"

"A sky blue," she said, pulling one dress off of the rack. "Winry, this is what I chose for yourself and Pluto."

"I like the color," Winry said, admiring the fabric.

Pluto smiled, "I have already found mine, but you will need to try yours on to see if I need to make any alterations."

"What about me?" Marie asked.

Riza was trying to find the other dress she'd decided on again.

Winry nodded at Pluto, holding the one she had been handed. "Can I try it on now?" she asked.

Pluto nodded, "Yes, you can. It will be easier for you to change in the back room so I can take care of marking alterations."

Winry nodded and headed back there to change.

Riza pulled out the other dress she'd been looking for. "Here's yours, Mariemeia."

Marie's eyes widened as she saw the sky blue dress. "It's cute!"

Riza smiled.

Pluto waited for Winry to finish changing, knocking on the door. "Let me know if you are ready."

"Well... I can't zip the back," Winry answered.

"Would you like some help?" Pluto offered, seeing that Marie was still wide-eyed at the sight of her dress.

"Yes, please."

Pluto walked into the back, easily zipping up Winry's dress.

"Thanks!" she said, then examined the dress in the mirror that was back there. "What do you think?"

Pluto smiled, "Please turn around so I can get a better look at how the dress looks from all angles."

Winry did as she was instructed.

Pluto took a pincushion, seeing a couple areas where the dress could be altered. "Please stand still for a few minutes."


Pluto expertly pinned the spots, only taking a few minutes to do it. "Be very careful when taking the dress off."

"How's it going back there?" Riza called.

Winry nodded, noting the change in the fit. "Can you..." She turned her back to Pluto, asking for help in unzipping.

Pluto smiled and unzipped the back of Winry's dress. "You should be able to get out of it now."

Marie waited patiently with her dress in her arms, knowing she would be next.

"Thank you." Winry picked up her clothes and moved to where she could get changed once again.

Pluto came out of the back, smiling at Riza and Marie. "It will be just a few minutes while Winry gets changed."

Riza nodded, sipping her tea again.

There was a startled yelp, followed by some hushed curses, but Winry emerged shortly. She rubbed at her side. "One of them got me," she said. "No blood, though, so don't worry."

Pluto sighed, "Is the pin still in the dress?"

Winry nodded.

Pluto breathed a sigh of relief. "That is good to hear. Mariemeia, it is your turn to change now."

Marie nodded and headed into the back.

Riza sat down again.

Winry handed Pluto the dress, having put it back on the hanger.

Pluto took the dress, hanging it up on an empty rack. "How badly were you pricked?"

"Not bad... just enough to sting me and make it itch a bit." Winry shrugged. "I've done worse working on automail."

Marie's voice came out from where she was changing, "I need some help, please!"

Pluto went back to where Marie was changing, seeing that the girl was having the same problems with zipping up her dress. She easily zipped up the dress, "There you go, Marie."

Marie showed Pluto her dress, slowly turning around.

Pluto smiled, "Go show everyone else your dress, Marie. I do not think I will have to alter it."

Marie smiled widely, walking out to show Riza and Winry how her dress looked.

"It's lovely, Mariemeia."

Winry giggled. "It's so pretty on you!" she said.

Marie smiled, then walked back to get changed.

Pluto sat down, sipping her tea. "Mariemeia's dress looks perfect as it is."

Riza nodded in agreement.

Marie returned a few minutes later, dress over her arm before handing it to Pluto. "That was easy!"

Riza smiled at the girl.

"So... when should I come back?" Winry asked Pluto.

Pluto smiled faintly, "Come back anytime after at least a week. I will make sure to have your dress ready for another fitting by then."

"Do you have anything ready for me to try?" Riza asked.

"Actually, I do." Pluto smiled, "There is a dress whose skirt I was thinking of using for you, and I want to make sure it is the correct length."

Riza nodded and stood up.

Pluto handed Riza the dress she referred to, "Winry, Mariemeia, you two do not have to stay any longer."

Riza took the dress from Pluto, walking to the back.

"Alright... I'll see you in a week or so, then," Winry said.

Marie smiled, "I will see you another time, Miss Pluto!"

Pluto smiled, "Goodbye Winry! Goodbye Mariemeia!"

Riza waited until she heard the girls leave, then peeked her head out the door. "Pluto, if you wouldn't mind...?"

Pluto nodded, going back to help Riza with her dress.

"These darn zippers..."

"Everyone complains about them," Pluto smiled, helping Riza with the zipper.

Riza smiled at Pluto, then stepped back and turned. "How is it?"

Pluto looked at the skirt for a few minutes, "...I think it will work nicely. You will have to
come back again when I get the rest taken care of since those will need adjustments."

"Of course."

"This is a good start."

Riza smiled.

Pluto smiled, "Would you like some help with the zipper again?"

"Yes please."

Pluto helped Riza with the zipper again before letting the other woman finish changing.

Riza came out a few minutes later, dress on hangar.

Pluto smiled at Riza, "I think we are finished with the dresses for now. Would you like to stay and finish your tea?"

"I would."

"I have been working a little on chaos' outfit for the ceremony."


Pluto nodded, "The outfit will be dark blue with silver trim."

"It sounds lovely."

"It will be."

Riza smiled.


Winry's and Pluto's dresses (blue one in middle)

Marie's dress

sailor pluto, mariemeia, winry, riza

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